
11 November 2007

A Day at the Animal Shelter

I never need an excuse to stop by the Animal Shelter and find out whats happening - having 5 dogs of my own also ensures that I am also in constant need of the Shelter's support and advice. I feel very grateful that the Animal Shelter exists and can help so many discarded, abused, unwanted animals.

In the case of the below puppy he was tossed out in the street and was lucky enough to be picked up by Vishwa - one of the mainstays of the Shelter. So lets keep our fingers crossed that after the frightened puppy has received all necessary treatment (including shots) he will go to a good home. The Shelter desperately needs people to adopt their dogs - so please stop by and have a look at some of their adorable puppies and dogs. And if you can't adopt - then think about visiting them to donate a few Rupees - their work DESERVES SUPPORT.

Below is Dr. Puspha with Vishwa (in the check shirt) with a couple of young assistants, examining a young injured dog.

In the next photograph we have Dr. Raju (our other Veterinary Doctor) and Leslie Robinson, the Founder of the Animal Shelter. Great work guys!

A couple of days ago I posted the story about a dear injured elderly monkey (below photograph) who is awaiting a home at a sanctuary. Things look hopeful as currently Leslie is trying to sort out the paperwork so the monkey can be transported to a Shelter at Bangalore. Hope it happens soon as monkey is getting SO BORED in his cage. Sadly there is nowhere else to put him as the dog facilities are completely filled. Lets hope his release will be soon.

Finally the Animal Shelter has been able to sort out various Trust complications and in the upcoming December Newsletter I will post a full report on their behalf. Also happy to mention that they soon will have their own Website. Once its online I will post link information on this Blog.


  1. Thanks for the update! Love hearing about all the good work done for the helpless animals.

  2. Absolutely brilliant organisation - long may they prosper.
