I recently discovered this gem of an interview conducted with Sri Nannagaru shortly before his Samadhi in December 2017. The interview is in English and is probably one of the last such interviews given by Sri Nannagaru.
Showing posts with label sri nannagaru. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sri nannagaru. Show all posts
3 August 2020
3 September 2014
Sri Nannagaru at Arunachala
After a long absence from Arunachala due to health reasons, Sri Nannagaru was finally able to come to Tiruvannamalai and stay at his Ashram from August 22nd to September 2nd, 2014. While in residence he gave a number of speeches to his many devotees, most of whom had followed him from Andhra Pradesh.
Devotees mostly from Andhra Pradesh |
Swamji gave a number of speeches whilst at Tiruvannamalai |
As is his usual custom Sri Nannagaru conducted daily interviews in his room. One morning Sri Sundaram, the President of Ramana Ashram came to visit Sri Nannagaru. They talked about the importance of Ramana Ashram publishing and disseminating the works of Sri Ramana Maharshi throughout the world. Sri Nannagaru requested that the President authorise the publication in Telegu of “Be As You Are.” The book, edited by David Godman, is a collection of conversations between Sri Ramana and seekers who came to his ashram for guidance.
Sri Nannagaru and Sri Sundaram, President Ramana Ashram |
“Be As You Are,” is one of the most widely read book on the seer’s teachings. Dialogues with Ramana are arranged by the following topics; The Self, Enquiry and surrender,The Guru, Meditation and yoga, Experience, Theory.
“The collection of conversations between him and the many seekers who came to his ashram for guidance contains the essence of his teaching. His concern throughout his long life of imparting his experience to others was to convince his listeners that self-realisation - or enlightenment - is not an alien or mysterious state, but the natural condition of man. This state can be easily discovered by undertaking the self-investigation clearly described in these talks. The lucid instructions to each section provide further illumination of this greater seer's message.”
Sri Nannagaru |
Sri Nannagaru asked that the Telegu publication of the book be expedited as in his opinion it is the best introduction to the teachings of Sri Ramana. Sri Sundaram promised that his officers would start to make arrangements for the book’s Telegu publication immediately on return to the Ramana Ashram office.
To find out more about Sri Nannagaru, you can visit his website at this link here, and to read about the experiences of many of his devotees please visit a Blog put out by Bangalore devotees at this link here.
7 August 2014
Sri Nannagaru a previous Arunachala Visit
Words from the Guru
Bhagavan said, ‘You have intelligence and devotion. It is these that have brought you here. They will reform you and improve you. Your intelligence, devotion and ardent desire will enable you to attain peace. Devotion establishes contact with God. If you have that contact always, all sins will be washed away. Forget about the false ‘I’, devotion to God itself will reveal to you the Truth.’
It is enough if you have great devotion to God. Devotion purifies the mind and the purified mind turns inward. When this happens, the mind merges in the Heart. The result is that you experience Truth. It is peace, bliss; it is being. The moment this is realised one becomes free. The key to this is going beyond the mind. It is the mind alone that torments and which has to be conquered.
