6 December 2016

2016 Arunachala Karthigai Festival: Day 1. Evening—Athikara Nandi Vahana Preparations

In an earlier post, at this link here, I posted photographs of the evening of Day 1 of the 2016 Karthigai Deepam Festival of the Lord on His Athikara Nandi Vahana. But between the Gods in the Temple and their triumphant procession on the Mada Veedhis of Arunachaleswarar Temple, there are many steps and preparations. Some of which are described in a pictorial report below. 

The panchamoorties receiving aarti in front of the Siva Shrine in Temple

Musicians play traditional Indian Temple music during ceremonies inside the 3rd Prakaram

The unadorned Athikara Nandi Vahana awaits inside the Alankaram Mandapam, outside the Raja Gopuram gate

Sequence here is repeated throughout the Festival. The Lord at right of photographs is being transferred from His palanquin to the Athikara Nandi Vahana

Heavy exertion by young devotees is required to transfer the Lord on His palanquin to the Vahana

Inch by inch the Lord is brought to his Vahana

The God is in position on his Vahana, and the young men slowly disengage the palanquin poles

Bit by bit ornaments, accouterments and lights are added to the Vahana

This whole process takes place in the Alankaram Mandapam and only when all preparations are complete, will the God be brought out to the front of the Mandapam to give darshan

Unadorned Annapakshi (mythological bird) Vahana earlier in the afternoon waits to be transported to the Alankaram Mandapam, where it will be adored as Vahana of the Sakthi Goddess

Goddess on decorated Vahana ready to accompany the Lord on His Athikara Nandi Vahana

The Lord on the Athikara Nandi Vahana now to be moved to the front of the Alankaram where all the panchamoorthies will give darshan to devotees

The panchamoorthies accompanied by stirring music start their circumambulation of the mada veedhis

Devotees watch the start of the procession

4 December 2016

2016 Arunachala Karthigai Festival: Day 1. Evening—Athikara Nandi Vahana

Yesterday evening the Lord's vehicle was the Athikara Nandi. As this is one of my own favourite vahanas, think it might be interesting to give more information about this lesser known aspect of Nandi. 

There are two types of Nandi statues at Siva Temples, the more common is that of the recumbent bull (Vrsabha) and the other is that of Adhikara Nandi. In the case of Arunachaleswarar Temple, the Adhikara Nandi of last night’s function is in the form of a bull-headed human standing on two legs. 

Adhikara Nandi's two back hands hold a parasu (battle axe) and mrga (antelope) and the two front hands are folded on the chest in a pose of obeisance. Since he is the chief of the ganas (retinues) of Siva, exercising his authority (adhikara) over them, he is christened as ‘Adhikara Nandi.’ 

The white bull—Nandi—is the divine vehicle of Lord Shiva, the Destroyer. He is the chief of the ganas, Shiva’s attendants. Nandi means ‘happy’. 

Nandikeshvara, Lord of happiness, was one of Shiva’s ganas and was fond of dance and music. He was born of the Divine progenitor Kashyapa and Divine cow Surabhi. He married Suyasha, the daughter of the Maruts. As his life was coming to an end, he prayed to Shiva to lengthen his life. Shiva granted him both immortality and the chief position over his ganas. He was given the title “Adhikara Nandi” (or “authoritative Nandi’), for it is only with Nandi’s grace and permission that one can enter the temple of Shiva. Adhikara Nandi took on a human form as a bull-headed human standing on two legs (or in some instances a bull standing erect on his rear legs). 

Nandi is more than Shiva’s vahana or vehicle. As the chief of Shiva’s attendants, he is also the guardian of all four-legged animals. Nandi is essential to every Shiva Temple—the sanctum sanctorum of each Temple, where the deity may be in a human or linga form, has an image of Nandi facing the shrine. 

There is a story that Vrishabha Deva or Nandi was very proud of his role as the vehicle of the Supreme Lord Shiva himself. To teach him a lesson, Shiva placed a lock of his hair on the bull, who was unable to bear the weight. Realising that he had been arrogant, Nandi begged Shiva’s pardon. Shiva forgave him and initiated him into divine knowledge. 

