25 December 2006

Happy Holidays


24 December 2006

Newsletter, Jan 2007

Arunachala Grace News, January 2007, is being sent out this week. The newsletter is completely free and is sent directly to your inbox. This month there is a report from Apeetha Arunagiri of the Arunachala Kattu Siva Plantation, a narrative from Govinda Bowley of the Mountain of Medicine about the Hill Fire on Arunachala during this year's Maha Deepam on December 3rd. We have news of the innovative work being done at the 'Singing Heart Ashram', a 'Tidbit Section' including a round-up of the latest news at Tiruvannamalai, information about the upcoming January visit of Swami Nithyanananda and also, reports on the herbs of Arunachala, poems and a wonderful satirical report on local 'building regulations'.

If you wish to receive a copy of Arunachala Grace News, please click at the 'subscribe' function at the left hand margin of this Blog, underneath the Email Icon.

Michael James

Whilst travelling in India in 1976 Michael James, an Englishman, heard about the teachings of Bhagavan Sri Ramana and as a result decided to visit Tiruvannamalai in order to learn more. In his own words:

"Fortunately, after I had been just a few weeks in Tiruvannamalai, I was lent the book 'The Path of Sri Ramana by Sri Sadhu Om'. In this book, Sri Sadhu Om clearly explained that 'self-enquiry' is simply the practice of self-attention, that is, the practice of turning our attention or power of knowing away from all thoughts and objects, towards our fundamental consciousness of our own being, which we always experience as 'I am'. So clear and convincing was this explanation of Sri Sadhu Om that I was left in no doubt that this was the real meaning of the term atma-vichara or 'self-enquiry' used by Sri Ramana.

[photograph of Sri Sadhu Om in front of Arunachala]

Soon after reading his book, I met Sri Sadhu Om, and I found that he was able to answer in an extremely clear, simple and convincing manner all the questions that I asked him about the philosophy and practice of the teachings of Sri Ramana. For the next eight-and-a-half years, until his passing away in March 1985, I was fortunate to be able to spend most of my waking life in the company of Sri Sadhu Om, and to imbibe from him a clear understanding of the philosophy, science and art of true self-knowledge as taught by Sri Ramana."

Michael James ended up living at Arunachala for the next twenty years. He has now launched a website and hopes to continue adding more content to his site in the form of e-books, articles, translations and explanations of all the original writings of Sri Bhagavan.

At present the main content of the site is a PDF version of his new book, 'Happiness and the Art of Being', which is intended to serve both as a layman's introduction to the philosophy and practice of Bhagavan's teachings and as a detailed and in-depth exploration of the core elements of those teachings. To find out more about the life of Michael James, his teacher Sadhu Om and the teachings of Self-Enquiry please visit: www.happinessofbeing.com

Cows for the Blind

An NGO (Non Governmental Organisation) which has been working for the uplift of blind people, has come up with a scheme entitled 'Nethradhenu' that would lend a helping hand to the visually impaired. The project, introduced six months ago, has members from Tamil Nadu Districts including Tiruvannamalai and is based on a Government scheme created to help elderly people in villages. In the case of 'Nethradhenu', the beneficiaries are visually-impaired illiterates in their 40's who are dependent on others. Under the scheme a Jersey cow and calf is given free of cost to a visually impaired recipient. The cow will be insured and it's milk will be procured by a private milk company.

Social Climate

There is no doubt that the improvement in communications is leading to the increasing empowerment of many of the local populace. As recently as 10 years ago STD facilities at Tiruvannamalai were rare and the waiting list for a home phone (if one could afford it) was often over 6 months. Few Trade Unions had active wings in the area and the term 'social welfare' was synonymous not with Government aid, but 'being looked after by the family'. As well as the below there have been other recent agitations regarding; improving conditions of work, wages, welfare benefits and the disbursal of funds.