When one has God as the centre of his life he does not feel any sorrow. When there is a liking for something, we do not feel any hardship in doing a job. He who takes the sorrows of daily life in a joyful attitude is the real sadhaka. Only a sadhaka attains the goal or siddhi - siddhi means the knowledge of what already exists. One who is not a sadhaka can never become a siddha.
The fruits of one’s action are to be given to the society, it is real worship. He that cannot love his neighbor cannot hope to love God.True belief and abidance in the Self is surrender. Surrender is the beauty of the Self. If one loves the God within, one purifies the intellect. If you are devoted to God, God gives you the boon of liberation, as well as mundane success. If one acts with a purified mind, abiding in the Self, the reward is God’s grace.
The below video was made over three years ago and follows Sri Nannagaru during a car circumambulation of Arunachala. As is his custom he stopped at some Temples and Shrines, including Kubera Lingam, at which place he gave a discourse in Telegu. Later in the video Guruji is seen visiting Ramana Ashram.
Sri Nannagaru at Arunachala
Sri Nannagaru is scheduled to visit Arunachala between August 22 and September 2, 2014. Approximately 2,000 devotees are expected to follow him from Andhra Pradesh to Tiruvannamalai. As of yet a definite programme has not been announced regarding darshan and discourses.
Sri Nannanagaru has been in poor health for several years and for this reason did not visit Arunachala for the 2013 Deepam. As the journey from his native place is very strenuous it is not known when Sri Nannagaru will again attempt the trip to Tiruvannamalai. For this reason for those eager to take his darshan, it is advisable to take full advantage of the Guruji's upcoming visit to Arunachala.
To learn more about the teachings of Sri Nannagaru please visit his Website at this link here and Blog at this link here.
12 July 2014
Sri Nannagaru 2014 Guru Poornima Address
Today in celebration of the 2014 Guru Poornima the website of Sri Nannagaru will be conducting Live Streaming at this link here of Sri Nannagaru's Guru Poornima Discourse (this afternoon 12th July from around 2 p.m. IST). The discourse (in Telegu) will be streamed live from a facility arranged by his Hyderbad, Andhra Pradesh devotees.
Sri Nannagaru of whom I have made many earlier postings and who is my own Guruji, is a realised Master who hails from a small village in Andhra Pradesh and who achieved realisation in the late 1950's whilst on his own pilgrimage to Arunachala. He attributes his realisation occurred through the grace of his own Master Arunachala-Ramana.
29 March 2012
Sri Nannagaru at Ashram
On Monday, March 26th Sri Nannagaru gave his final darshan in the morning before his departure in the early afternoon of that day.
It will be probably be several months before Sri Nannagaru returns to Arunachala. In the meantime to check out his upcoming schedules, you can visit his website at this link here.
24 March 2012
Sri Nannagaru at Arunachala
Sri Nannagaru arrived at Arunachala on March 14th and will be departing this coming Monday, March 26, 2012. A large number of his Andhra devotees have followed Swami on this trip to Arunachala. Consequently Sri Nannagaru has been giving open-air discourses in Telegu most evenings in his Ashram at Rajiv Gandhi Nagar (some 1 1/2 kms west of Ramana Ashram).
He has also been giving discourses to smaller groups in his own room at his Ashram. To find out more about Sri Nannagaru, please refer to his website at this link.

