
29 April 2008

Arunachala as Manipura

The Skanda Puranam is recognised to be the definitive scripture setting out the history and importance of Arunachala, however the Hill is mentioned in countless other scriptural sources. In the Vyaghrapura Mahatmya (15.18-33) various holy places in India are referred to as corresponding to particular chakras, and Arunachala is designated the chakra of Manipura.

Varanasi = Ajna
Kalahasti = Vishuddi
Cidambaram = Anahata (heart)
Arunachala = Manipura
Jambukesvara = Svadhisthana

Tiruvarur = Muladhara

Deities connnected with the Manipura:
counterclockwise bottom: Vahni, Rudra, Lakini

"On the physical plane the Manipura Chakra signifies metabolism, the process whereby we turn food (matter) into energy and action.

Digestion troubles, stomach troubles, hypoglycemia, diabetes, ulcers, or addictions to stimulants (such as caffeine) are all related to malfunctioning of the third chakra. Weight problems may also be an indication that the body is not properly turning its matter into energy.

We can also assess the health of this chakra by examining our body structure at this level: tight, hard stomachs, sunken diaphragms, or large potbellies are all indications of third chakra excess or deficiency.

Examining your relationship to the properties of fire can give further clues to the nature of your third chakra. Are you frequently cold, physically or emotionally? Do you get overheated, hot-tempered? Is your style quick and energetic, or slow and lethargic?

When the third chakra is closed down, one may feel tired, afraid, shaky, quiet, or withdrawn. There is a fear of taking risks, confronting people or issues, taking charge, and with all this, a lack of energy. There may be too much seriousness and not enough laughter, ease, or fun, all of which help the third chakra open and relax. Pleasure, from the chakra below, helps make the fire warm and easy; without it, our fires are cold and hard.
If the chakra is too open, then we have a kind of bully archetype—someone who always needs to be in control, to dominate, to seek power, prestige, ambition. As the lower chakras in general are more ego-oriented, third chakra excess can make a person narcissistic or self-centered.

An appropriate concept for a healthy balance in this chakra is the archetype of the warrior—standing strong, staying in touch with feelings, confronting only when appropriate and quietly maintaining a sense of power. A healthy third chakra can take on a task and complete it, take on a risk and not be bound by perfectionism, or act in the role of leadership without domination or self-aggrandizement."

(With thanks to A. Judith)


  1. one would think it might be one of the lower chakras, the way tourists behave there

  2. AnonymousMay 08, 2008

    Thats a very good point - and it definitely has a certain amount of truth!

  3. AnonymousJuly 09, 2015

    I have been in search for a copy of the Vyaghrapura Mahatmya. Do you know any way to obtain it? Thank you for this rich and beautiful place of information.

  4. Sorry for the delay in responding to your email. Think your best chance of getting a copy of the Vyaghrapura Mahatmyam would be through Motilal Banarsidass. You can contact them with your specific request at this link here:

    Hope it works out.