The construction workers wing of the All India Trade Union Congress (AITUC) staged a demonstration at Tiruvannamalai on Thursday (21st December) demanding the implementation of welfare measures promised by the Welfare Board established on their behalf.

Participants of the demonstration protested that 5,200 pension applications of aged workers have been rejected and thousands of claims, seeking assistance for education, marriage, maternity and death of workers or family members have also been rejected. Demonstrators also protested about the inordinate delay in processing applications seeking various welfare measures.

Arts College

Students of Tiruvannamalai Government Arts College boycotted classes on Thursday (21st December) urging Authorities to hold Student Union elections. They also demanded immediate disbursal of scholarship amounts.

To press their demands, students congregated on Chengam Road near the Government Arts College but police quickly rushed to the spot and dispersed the students. The students then boycotted classes and left the grounds of the College Campus.

21 December 2006


Permaculture Course at Arunachala:
Annamalai Reforestation Society,
Permaculture Demonstration Farm
Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu
Jan 21-26, 2007
Facilitator John Button

Permaculture is a design process for recognising, utilising and harmonizing the individual characteristics of landscape (landform, soil, water, vegetation, animals) with the needs of the people involved with it, to create a system that is both productive and sustainable in the long term.

John Button, an Australian, has been working with Permaculture for over twenty five years, first in Australia, and for the last 15 years in India, South East Asia, continental Europe, Russia and the Canary Islands, including 8 yrs in Tiruvannamalai working with greening Arunachala and establishing various land use regeneration models, including the Demonstration Farm.

Permaculture is an attitudinal shift in our relationship with the environment, with which we can consciously design our living space into productive, practical, and not least, beautiful places that enhance our lives, as well as support the lives of others, including all species of plants and creatures. Harmony with abundance.

All courses and workshops are intended to provide participants with both the theoretical and philosophical background to make well informed decisions in their specific intentions, and the practical applications on which the information is based.

Consultancy and Design
John Button will also be available for consultancy and design at Arunachala from December 14, 2006 until February 2007

email: johnnaturedesigns@yahoo.com

New Time

There is a story in the Puranas where the male aspect of the Divine i.e. Shiva merges with the shakthi aspect i.e. Parvati, and combines to create the new form of Ardhanareeswara. This is symbolic of the Divine manifesting in the totality of every aspect of the male-female principles i.e. consciousness-energy.

It is believed certain power places affect men more strongly while women resonate with others. The different energetic characteristics of Arunachala were recognized by the ancients, and this knowledge was encoded metaphorically into the myths and legends told about it. In this respect my own experience is Arunachala has been very much a male power site in most of its mythology and history.

Now things are changing and a more distinctly female ambiance is beginning to permeate Arunachala. Shakti (Mother) Temples are opening, huge crowds of fervent pradakshina pilgrims come to Arunachala each full moon, there is focus on reforestation and ecological nurturing of the Hill, female saints are setting up their stalls at Arunachala and also there is the arrival of a different sort of pilgrim. As well as the previous intellectual attracted to core advaitic disciplines there is now the arrival of earth types; mystics, shamans, healers and psychics.

The effects of Arunachala can either begin while one is here or may manifest weeks after one has departed. It bodes very well as now a different type of energy is coming to town and people will be thereby influenced in many new extraordinary ways.

Winter Solstice

Winter Solstice
December 21

In any given year, the winter solstice, the still point, is the most powerful time of the solar cycle. It is the conception point, the moment in which the plans for the entire year are generated from the sun to the earth impregnating her with expanded consciousness and possibility. It is the parallel point to each new moon which carries and expands the original solar wave's energy seed through the thirteen succeeding cycles of the year.

There are four points during the year in which the archetypal energies of the sun "come through" to us to bring consciousness along step by step. These four points are the solstices and the equinoxes.

Each of these moments, which last three days, are "neutral force" channels of tremendous power. They are literal doorways to the infinite, alchemical cauldrons in which we can bathe ourselves with unconditional love and pure spiritual energy, and into which we can place our intentions. They are "time-outs" from normal reality.

