4 July 2013

Development of Arunachala Samudra Website

If you haven’t already visited Arunachala Samudra, please do so at this link. It is hoped that the website which currently has around 85 pages of content will have close to 200 pages of content by the end of 2013. But to reach this goal, Arunachala Samudra needs to receive loving financial support from Arunachala Devotees. 

Arunachala Samudra is not affiliated to any particular guru or ashram. It is an independent Website dedicated to becoming a full, definitive information resource of the sacred Hill. It will include a broad range of narratives, videos, audios and photographs. In addition over the coming months a number of beautiful interactive programmes will be uploaded onto Arunachala Samudra to inspire devotees to maintain and develop their connection with the flow and power of the Hill. 

Arunachala Samudra Eri

If you wish to help with the continuing development of Arunachala Samudra, your donation will be gratefully received through the PayPal Facility located at the left side of this page. If you wish to donate using some other method, please get in touch with Arunachala Grace at the email contact located at the top left to this page.

The above photograph is in high resolution and suitable for enlargement and printing. Right click photograph to view.


Chandra said...

This is gorgeous!

Meenakshi Ammal said...

Thanks for your words of appreciation. To keep in touch with new uploads on Arunachala Samudra, the link is http://www.arunachalasamudra.org