
29 April 2008

Nithyananda Ashram

“A grand inauguration ceremony was conducted at the new ashram in Tiruvannamalai on April 19th 2008. With the majestic Arunachala as backdrop this is one of the most beautiful and going forward will be the most visited Nithyananda ashram in India. Being a full moon day, the day was also celebrated in Tiruvannamalai as Giri-Dakshina Giri Valam (14km barefoot circumambulation of Arunachala). At least 1 million people have been estimated to have walked around the mountain that day and almost everyone who walked were drawn into the ashram by the intense energy field of 1008 shiva lingas and an inner circle of deities all placed strategically in a circle around the main deities Sri Anandeshwara and Anandeshwari, Subramanya and Ganapathy.”

Abhisheka to Gods Anandeshwara and Anandeshwari

Swami Nithyananda

To read further and for a full compilation of photographs of the Inauguration of Nithyananda’s Ashram at Tiruvannamalai on April 19 th, 2008, to this link here>>>


  1. Am unfamiliar with the forms of the Lord as "Anandeshwar" & "Anandeshwari" - dont seem to have come across them in the Puranas etc. Are they forms esp visioned by Sw Nithyananda ?? Grateful for some elucidation.

  2. AnonymousMay 08, 2008

    I will give more information on this soon. First a little research!

  3. AnonymousJune 09, 2008

    2009 chitra purnami,another one idoit ananda will instal,one big stone ( Lingam )bigher than mount Arunachala.then people where belive and worship?who is BIG SWAMI?