Whatever gets cooked in the winter solstice cauldron becomes the blueprint for the entire year which is reaffirmed and brought along to completion by the other three central points. If we carefully align with the intentions of the universe during the winter solstice we can be picked up by the rising tide of spiritual energy and carried forward, supported by the power which spirit has brought to earth at the moment of the "rebirth of the sun" when it joins with the earth.

The sun and moon are always in changing relationship with each other and the earth, the cauldron in which we are always being alternately "cooked" and "cooled" by them. At the winter solstice the sun/yang/spiritual/masculine energy is at its lowest ebb, pausing before it pulses forward just like the tide having flowed out to sea pauses and then begins to aggressively move out toward shore once more. This alignment of the sun with the most inner and contracted (yin) point in its cycle is the same as the moment of the new moon in which the sun's yang and moon's yin move into perfect alignment with each other and the earth, joining and harmonizing their energies as one to impregnate the planet with their combined force.

This year's winter solstice takes place on Thursday, the 21st December, and there is a New Moon the day before. This is a powerful alignment to take advantage of - a truly still point.

As we step into the solstice cauldron we should not carry into it with us anything from the past and instead stand naked for a few days letting the purity of the Oneness fill us and letting spirit decide what is in our highest good. As human beings we have goals, things we want to create, states we wish to experience. All that can be placed into the cauldron with great passion as our hearts' desires and released in trust. We can hold the intentionless intention of allowing spirit to "take us where we need to go and show us what we need to know."

[By Alexander]

Bus Accident

Two persons were killed and eleven others, including a pregnant woman, sustained injuries when a State Transport Corporation town bus overturned on Tuesday night.

The bus travelling along the Tirukoilur Road was on its way to Perumanam Village from Tiruvannamalai. While taking a turn near the Panayur Tank, the driver lost control of the bus, which veered off into a roadside gully and overturned. Two passengers died on the spot and 11 others, out of the 47 aboard, sustained injuries and were rushed to the Tiruvannamalai Government Hospital.

English Language

The State (Tamil Nadu) Planning Commission, in an Approach Paper to the 11th Five Year Plan, has sought a strong push to ensure fluency in English (which is regarded as an essential prerequisite in the modern world) among school students.

While pointing out impressive showings in respect of enrolment in Elementary Education and availability of school infrastructure, the Planning Commission lists areas of concern as being: Inter-District disparities in enrolment, dropouts at the post-Primary level, access to Higher Education and the quality of education in general.

It was recommended that the State should take steps for maximising secondary enrolment. Gross enrolment ratios at the High School level continues to show disparity (including gender disparity) between Districts especially in regard to Tiruvannamalai, Villupuram, Cuddalore, and Dindigul. The Commission also reported a large urban-rural, rich-poor divide in the quality of education offered in schools.

The Planning Commission's Approach Paper implied Industrial Training Institutes and Polytechnics should be made first-level Vocational Training Centres that should develop courses and curriculum suited to the needs of the economy.

In regard to Higher Education, the paper reports that the quality of teaching in basic sciences and humanities in Institutions of Higher Learning have been slipping as a result of falling demand for the courses compared to professional courses such as Engineering.

The Approach Paper pointed out that given the continuing high poverty levels in the State in both rural and urban areas, the public sector model in health and education have a continuing relevance. It recommends that the strategy to improve human development indices should be to concentrate on reaching most vulnerable sections and those excluded from the progress achieved in the State.

Travel Posters

During the annual auction of Rare and Important Travel Posters held in November at the Swann Gallery, 104 East 25th Street, New York, a selection of posters of colourful and intricate images promoting travel in India were offered. M.V. Dhurandhar's posters for the South Indian Railway's Pilgrim Line, "Tiruvannamalai on the Pilgrim Line," 1925; "Srirangam on the Pilgrim Line," Bombay, 1925; "Madura, Bombay," 1935; and "Mistri's Rameswaram for Holy Bathing & Shraddhas," Bombay, each sold for $6,240.