Looking at the Hill from Ashram

Swamiji today, Saturday March 24, 2012

Devotees waiting for Sri Nannagaru

Sri Nannagaru giving Discourse in Telegu

For those of us unable to speak Telegu, to watch a short video of Sri Nannagaru (which was part of a series of interviews conducted some time ago) and which was conducted in English, please view below.
The question Swamiji is answering is:
Are there any qualifications for enlightenment? Is spiritual practice necessary? If yes, what form do you advise?
To watch the video of Swami answering in English please go to this link here.
An abridged transcription of his reply is thus:
He has also been giving discourses to smaller groups in his own room at his Ashram. To find out more about Sri Nannagaru, please refer to his website at this link.
For those of us unable to speak Telegu, to watch a short video of Sri Nannagaru (which was part of a series of interviews conducted some time ago) and which was conducted in English, please view below.
The question Swamiji is answering is:
Are there any qualifications for enlightenment? Is spiritual practice necessary? If yes, what form do you advise?
To watch the video of Swami answering in English please go to this link here.
An abridged transcription of his reply is thus:
“Qualifications are essential in relative truth. The utmost importance should be given to purity. The essential thing is that mind, speech and deed must be one. Mind-word, mind-heart, mind-word-deed, these things must be one. That is the main qualification for truth-realization. Purity is essential but the topmost qualification is that there should be unity of heart, mind, word and deed. Also for enlightenment there must be purity.
For purity the essential qualification must be mind control. Unless we can learn to control the mind we cannot concentrate it towards the Truth that is already hidden in the heart. Where the mind springs there is Truth, which is not relative Truth. By Truth I mean actual Truth. It is absolute Truth!
The main qualifications are that heart, mind, word and speech must be one. There should also be purity and mind control.
Mind control means that we have to arrest the wandering of the mind. Wandering of the mind brings unnecessary thoughts, sorrow, and also brings physical and mental ill health. Too much wandering of the mind is very bad both for spiritual and also material life, so power of concentration is essential.
For mind control there is upasana. Put your mind on your favourite God. Put your mind on any God or Guru you like and please remember his name and meditate on his form. If you like pranayama you should also do it as it will be beneficial, but the best thing is upasana. Upasana means to constantly think about Arunachala, think about the Hill and its name. If you think one thing, think God. If you think always about absolute Truth then automatically the wanderings of mind will be stopped. There is upasana, this is a Sanksrit word and means Upa – mind control. In the Indian tradition most truth seekers and devotees say unless you are accustomed to upasana you cannot get realization.”
For purity the essential qualification must be mind control. Unless we can learn to control the mind we cannot concentrate it towards the Truth that is already hidden in the heart. Where the mind springs there is Truth, which is not relative Truth. By Truth I mean actual Truth. It is absolute Truth!
The main qualifications are that heart, mind, word and speech must be one. There should also be purity and mind control.
Mind control means that we have to arrest the wandering of the mind. Wandering of the mind brings unnecessary thoughts, sorrow, and also brings physical and mental ill health. Too much wandering of the mind is very bad both for spiritual and also material life, so power of concentration is essential.
For mind control there is upasana. Put your mind on your favourite God. Put your mind on any God or Guru you like and please remember his name and meditate on his form. If you like pranayama you should also do it as it will be beneficial, but the best thing is upasana. Upasana means to constantly think about Arunachala, think about the Hill and its name. If you think one thing, think God. If you think always about absolute Truth then automatically the wanderings of mind will be stopped. There is upasana, this is a Sanksrit word and means Upa – mind control. In the Indian tradition most truth seekers and devotees say unless you are accustomed to upasana you cannot get realization.”
8 December 2011
Sri Nannagaru Deepam Darshan
Sri Nannagaru traditionally visits Arunachala about four times a years. And one of those times (thus far) has generally been over the Deepam Festival. Sri Nannagaru hails from Jinnuru, Andhra Pradesh and visited Arunachala for the first time in 1957. He had taken Sri Ramana Maharshi as his guru, and had come to Tiruvannamalai to visit the samadhi of the great sage. It was while here that Sri Nannagaru began to understand the power of Arunachala. Within a few years of that visit, Swamiji had achieved the state of self-realisation, which he considers was given to him through the grace of Arunachala-Ramana.
Consequently one of Sri Nannagaru's missions in life is to encourage devotees to visit and develop a connection with Arunachala and also to inculcate his devotees with the teachings of Self Enquiry. A number of Sri Nannagaru devotees have now settled at Arunachala, and many others follow Sri Nannagaru from Andhra Pradesh on his periodic visits to this place.

As the puja was going on, buses and coaches continued to arrive at the Ashram filled with devotees who had travelled from Andhra Pradesh.
Today, this morning of Karthigai Deepam, crowds of Sri Nannagaru's devotees awaited his attendance at a puja and cow puja being performed at Swamiji's countryside Ashram.

And now Guruji Sri Nannagaru has come down from his room to attend the ongoing puja and later on the cow puja which was to be performed on the grounds of the Ashram.

The officiating priest was Sridhar, who used to be one of the senior priests at Sri Ramana Ashram.

And after the puja was complete Swami walked amongst many of his devotees to receive their prasad, answer questions and give his blessings.
My Tamil friend from Malaysia, Yogeshwari (who was experiencing her second Deepam Festival at Arunachala) and I waited upstairs outside Swami's room.