Nandi completes the image of the happy family. In days gone by, people depended on the bull for transportation. The bull was thus the vehicle both for Shiva and people. He is also a symbol of how a powerful animal, imbued with Divine authority, is also a gentle and humble worker, of help to the Gods and man. 

Athikara Nandi

Alangaram of the panchamoorthies

Panchamoorthies give darshan in front of the Alankaram Mandapam

The Lord on Athikara Nandi Vahana in procession of Mada Veddhis

Procession in evening of Day 1. 2016 Arunachala Karthigai Festival

Festival Time!

Walking around Arunachaleswarar Temple and Tiruvannamalai yesterday morning after the "Hoisting of the Flag", its easy to see we are in Festival Mode. Groups of Brahmin Priests chant the Vedas in the Temple compound, Community Sangams recite Sundarar's Thevaram outside the Kalyana Mandapam, collections of lamps and lights lay in large mounds at the back of the Third Prakaram, newly crafted wooden chocs stacked against the walls awaiting pick up for use by processional Chariots. 

Rukku the Star-turn of Arunachaleswarar Temple happily joining processions around the Mada Veedhis (Temple perimeter streets) . . . and everywhere you look, musicians playing both Indian traditional and Western musical instruments. 

Its going to be a busy, happy Festival.

Brahamin Priests chanting the Vedas

Priests in 3rd Prakaram will be chanting through the day

Community Sangam group reciting Sundarar's Thevaram

Wooden chocs stacked by wall ready for use by processional chariots

Mounds of different style lamps for night processions awaiting use

This type of lamp to be carried for night processions

So many lamps!

Beautiful Rukku on Festival duty -- so loves going out and about

Musicians attending all functions and processions both in the Temple and in Tiruvannamalai Township

3 December 2016

2016 Arunachala Karthigai Festival: Day 1 Morning—Panchamoorthies Utsavam

After the Flag Hoisting ceremony, the Panchamoorthies each on their own palanquins are carried around the Flagpost five times in the order: Vinayaka, Murugan, Arunachaleswarar, Shakti and Chandikeswara. After their circumambulation, each of the Gods are carried through the Temple which they then leave through the Thitti Vassal Gate, adjacent to the Raja Gopuram on the east side of the Temple. 

Lord Arunachaleswarar and Goddess Shakti

Arunachaleswarar being carried around the Flagpost five times

Arunachaleswarar being carried on Palanquin, Shakti Goddess on left back of photograph

As the Gods are carried around the Flagpost, they are rocked by the palanquin bearers

The front of the Shrine was beautifully decorated for the function

Arunachala in background of a very colourful scene

Lord Arunachaleswarar in front of the 1000 Pillar Hall

Photo divided: left side Lord Arunachaleswarar and right side Shakti Goddess

The Panchamoorthies giving darshan to devotees in front of the Alankaram Mandapam

After having circumambulated the Temple on the Mada Veedhis (perimeter streets) the Gods return to Car Street completing their procession

Nearing their destination, Arunachaleswarar Temple  

2016 Arunachala Karthigai Festival: Day 1—Flag Hoisting

The Flag Hoisting ceremony which took place at Arunachaleswarar Temple early this morning (Saturday, December 3rd, 2014) marks the first day of the 2016 Karthigai Deepam Festival at Arunachala.

Symbolically, hoisting the flag suggests setting out to conquer, and a devotee comes to the Temple to conquer his ego and gain control over his baser nature with the help of the Supreme Being. The Sanskrit word for the flag is ‘Dhvaja’ and it means whatever is raised. In the religious sense, whatever raises man to a higher level of understanding and activity is a ‘Dhvaja.’ The flag also suggests hope and desire to overcome ignorance. A Temple visit invigorates the devotee, recharging him with strength and bravery to face hardships knowing that ultimately those who have surrendered to the will of God find victory.

