I was reading Jody's:
Anyhow it's really fascinating seeing how Westerners react to Indians. Definitely if you've got liquid brown eyes, an effulgent glowing skin and extreme good looks there is no way a budding Guru is not going to become popular with Western devotees.
A visiting Indian sadhaka talking to a group of Westerners said: 'You come to India, look at our Swamis and think they are very great and you are very small. What you don't understand is Indians have vasanas too, they are just different, so you don't recognise or identify them.' Profound and true words.
If you want to understand more about Guru Dynamics I recommend the brilliant book 'Holy Madness' by Georg Feurestein in which he investigates the relationship between Guru and Disciple and the reasons for our belief in the Guru system. Also continue reading Blogs like Guruphiliac that give insights and news about Gurus and the Guru system; a very good source of information!