8 August 2006

Vallala Maharaja

There once lived a King, Vallala Maharaja, who was deeply devoted to Lord Arunachaleswara and renovated and built a huge tower in Arunachaleswarar Temple called Vallala Maharaja Gopuram. As the King was heirless he prayed to Lord Shiva for a son. The Lord said that He (the Lord) would Himself be his son. True to His word, the Lord performed the death rites for this King as one of the duties of a son is to perform annual sraddha (death) services for the deceased father.

Even today after 600 years, on every Masi Makha (the Tamil month Masi when the star Makha is on the ascent) the anniversary of the day of the death of the King, the Lord (i.e. Lord Arunachaleswarar Temple) performs the annual sraddha (death) rites for the King!

The tradition of the Lord (murti) going to the nearby village Pallikondanpattu to perform the annual death rites is followed scrupulously by Arunachaleswarar Temple. This goes to show the glory of Lord Arunachaleswara is also the glory of the Temple.

Note: This is the direct entrance and exit between the Fifth and Fourth Prakarams. The Vallala Maharaja Gopuram was built between 1318(AD) and 1343(AD).

7 August 2006

Local Museum

The State and Local administration have allocated a total of Rs.15 Lakhs to the development of a Museum at Tiruvannamalai. The buildings, currently under construction, will be situated on Chengam Road (near Ramana Ashram).

At the beginning the Museum will be comprised of three blocks; namely historical, biological and zoological sections. But depending on availability of exhibits, these classifications may be later adjusted.

The District Collector of Tiruvannamalai, Sathyabratha Sahoo said:

Tiruvannamalai is famous for hills and temples. We can display various historical evidences relating to the monuments along with the descriptions. We have many excavated objects from Chengam Taluk, which can also be placed.

Rare species of plants available in the district can also be displayed in the museum.

We are planning to run the museum either with the help of municipal staff, self-help groups or NGOs.
(non-governmental organisations).

5 August 2006


Arunachala is a place singularly earmarked for the righteous among Shiva devotees. Those who enter the place with wicked ideas will be plagued by many diseases.


The direction of circumambulation depends on religion: Tibetan Buddhists go clock-wise while followers of Bon-Po religion go counter-clockwise. The same holds true of encircling a stupa (Buddhist hemispheric building), a chorten or setting in motion the revolving wheels, symbol of rotation and setting in motion the forces of the universal and moral law. Direction thus seems to hold an important role in many religions and this is reflected in pilgrimages. In Tibetan Buddhism as in Yogic traditions the clock wise motion is the direction of evolution.

It is enjoined by the Puranas and Saints that giripradakshina of Arunachala should ALWAYS be performed in a clockwise direction. Sadhakas are also advised to only walk on the left hand side of the road, leaving the right hand side free for the movement of departed spirits and ghosts.


For your convenience I have included a subscribe facility to Arunachala Grace Newsletter in the left hand column of this Blog (under the Email Button). This free Newsletter e-zine is monthly and comes via your email address. To let you have a look at a Newsletter I'm including a link in this post which will take you to a copy of the August issue of Arunachala Grace News.


4 August 2006

Over and Over

Walking around Arunachala is not the only way to perform pradakshina. Here this earnest sadhu is rolling his way around. A slow and very painful process which will usually be taken slowly, stretching over 2-3 days with multiple stops for rest and recovery.

This is not an uncommon sight and usually associated with the observance of a vow. One will see both women and men undertaking such tapas. But one thing is essential and that is traffic protection assistance!

Sometimes highly esteemed or rich folk have a whole posse of people in their retinue - and the lucky ones will even have taken the precaution of having a person preceding the 'roller' cleaning the roadways of gravel and bits of stone.

Ramana Report

Sri Ramana Maharshi on many occasions reported on the extraordinary happenings on and inside the Hill. In the book, Letters from Sri Ramanashramam by Suri Nagamma, some of these conversations are reported in great detail:

Recently (c.1949) when the Temple in Adi Annamalai was renovated, it was reported that in the Sanctum Sanctorum of the Temple a large tunnel was found,and when people tried to find out its extent they saw that it was extending to the very centre of the Hill. As they could not go in very far, they came back. I therefore thought that that which had occurred to me and that which is in the Purana appeared to be true, and that the tunnel was the way to the place I had seen.