Advocates Meeting

Last week during its General Body Meeting, the district organisation of The All India Advocates Association passed a resolution, demanding the Government give a stiped of Rs.3,000/- (USD 70) per month to junior Advocates during the first five years of their career.

Other resolutions passed for the District were related to filling vacancies of vacant Judicial Officer posts and the setting up of a Commercial Crime Investigation Wing Court, Workman Compensation Court and Essential Commodities Act Court.

The Association also demanded the Government appoint members and activate the Tiruvannamalai Consumer Court, weekly sessions for Labour Court, set up a Sub Court in Chengam, construct integrated court complexes at Tiruvannamalai, Arni and Cheyyar and also build new court buildings at Chengam, Polur and Vandavasi.

20 December 2006


I sought to devour Thee:
Come now and devour me,
Then there will be peace, Arunachala.

You bade me give all for you;
Take now the giver too,
Survive alone, Arunachala!

Let now the deception end.
There was no lover or friend
Apart from Thyself, Arunachala!

Now that at last I know
All this a magic show,
Let it dissolve in Thee, Arunachala!

[By Arthur Osborne]


Parvathamalai, a mountain which is part of the Javadhi Hills, is becoming increasingly popular with trekkers and climbers as a pleasant daytrip excursion near Tiruvannamalai. The mountain, which is located in this District, is about 25 kms distant and can be reached by a four-hour trek from Kadaladi or through Thenmadimangalam.

The hike starts from Pachiamman Temple through a thick forest of medicinal herbs and lush greenery. After about 3 kms trekkers reach Gadapparai, from whence begins a ladder of metal steps with iron chains on either side.

At the next incline one has to hold on to iron rods planted on each side of the track until arriving at Mandapam. At this point travel becomes more difficult and trekkers have to walk sideways by clinging to a boulder under an abutting cliff.

From the top of Parvathamalai there is a breathtaking view of the surrounding countryside. A proposal has recently been drafted in consultation with the Collector of Tiruvannamalai for strengthening the infrastructure and facilities throughout that area.

Farming News

Maize Cultivation

Maize cultivation has now started in Tiruvannamalai District through the efforts of the Agriculture Department who wish to improve the production of coarse cereals. In this regard maize promises a high return for farmers compared to other dry land crops.

In order to promote the cultivation of maize, the Agriculture Department is providing interested farmers, with 2kg of hybrid seeds named 'Maharaja-10'. Officials report that these seeds are being treated with fungicides in order to prevent seed-borne diseases and thus ensure a good yield.

Some farmers feel the seed variety to be unsuitable for the production of food stuffs such as corn flakes or puffs and that are preferable varieties which would be more profitable. They have thus requested officials to supply such improved maize seed varieties. Currently maize cultivation has started up on 330 acres in this area

Free Land

Some 453 farmers have now each received two acres of free land in the second phase of the DMK Government's land programme in Tiruvannamalai District. In the first phase of the programme 780 farmers received land.

18 December 2006

Madurai Hills

Madurai Hills
Sri Subramaniaswamy Temple Hill

In an earlier post I wrote that it is customary to celebrate Deepam in all Shiva Shrines at the same time that Deepam is celebrated at Arunachala, however the legend for these Siva Shrines is different to that of Arunachala. You can read more about the origins of Deepam on this Blog.

The Deepam festival follows the moon calendar so each year the date is different however it always falls when the star Krittika is in conjunction with the Moon in the month of Karthika (November-December). To find out the dates of upcoming Poornimas (full moons) and Deepams through to the year 2009, please check the following link:

But Deepam is not only celebrated at Siva Shrines in Tamil Nadu. In this respect the Deepam Festival is also celebrated at the famous Subramanian Temple in the Madurai Hills, Tamil Nadu. I am currently trying to get information about the history of the Deepam at this Temple.

