
19 June 2007

Quo Vadis Harmony

Quo Vadis,has arranged a cultural programme to take place between 6 and 8 p.m., June 21st, 2007 at the venue of the Danish Mission School (near Periyar Statue, Tiruvannamalai).

The forthcoming event, will comprise a music, cultural, and performing arts function put on by the 42 members of 'Quo Vadis Forum'. This event to be known as 'Quo Vadis Harmony' will be the engagement of 'music and arts to promote cultural dialogue'. It is proposed that Quo Vadis Harmony will have similar cultural programmes at least twice a year.

The upcoming programme will include an 'arangettram' (debut public musical recital) of 12 violinists trained by Rt. Rev. Dr. Gideon Devanesan, and will be a combination of both Indian and Western musical traditions. After the recital, certificates will be given to the 12 musicians by Richard Bhaskaran, Secretary of Arcot Lutheran Church. The 'Quo Vadis Harmony' programme will also include dance dramas and skits.

The guests at the function are to be Rev. David (from Chennai) who will be also covering the event on behalf of the Tamil TV station, Thamizham, Rt. Rev. Dr. Gideon Devanesan and his son Mr. Prasanna David, a computer engineer and missionary in Nepal.

All are welcome to 'Quo Vadis Harmony' an inaugural cultural event of music and arts to promote cultural dialogue.

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