It is reported that Siddha Purushas come from the cave inside to the Temple through the tunnel night after night and go back after worshipping Iswara. Why so far? Recently, something like that was seen even here. I was going on to the hill as usual when, as I was getting near the steps over there, a big city appeared before me. There were huge buildings of several varieties; well-laid thoroughfares; good lighting; and it appeared to be a great city. At one place, a meeting was being held. Chadwick was with me. He was even saying, Bhagavan, all this is so self-evident. Who will believe if we say this is all a dream! Everything appeared as if it was actually happening . . .

In tune with Nature

When the Goddess Parvati performed protracted penance at Arunachala it was said that strange things were witnessed. She was a manifestation of peace and effulgence and emanated an aura in harmony with nature. Clouds would only bring timely rains, trees and plants were full of fruits and flowers. Wild animals notorious for their born enmity lived together in harmony and man finished with the torture and killing of animals. In that idyllic place created by the tapas of the Goddess Parvati ALL FEAR HAD FLED.

3 August 2006

Sri Ganesha

All around the outer Arunachala pradakshina road are well-maintained shrines and statues of Gods, Snakehills, Wishfulfilling Trees and Tanks.

Here is a very nicely adorned Ganesha on the outer pathway.

1 August 2006

Animal Clinic

On June 30th, 2006 the Municipal Council gave the free use (for five years) of land and existing structure on the Chengam Road to the Karuna Society for Animals and Nature (Tiruvannamalai Branch). Mrs. Maneka Gandhi, Honorary Chairman and Clementien Pauws, Founder.

The area of land is approximately 11,000 sq feet and the building upon it 1,200 sq feet. Currently work is underway to renovate the existing structure and add additional ones.

When complete the facility will be comprised of: Clinic, pre-operating room, sterile operating room, post recovery area, convalescent area and isolation area. The additional structures will include kitchen, office and animal restraining area.

As well as the above the Municipality has also agreed to provide the Society with permanent use of a lorry (with fuel), driver and two dog catchers.

Once set up, the Clinic will offer free sterlisations to both male and female dogs but to begin with the emphasis will be sterlising female dogs.

Banyan Tree

On the northern peak of Arunachala a certain banyan tree is seen, at the root of which stays Mahesvara perpetually in the guise of a Siddha.

Its shade is very extensive and is always circular in shape. It is always seen by Devas and human beings overwhelmed with surprise.

It shines splendidly on being served by eight Lingas all round, worshipped by the eight Guardians of the Quarters and stationed in the eight directions.

[Skanda Purana]


It is stated that Arunachala is the one kshetra where the Hill, the Temple deity and the town all bear the same name. The name in Tamil is Annamalai, which means the mount which is beyond all reach, not even Lord Vishnu and Lord Brahma could reach either its top or bottom, according to the Skanda Purana.

The name Annamalai has now become Tiruvannamalai.
The prefix Tiru means Sri i.e. blessed auspiciousness.

Greatest Kshetra

Nandikeswara said:

In the Dravidian region of South India, there is the greatest place dearest to Siva called Arunachala, Arunachala is to this world what the heart is to the whole body. It is everything for Siva. For the benefit of the world, Siva took the form of a mountain and settled himself as Arunachala, even those in heaven desire to live there as they are aware that even worms attain salvation effortlessly.

There is no sacred place like Arunachala. There is no better discipline than devotion. There is no better protection that that afforded by vibhutti. There is no happiness superior to detachment. There is no position superior to salvation. If other kshetras are abodes of Siva, Arunachala is the absolute form of Siva himself.

[Extract - Aurora of Arunachala]

29 July 2006

Burning Ground

This is a funeral procession on its way to the burning ground - which in this case is out in the open and about one kilometre further down the road. The corpse is tied onto a platform at the back of the vehicle.