But for now I am posting a narrative of the Deepam function celebrated there this year and also a picture of the Temple and its Hill.

"Amidst tight security, thousands of people offered worship as the 'Karthigai Deepam' was lit atop the Tiruparankunram Sri Subramaniaswamy Temple Hill, near the Uchipillayar shrine, at 6 pm today.

Earlier in the morning, hundreds of people participated in the Car festival when the Lord Subramanian and goddess Deivayanai were taken around the Hill. The Deepam festival is part of the Karthigai festival which began on Nov 24th last.

Police had made elaborate security arrangements, and arrested 70 Hindu Munnani volunteers who tried to take out a procession to the Sikander Dargah atop the hill where the ancient Karthigai Deepam mast of the temple was located.

The Hindu Munnani volunteers had been demanding that the Deepam be lit on the original mast. However, as the area was disputed, the Temple Authorities were lighting the Deepam near the Uchipillayar Temple.

Earlier, after special 'Pooja Deepams' were lit in the main temple and all the sub shrines after special poojas. Later, 'Mahadeepam' was lit.

Simultaneously, people living around the Hill illuminated their houses with oil lamps and offered prayers."

Organic Farming

The Confederation of Tiruvannamalai District Farmers Association has urged the Government to promote organic farming by creating avenues for export.

A resolution to this effect was adopted at a meeting of the confederation held at Tiruvannamalai recently. It also urged the Government to take steps to protect land resources from getting eroded by the use of chemical fertilizers and to give training to farmers in producing and using natural alternatives like vermi-compost (worm compost) manure and Panchakavya*.

Another resolution urged the Government to open natural fertilizer sales centres. It was suggested that the Government should give farmers valuable tree saplings like Sandal and Pathimukam (Caesalpinia sapans) to enhance their livelihood and that bankers should be sensitized to give loans to farmers. It was also decided at the meeting to institute an award to honour farmers practising organic farming.

* Panchakavya is a traditional method, used to safeguard plants and soil micro-organisms and to increase plant production.

In Sanskrit, Panchakavya means the blend of five products obtained from cow. It contains ghee, milk, curd, cow dung and urine. Based on detailed discussions with organic growers of Tamil Nadu, experiencing indigenous technical knowledge, the following ingredients were used to prepare approximately 20 litres of Panchakavya stock solution for scientific evaluation. BGS/cow dung (5 kg), cow's urine (3 litres), cow's milk (2 litres), cow's curd (2 litres) and cow's ghee (1 litre).

Andhra Red Rose

A major part of rose cultivation has been limited to Hill Stations and other places having a cool climate, however a rose variety called Andhra red rose is becoming popular with farmers in Tiruvannamalai. There is a demand for more of such flowers, particularly those that are grown organically.

Fresh flowers are mainly used to make garlands and market value products such as rose water, attar and other perfumery materials. Organically grown flowers have a longer shelf life and retain their freshness for more than a day after being plucked, compared to flowers grown chemically.

The flowers come in three different colours; dark red, light pink and white, but farmers mainly prefer the dark red and pink colours for cultivation. The ideal season for growing this variety, mainly propagated through stem cuttings, is April-May.

15 December 2006

Guhai Namasivaya

A few hundred feet away from Virupaksha Cave is a compound which contains a cave that was, several centuries ago, occupied for many years by a yogi called Guhai Namasivaya. The cave and the few buildings that surround it now bear his name and are set in a beautiful, tranquil compound on the Hill slope.

Guhai Namasivaya is known to have been born around the year AD 1548 in Karnataka to a pious Saiva couple. His spiritual nature became evident at an early age: he was virtuous in his conduct, adept at his studies and evinced no attachment to worldly matters.

