
23 September 2009

More on Mooku Podi Swami

I am reposting here two earlier links on Mooku Podi Swami as they are both still getting a lot of attention. The first post is of August 5th and entitled, ‘I am still in shock,’ and the second post is of August 6th, ‘Trip to Chennai.’

In response to the posting of August 5th, received today the following anonymous comment:

“I too had a darshan of the Swamy on 21st August. He was staying at the high school on the girivalam road at the back of the mountain. I believe he is also called mookupodi samiyar (mookupodi-snuff). Well, it goes like this: My mother wanted to do girivalam in auto. So I, my wife and my mother hired an auto outside Ramanasaramam and were going around it when my mother asked the auto driver about the whereabouts of the swamy. He said the swamy is staying in the school which is on the girivalam route and promised to take us there. We were all excited. When we reached the school, the guard said that the swamy had just left and pointed out the direction. The swamy was just 50 away. So the auto driver took us near him. Then the strangest thing happened. The swamy started shouting at us even before we got out of the auto. We were so scared we asked to auto driver to immediately vacate the place.

I cannot make any sense of this incident. Were we not spiritually mature enough to have darshan of swamy? Or did he infact benefit us spiritually in his own mysterious way, just like Seshadri Swamigal? Maybe, he is not the one to take some karma load off us. I really dont know.”

I expect the reader of the comment would be happy to receive feedback from others who have also visited with Mottayan Swami.

For myself, hope to visit with Swami within the next week or so, at which time, if allowed will take LOTS of snaps. So check back to Arunachala Grace for my report and photographs.


  1. Dear Meenakshi Ammal,

    Sorry, I am still trying to figure out my meeting with Mottiyan Swami and my pilgrimage to Arunachala, because just when I think I figured it all, new insights emerge everyday.

    I really don't know why he scared these people off. It could be all of the reasons you mentioned and more.

    My advice to them would be to remain focussed on Arunachala Siva and not get caught up in any of side shows. That is the best I can do at this stage of my evolution

  2. Yes, I agree. The guru is always in me. When the ego is mature, the karana guru will be provided. Yoakhemam Vahaamyaham. Its just that, at the back of my mind I was hoping that he would be my karana guru and I really wanted to have a rather dramatic life changing experience. Of course, this desire reminds me of Ramana Maharishi's saying that the quest itself indicates that the grace is there

  3. I think the swamy shouted because of the girivalam the writer did in an auto! Girivalam are supposed to be performed on foot!!

  4. Mottiyan swami himself does girivalam in an auto!!!

  5. Not only does Swami do girivalam in an auto - but he also asks the driver to drive around the Hill anti-clockwise!

    I've heard that some siddhas sometimes go around holy places in an anti-clockwise direction -- its some kind of power thing.

  6. actually, it seems all the embodied and embodied siddhas do the girivalam in anti-clockwise direction. thats why, neophytes are asked to go in clock wise direction on the left side of the path to give them space. now i wonder if thats the reason we are asked to go clockwise in temples too!
    -the scared off visitor of mottiyan swamy

  7. OK here we go according to my understanding:
    1. Never do Girivalam on a vehicle its an offence, its must be done barefooted as per Arunachal Mahima book available at Sriramana ashram bookshop.

    2. Sri Mukoo Podi Swami is Shiva in a human body. A Jivanmukta , a sage like Ramana Maharshi so do not be fooled by external appearance. Be in a highest state of reverance whenever around Mooku Podi Shiva. He is Mahadeva.

    3. An interaction with a Sage is always a blessing and something beyond human comprehension. So count yourself blessed.

    4. Get his photo and worship him he is not a side show, he IS SHIVA.