This is a small procession - the size generally depends on the number of family and friends and finances. When such processions are larger, there will be several musicians accompanying the retinue and also men walking at the front setting off fire-crackers and throwing flower garlands in front of whatever vehicle is used to transport the corpse. Ladies remain at home and only men accompany the body to the burning grounds.

Water Haul

There are still some homes that have an erratic water supply and some that have no independent water supply at all. Such households depend on municipal taps which are liberally placed throughout Tiruvannamalai. Ladies gather around such taps and fill up their large pots. This lady is on her way home. Often the ladies will simultaneously balance one pot on the head and a pot on the hip with an arm crooked around it. It's very hard work!

28 July 2006

Archakar School

Discussions are currently underway regarding setting up an Archakar training school in Tiruvannamalai to impart training in priesthood.

A committee constituted by the Tamil Nadu Government visited the Annamalayar temple at Tiruvannamalai on Tuesday (27th July), to identify suitable locations for the school. The team is said to have visited the Kannikaparameswari Temple and explored the possibility of setting up the school on the Temple premises itself. The team also discussed the syllabus for the proposed school.

27 July 2006

Monk Prayer

There is nothing I can give you which you have
not but there is much, very much, that while
I cannot give it, you can take.
No heaven can come to us unless our hearts
find rest in today.
Take heaven!

No peace lies in the future, which is not hidden
in the present instant.
Take peace!

The gloom of the world is but a shadow.
behind it, yet within certain reach, is joy.
There is a radiance and glory in the darkness
could we but see; and to see, we have but
to look.
I beseech you to look!

Life is so generous a giver but we, judging
its gifts by their covering, cast them away as
as ugly, or heavy or hard.
Remove the covering and you will find beneath
it a living splendour, woven of love, by
wisdom, with power.
Welcome it, grasp it, and you touch the angels
hand that brings it to you.

Everything we call a trial, a sorrow or a duty,
believe me, that angels hand is there, and the
wonder of an over-shadowing presence.
Our joys are too. Be not content with them

as joys; they too conceal divine gifts.

And so, at this time, I greet you, not quite as
the world sends greetings, but with profound
esteem and with the prayer that for you, now
and forever, the day breaks and the shadows
flee away.


The ideas behind the statements expounded in the Arunachala Mahatmya, that Arunachala is the centre of the universe and the darshan of the beacon on its top is Siva-Darshan, Vision of Siva are:

Arunachala is the transcendental Light of Consciousness, beyond the reach of intellect, so it is impossible to approach unless one gives up the sense of separate individuality. It is apprehended only when one searches for ones own source with complete self-surrender.

That which is the Source of the limited I, the ego, is the centre of the entire universe, and that is Arunachala. The syllables, A, RU and NA denote Existence-Consciousness-Bliss Absolute and ACHALA signifies its all-pervasiveness. On approaching Arunachala, all obstacles to Self-knowledge disappear together with their root, the ego.

[Viswanathan Swami]

Arunachala Ashtakam

Verse 3:
When I approach Thee regarding Thee as having form, Thou standest as a Hill on earth.

If with the mind the seeker looks for Thy essential form as formless, he is like one who travels the earth to see the ever-present ether.

To dwell without thought upon Thy boundless nature is to lose ones separate identity like a doll of sugar when it comes in contact with the ocean of nectar.

And when I come to realize who I am, what else is this identity of mine but Thee, O Thou Who standest as the towering Aruna Hill?

[By Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi]

26 July 2006

Service to Arunachala

The Sage Gautama relates to the Goddess Parvati, who has come to him to hear of the Glory of Arunachala, more instances of how non-humans have received benefit by service (albeit rendered unknowingly), to Arunachala.

A thirsty elephant, uprooting trees and whatsoever was in his path, accidentally caused honey to be spilt on Arunachala and in so doing became liberated and was transformed into the Lord of Ganas.

Cows yielding streams of milk on remembering their calves whilst standing at Arunachala have attained salvation.

A certain crow, eager to snatch prasad from an offering, fluttered its wings and the wind arising therefrom swept the place in front of Arunachala and thus immediately secured the crow liberation.