We received a word and prasad from Swamiji and thereafter we went back downstairs for a very delicious Andhra style lunch.

Consequently one of Sri Nannagaru's missions in life is to encourage devotees to visit and develop a connection with Arunachala and also to inculcate his devotees with the teachings of Self Enquiry. A number of Sri Nannagaru devotees have now settled at Arunachala, and many others follow Sri Nannagaru from Andhra Pradesh on his periodic visits to this place.
As the puja was going on, buses and coaches continued to arrive at the Ashram filled with devotees who had travelled from Andhra Pradesh.
Today, this morning of Karthigai Deepam, crowds of Sri Nannagaru's devotees awaited his attendance at a puja and cow puja being performed at Swamiji's countryside Ashram.
And now Guruji Sri Nannagaru has come down from his room to attend the ongoing puja and later on the cow puja which was to be performed on the grounds of the Ashram.
The officiating priest was Sridhar, who used to be one of the senior priests at Sri Ramana Ashram.
And after the puja was complete Swami walked amongst many of his devotees to receive their prasad, answer questions and give his blessings.
My Tamil friend from Malaysia, Yogeshwari (who was experiencing her second Deepam Festival at Arunachala) and I waited upstairs outside Swami's room.
We received a word and prasad from Swamiji and thereafter we went back downstairs for a very delicious Andhra style lunch.
A very nice beginning to a very special day.
23 September 2011
Happy Birthday Guruji
Today, September 23rd, is the birthday of my Guruji, Sri Nannagaru. I had a programme to go into Ramana Nagar to confirm a Deepam room reservation at a local lodge, Arunachala Ramana Home. Thereafter I planned to visit my Guruji’s Ashram to take prasad and bow outside the room of my spiritual teacher (who is currently in his native place at Andhra Pradesh).
However following the old adage that, 'Man proposes and God Disposes', after finishing the work on the room reservation I went up on the roof of the Lodge with a friend to have tea in the open air restaurant. Below are photographs taken from the roof of this now fully developed area of Ramana Nagar, with views of the multi faith dialogue facility of Quo Vadis, rooftops of adjacent buildings, a multitude of phone towers evidencing the technological development of the area, BUT most importantly enjoying from the rooftop the glorious darshan of Arunachala.

