
18 July 2007

Moving Logs

Now that construction work at the Inter Faith Dialogue Center is finished, all that remains is to populate the library and prepare the kitchens. However, there are also several other matters to take care of, one of which is to transport two large logs into the scrubland at the back of the Compound to await the arrival of Ravi, master sculptor. For more information about this check out Quo Vadis Compound.

Rev. Joshua Peter and others were standing on the roof of Quo Vadis closely watching the crane operation.

The logs had only to be transported a very short distance i.e., from the adjacent Compound into the spare ground at the back of Quo Vadis, which will later be the site of accommodation for pilgrims and a meeting hall.

The two giant logs are almost identical in size and shape and will end up on either side of the gateway entrance to the Quo Vadis Compound.

Now that the heavy work is complete, the crane and its operator can rest. Although not distinct in this photograph, the sticker on the windshield of the crane, is that of various Gods of the Hindu Pantheon; just another part of life in India.

The below is the finished article of a log felled during construction of Quo Vadis Compound. Hope the new logs turn out as well.

Ravi, the Master Sculptor and some folk connected with Quo Vadis are currently trying to work out what would be the best representation for dialogue and connectiveness.

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