21 December 2006

Winter Solstice

Winter Solstice
December 21

In any given year, the winter solstice, the still point, is the most powerful time of the solar cycle. It is the conception point, the moment in which the plans for the entire year are generated from the sun to the earth impregnating her with expanded consciousness and possibility. It is the parallel point to each new moon which carries and expands the original solar wave's energy seed through the thirteen succeeding cycles of the year.

There are four points during the year in which the archetypal energies of the sun "come through" to us to bring consciousness along step by step. These four points are the solstices and the equinoxes.

Each of these moments, which last three days, are "neutral force" channels of tremendous power. They are literal doorways to the infinite, alchemical cauldrons in which we can bathe ourselves with unconditional love and pure spiritual energy, and into which we can place our intentions. They are "time-outs" from normal reality.

Whatever gets cooked in the winter solstice cauldron becomes the blueprint for the entire year which is reaffirmed and brought along to completion by the other three central points. If we carefully align with the intentions of the universe during the winter solstice we can be picked up by the rising tide of spiritual energy and carried forward, supported by the power which spirit has brought to earth at the moment of the "rebirth of the sun" when it joins with the earth.

The sun and moon are always in changing relationship with each other and the earth, the cauldron in which we are always being alternately "cooked" and "cooled" by them. At the winter solstice the sun/yang/spiritual/masculine energy is at its lowest ebb, pausing before it pulses forward just like the tide having flowed out to sea pauses and then begins to aggressively move out toward shore once more. This alignment of the sun with the most inner and contracted (yin) point in its cycle is the same as the moment of the new moon in which the sun's yang and moon's yin move into perfect alignment with each other and the earth, joining and harmonizing their energies as one to impregnate the planet with their combined force.

This year's winter solstice takes place on Thursday, the 21st December, and there is a New Moon the day before. This is a powerful alignment to take advantage of - a truly still point.

As we step into the solstice cauldron we should not carry into it with us anything from the past and instead stand naked for a few days letting the purity of the Oneness fill us and letting spirit decide what is in our highest good. As human beings we have goals, things we want to create, states we wish to experience. All that can be placed into the cauldron with great passion as our hearts' desires and released in trust. We can hold the intentionless intention of allowing spirit to "take us where we need to go and show us what we need to know."

[By Alexander]

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