In response to various requests for information about Radha Ma, it has been reported that she has now succumbed in a Chennai Hospital from burns after being rushed there from Tiruvannamalai, after what is reported in the local Tamil papers, to have been an attempt at self-immolation.

One hopes that her devotees and followers find solace in thoughts of Arunachala and receive relief from the shock they must be experiencing from the unexpected and tragic death of their Guru.
i dreamt about her last night, that she was alive, young, beautiful, that the immolation had been a game. she told me she loved me. dreams ...
the story really bugs me. i hope there is honest expression of what happened from mayur, etc.
Yes, why? It is so sad. Can someone who went for the ceremonies, please write about it. It will give me some closure.
It is no game, as far as her body was brought back yesterday and she was interred into her Samadhi last night amidst a beautiful and long ceremony. Radha Ma Ki Jai!
When I learn about the ceremony at her Ashram, I will provide a link.
To read a narrative of someone who attended the Puja at Radha Ma's ashram, go to this link here:
Sad story. I hope the best and happiness to all her devotees and sanyasins.
Here is more info about the pooja:
I am surprised that there is not more information about what actually happened. I only found out about this a few days ago and was, of course, both shocked and saddened. Why did Radha Ma do this to herself? This is what I would like to know. I met her around 5 years ago and we really clicked. I had a private interview with her and appreciated her sweetness and blissful shakti. What happened? Is there any possibility of foul play being covered up? This just makes zero sense to me.
Dear Friend:
As you spent time previously with Radha Ma, and have a loving connection with her, I can understand how upsetting it must be to learn about what happened.
However there has been absolutely NO QUESTION of foul play. She did in fact take her own life by self immolation.
I also met Radha Ma on a number of occasions and always enjoyed the time I spent with her. She was touched by Grace.
From what I understand, in the case of spiritual Grace, it can go up and it also can go down. In this regard, perhaps towards the end of her life she was experiencing some difficulties with her mental condition.
All we can do is to remember with love and gratitude the sweetness and shakti she shared so generously with the many people that met and spent time with her.
I have been in Tiruvannamalai near the period 2011-12 but never met Maa and never heard about Maa. Now, if I watch Her Videos on You Tube , I can feel a very powerful energy emanating from Her, so charming and beautiful!
Now, I am not the kind of person falling at feet of every Indian or Tibetan : I have been in various ashrams and met various Gurus without feeling anything : in a few cases I also felt repulsion. I firmly believe that 95% of the modern'Gurus' are cheaters...But She feels different!
Of course, Indians are bad mouths,decent persons are rare : so when a real Saint is alive gossip and back- stabbing are their hobby. Then after the Saint has left this material world either they forget or they worship as a marble deity! Call me a racist but it is true!
Radha Maa's self- immolation can have a spiritual meaning of course: washing away bad karma. Even Thich Quan Duc, the Vietnamese Monk, immolated Himself in protest against Ngo Din Diem's anti- Buddhist dictatorship and He is revered ss a Bodhisattva even by Communists in Vietnam!
It is a Game in the sense of Leela! Even Gautama Buddha's leaving His Body or Jesus on the Cross... Leela!
You have been so lucky, Gregor! Not only you have met a Real Guru but you have developed such a deep link with Her...Of course, She is alive, young and beautiful! Self - immolation = Guru Leela! Please continue to revere Maa as Your Guru!
Yes Radha Maa was in a State of Grace: self- immolation is just Guru Leela! Like the Vietnamese monk Thich Quang Duc, who self- immolated in the '60 and is now honoured as a Bodhisattva! Please continue to revere Maa!
She is basically psychiatrist patient and did commit suicide due to her hallucinations psychiatrist mind ill. She was lived paranoid world.
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