He practised his system of yoga for many years and as a result of the dream guidance of Lord Mallikarjuna, the presiding deity of Sri Sailam, Guhai Namasivaya came to Arunachala and remained as a Guru, giving teachings to mature disciples who approached him.

There is a famous story concerning Guhai Namasivaya that seems to show that although he had great devotion to Arunachala, he was still capable of displaying bursts of extreme anger. One day, according to this story, he took pity on a poor man whose only goat had been killed by a snake just before it was about to give birth. Guhai Namasivaya asked the man to leave the goat's body with him and to collect it the next day. When the man returned to pick up the corpse, he found that not only had the goat been restored to life, it had also given birth to two kids.

As news of this miracle spread around the town, some boys from the local weaving community decided to play a joke on him. One boy, pretending to be dead, was carried into the presence of Guhai Namasivaya by his friends. The boys claimed that their friend had died of a snake bite and asked the saint to restore him to life. Guhai Namasivaya, who could see that they were merely making fun of him, cursed them with such vehemence that the boy who was pretending to be dead actually did die.

Then Guhai Namasivaya cursed the whole weaving community, saying that they would never prosper or flourish in Tiruvannamalai again. The curse took effect: all the weavers were forced to leave town or take up other occupations because none of them could make a living by weaving in Tiruvannamalai. In the years that followed, all attempts to re-establish weaving businesses in the town failed.

For a fuller biography of this famous saint please check link:


13 December 2006

Reforestation Video

Between 1985-1989 the regeneration of Arunachala was something of Apeetha Arunagiri's (an Australian living at Arunachala) personal commitment and passion. However in 1989 the scheme gained official status when ARS (Arunachala Reforestation Society) was formed with her at the helm; a position she would occupy till about 1993.

In 1989 substantial funding started to come after Apeetha contacted RIC (Rainforest Information Centre Inc) for support to regenerate Arunachala to its former forested state. Some of this funding came via the Australian Government aid agency, AusAID and the Threshold Foundation. After initial visits from RIC representatives, an Australian John Button, a permaculture technician and tree planter, remained with the ARS project at Arunachala for eight years to help with the work.

Apart from planting and seeding the barren slopes of Arunachala, the project has focussed on environmental education, establishment of nurseries, skills training, credit schemes in villages, and the refurbishment of traditional gardens in the main temple. Also on temple lands, ARS has regenerated wastelands into productive food, fodder and timber forest.

On the Mountain itself, since 1991, the Arunachala Reforestation Society has been responsible for planting around 5,000-20,000 trees a year. Initially survival rate for the trees was 30% but now that figure stands at the much improved 60-70%.

As a result of a land donation, the ARS has developed a Permaculture Demonstration Farm and Educational Centre. Training and demonstrations in permaculture are held there and surrounding villagers are taught how sustainable land-use patterns can provide food, fuel, fodder, herbs and medicines in the process of the restoration of even severely degraded land.

Rainforest Information Centre

The Rainforest Information Centre Inc., (RIC) is a non-profit, volunteer organisation dedicated to the protection of the Earth's rainforests and the indigenous people who depend on them.

The RIC was born out of a successful struggle to save the sub-tropical rainforests of New South Wales, Australia in the early 1980s. Since then the Organisation has been involved in campaigns and projects to protect rainforests and recognise the legitimate development aspirations of rainforest peoples.

Project Arunachala has been supported by RIC since the late 1980's. The afforestation and environmental regeneration project was initiated in 1988 by Apeetha Arunagiri. She contacted RIC with an outline of the situation and a plea for support for the Annamalai Reforestation Society (ARS) which she established to regenerate the mountain to its former forested condition. In spite of the fact that the district is classified as semi-arid (thus far from the category of rainforest), the decision to work with the project was taken.


In the below video John Seed of the Rainforest Information Centre talks of Arunachala and about the association of the Rainforest Information Centre with the Arunachala Reforestation Society.

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Reweaving Shiva's Robes