5 October 2006

Which future?

Arunachala has been a lodestone since time before mind and this will no doubt continue. A realistic prognosis for the future of Thiruvannamalai is towards a chaotic city with a beautiful mountain in the middle.

The mountain in the middle of the future Thiruvannamalai will be as sacred a natural lingam as it has always been, and provided that the Greening is sustained consistently, the area is sufficient to support a healthy wilderness, particularly if safe corridors are conserved between Arunachala and adjacent wilderness areas. [Apeetha Arunagiri]

This is the other aspect of Arunachala which Apeetha Arunagiri refers to above when she talks of, '. . . the future of Thiruvannamalai is towards a chaotic city with a beautiful mountain in the middle'.

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