
22 June 2007

Pachaiamman Koil Abhishekam

This Sunday 24th June, a yagna homa (fire worship) followed by abhiskeham (ritual worship) will be conducted at the Pachaiamman Koil in Tiruvannamalai. The homa will start at approximately 9.30 a.m. and after its completion around noon, the abhiskeham will commence at the Mother's shrine inside the Temple. All are welcome.

Over the last several years the Temple has been undergoing renewal and expansion. The work, which in part is funded by Shantimalai Trust, is still underway. This month's Arunachala Grace News, (which will be sent out around 27th June) will be carrying information about the history of this favourite and favoured Mother Temple at Arunachala. We will also be giving a progress report regarding the renewal work. If you are not already a subscriber to this free monthly newsletter, you can sign up at the lefthand side of this Blog underneath the 'email' logo.

More news on this Blog after the Sunday function.

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