It was mid-day, the skies azure blue, and the Hill shimmered in the light of a clear hot sun. Quite lovely.
With Arunachala as inspiration, I proceeded to celebrate the birthday of my Guruji by telling my overseas friend some stories and teachings of Sri Nannagaru. In a word, a perfect day. Thanks and Happy Birthday Swamiji
Sri Nannagaru was once asked in an interview what it was he saw when he looked deeply into the eyes of those sitting in front of him.
Sri Nannagaru replied that, “I am seeing myself in those people. I am seeing myself in those people, and then Grace will work.”
In the same interview he then proceeded to give advice on skilful living, recommending that it was essential for us to use to the maximum the individual gifts God had given us; whether that gift was that of a good intellect, a facility for writing or oratory etc., -- in our endeavour to realise the Self.
Swamiji also advised that for spiritual advancement it is essential to think only positive thoughts and associate only with good, positive thinking people as such relationships help to promote self-confidence (confidence in the Self) which is an essential component to Self Realisation.
Sri Nannagaru replied that, “I am seeing myself in those people. I am seeing myself in those people, and then Grace will work.”
In the same interview he then proceeded to give advice on skilful living, recommending that it was essential for us to use to the maximum the individual gifts God had given us; whether that gift was that of a good intellect, a facility for writing or oratory etc., -- in our endeavour to realise the Self.
Swamiji also advised that for spiritual advancement it is essential to think only positive thoughts and associate only with good, positive thinking people as such relationships help to promote self-confidence (confidence in the Self) which is an essential component to Self Realisation.
17 August 2011
Sri Nannagaru August Visit
Sri Nannagaru recently left his Arunachala Ashram, after a stay of more than 10 days.
A large number of devotees followed Swami from Andhra Pradesh, to enjoy early morning darshan and afternoon discourses held in the meditation room of Sri Nannagaru Ashram at Tiruvannamalai.
Sri Nannagaru, who was born in 1934 has been visiting Tiruvannamalai regularly since 1957. Even though he never had the physical darshan of Ramana Maharshi, he has taken the Maharshi as his Guru, and reflects that any spiritual attainments he may have achieved are as a direct result of the grace of Arunachala-Sri Ramana.
Sri Nannagaru’s states that his mission in life is twofold; to spread the fame of Arunachala and to disseminate the spiritual teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi.
In response to the question asked of Sri Ramana, “Is it possible for a sadhaka to realise without a Guru?” the Maharshi replied, “Once a connection has been established between Guru and devotee, a devotee can realise even after the death of the Guru. But only an exceptional mind can realise without previously having experienced the connection of a living Master.”
As well as realising without having the connection of a living Mater, Sri Nannagaru realised whilst continuing his duty as an agriculturist, husband and father. There was no question of him deserting his family and duty, going on extended pilgrims, or secluding himself for intense sadhana. In this way his life is a remarkable and inspirational example to those tied down with duties and responsibilities that one doesn’t have to retire to Himalayan caves, to connect with the Self.
There is a Brahmin Lady called Nartaki (who I will mention again in upcoming posts) who lived at Arunachala for most of her life. As a young school girl of 14 years and dressed in school uniform, she took darshan of the sage Ramana Maharshi the day before his Samadhi. She herself died recently after a long life of prayer and service. And in that life, she met many Saints and Holy People including such luminaries as; Sri Nannagaru, Yogi Ramsuratkumar, Lakshmana Swamy and others.
Of Sri Nannagaru, who she first met when he was 24 years old (before his realisation) she said to me, “I’ve always believed that the essential character of a person remains the same after realisation. And, of Sri Nannagaru, I noticed two things when he was a young man. Firstly, that he was very kind and secondly, that he had a wonderful sense of humour. Both those qualities are very evident in the person he has become.”
Sri Nannagaru:
“He is an intelligent, wise person who inquires into the heart for the truth. We get energy only from peace. You should not lose your peace as a result of small and trivial things. We should protect our tranquility and solve all problems. We should increase the span of time of a “life of love” . . . you don’t get the truth in books. You have to search in the heart. When you throw something into a blazing fire, you need not burn it, the fire itself will do that job. Similarly, your job is only to merge your mind in the heart.”
23 November 2010
Sri Nannagaru Question and Answer Session
As is his usual custom Sri Nannagaru, who hails from Jinnuru, Andhra Pradesh, spent Deepam at his Ashram at the foot of Arunachala, Tiruvannamalai. I've written about Swamiji many times in Arunachala Grace, but briefly would mention that he considers his life work twofold, to tell people about the glory of Arunachala and also to disseminate the teachings of his own Guru, Sri Ramana Maharshi. To read more about Sri Nannagaru, please visit his website at:


Tomorrow, i.e. November 24th, 2010, there will be a Live Feed, Question and Answer session with Sri Nannagaru at IST 8.00 a.m. to 8.30 a.m. To watch please visit this link at:
20 June 2009
Puja Function
Sri Nannagaru left Tiruvannamalai on Thursday, June 18th. Before his departure some devotees arranged a small puja function at the Ashram. Swami encourages devotees to follow what comes natural and easy for them. He also suggests his followers participate in girivalam and visit holy places such as Arunachaleswarar Temple and Ashrams (particularly Ramana Ashram).
In this context its interesting to familiarize oneself with Sri Nannagaru's words on Religion:
“Religion is a creation of the mind. Hence, it is called ‘Mata’. There are as many religions as there are minds. Religion and creed helps create feuds and dissension. If the welfare of society is not the goal of a religion, such a religion is not worth its name. Religion is used as an opiate and instead of making people wise it makes man a slave.
The Self is there prior to the birth of Religion. The purpose of religion should be to show the path to realization of the Self. One may worship his own God; but his love of religion and his love of God should not make him hate others.
There is no God without the Self. In the name of religion and personal Gods, men fight for their own aggrandizement. Religion creates narrow domestic walls. Our concepts stand in the way of our finding Truth. There is no God higher than Truth. Change of religion does not release one, but on the other hand change of mind does.”
[Sri Nannagaru]
Right-click on all photographs to enlargeIn this context its interesting to familiarize oneself with Sri Nannagaru's words on Religion:
“Religion is a creation of the mind. Hence, it is called ‘Mata’. There are as many religions as there are minds. Religion and creed helps create feuds and dissension. If the welfare of society is not the goal of a religion, such a religion is not worth its name. Religion is used as an opiate and instead of making people wise it makes man a slave.
The Self is there prior to the birth of Religion. The purpose of religion should be to show the path to realization of the Self. One may worship his own God; but his love of religion and his love of God should not make him hate others.
There is no God without the Self. In the name of religion and personal Gods, men fight for their own aggrandizement. Religion creates narrow domestic walls. Our concepts stand in the way of our finding Truth. There is no God higher than Truth. Change of religion does not release one, but on the other hand change of mind does.”
[Sri Nannagaru]
An Afternoon Darshan
Right-click on all photographs to enlarge
"There is only one Iswara, the body bound ‘I’ is not the real ‘I’. When you are attracted to Arunachala, (whether you know it or not, Arunachala comes through an unseen connection) – it is a good attachment and helps one live an egoless life. Those who are attracted by Arunachala shall get liberation through Arunachala. It is by Arunachala’s Grace that we are attracted to Him. It is by the Grace of Arunachala, the ego is shattered and destroyed."
[Sri Nannagaru]
"There is only one Iswara, the body bound ‘I’ is not the real ‘I’. When you are attracted to Arunachala, (whether you know it or not, Arunachala comes through an unseen connection) – it is a good attachment and helps one live an egoless life. Those who are attracted by Arunachala shall get liberation through Arunachala. It is by Arunachala’s Grace that we are attracted to Him. It is by the Grace of Arunachala, the ego is shattered and destroyed."
[Sri Nannagaru]
"There is no parallel to the Grace of the Guru. Although the external Guru is not real in the true sense of the term, yet, He is essential. It is He who turns your mind inwards, and enables you to realize your true nature. He protects you. Publicity does not confer Guruhood nor does external show earmark one as a Guru. He, whose words penetrate into your Heart alone, can be deemed as Guru. You can discharge any kind of debt but the debt you owe to your Guru."
[Sri Nannagaru]
[Sri Nannagaru]
15 June 2009
Sri Nannagaru Visits Arunachala
Sri Nannagaru is currently at residence at his ashram at Tiruvannamalai which is located at Rajiv Gandhi Nagar, approximately a kilometre west of Ramana Ashram, just off Chengam Road. While at his ashram he has been giving regular darshan and the below photographs were taken this morning. Sri Nannagaru will remain at Tiruvannamalai until June 18. To learn more about Sri Nannagaru you can visit his website at this link here.
Right-click on all photographs to enlarge
To watch and listen to Sri Nannagaru answering the question posed in a previous interview:
"It appears essential to meet a guru and stay with that guru. Who is the guru? What is the guru's role? How to recognise a true guru?"
Please go to this link here
where he starts his reply, "It is better to see enlightened souls. You will get inspiration from them . . . "
"It appears essential to meet a guru and stay with that guru. Who is the guru? What is the guru's role? How to recognise a true guru?"
Please go to this link here
where he starts his reply, "It is better to see enlightened souls. You will get inspiration from them . . . "
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