Kings of old in order to exhibit their Lordship over their kingdom and proclaim their continuing rulership would hoist a flag above their battlements or palace. The Dhvaja which suggests the victory of good over evil is a symbol of victory and superior wealth. It signifies commanding respect, patriotism and kingship. The flag nowadays is raised to honour God who is seen as the King of Kings—the Supreme Power.

The history of a Temple flag on the Dwajasthambam (Dwajasthambam—Flag Pole) is that it marks an inauguration of a major Utsava at the Temple. The flag also serves as a signal to indicate to the people of the town and visitors that an Utsava is on. Dhwajarohanam is a public act of sankalpa (an action made to impress an idea on the mind) which indicates a vow undertaken (in this case) by the people of the town to celebrate Brahmostavam.

Old customs dedicated that no-one present within the town limits on the occasion of the Dhwajarohanam was expected to leave the town or do any other thing such as marriage etc., until after the end of the Festival. The close of the Festival is marked by the Dhwajavarohanam or the lowering of the flag.

Inside Temple looking out at Flagpole

To the right Gods under Pandal watching the ceremony

Raising of the Flag, 2016 Arunachala Karthigai Festival commences

The Gods under Pandal near flagpost

Large crowd attended the commencement of 2016 Deepam Festival

Crowd watching ceremony in 3rd Prakaram

Vinayakar and Chandikeswarar Utsavam: Pre-2016 Karthigai Deepam Festival

There are three days previous to the beginning of the 10 day Karthigai Deepam Festival. The first pre-day celebrates Durgai Utsavam, the second day Pidari Utsavam and the third and final day observes Vinayakar and Chandikeswarar Utsavam. 

The panchamoorthies taken in procession throughout the celebratory Karthigai Deepam Festival are: Vinayakar, Arunachaleswarar-Unnamalai, Amman, Kartikeya and Chandikeswarar. Below is information about Chandikeswarar (who represents all devotees) and and explanation why he follows the other murtis (idols) as their steward. 

“Chandikeswarar, a devotee of Lord Shiva was born in the village of Seynalur on the banks of the river Manni in the Chola country, as a young lad named Vicharasarman. 

He was the son of a pious and learned Brahmin named Yajnadatta. Vicharasarman was of great intelligence. One day when the lad was going to school, he saw a cowherd brutally assaulting a cow. Angry at the behaviour of the cowherd, young Vicharasarman took upon himself the duty of tending the cows of the village, to which the villagers acceded. From that day the cows looked happier and yielded more milk. More than the cow’s udders could hold. Vicharasarman, seeing that the milk was being wasted, collected it in vessels, set up lingams made of sand and poured this excess milk to bathe the lingas with intense piety for Shiva.The cowherd who had lost position on account of this Brahmin boy, saw him in this act and found this a good cause for denouncing him. He immediately brought it to the notice of the village elders as well as Yajnadatta, Vicharsarman’s father. The father saw his son pouring milk on small sand mounds and without investigating, kicked one of the lingas in anger. Young Vicharasarmana came out of his reverie and cut off the leg of his father with an axe with which he had kicked a linga. 

Shiva was pleased with the devotion of this boy and he appeared in person along with Parvati his consort, before the boy. Shiva embraced him and made him in charge of his ganas (devotees or followers). He was also made the steward of his household, naming him Chandikeswarar.” 

Chandesa is the embodiment of devotion and piety and the place he attained is considered the highest a devotee of Siva is privileged with. 

Lord Vinayakar

Lord Vinayakar on rat vahanam, Chandikeswarar on cow vahanam

Giving darshan at Alankaram Mandapam in front of Raja Gopuram, Big Temple

Moving away from the Alankaram Mandapam on way to perform circumambulation of the Mada Veedhis (Temple perimeter streets)

Chandikeswarar following Lord Vinayakar at beginning of procession

Performing circumambulation of Mada Veedhi Streets

2 December 2016

2016 Karthigai Deepam: Presentation of Flag and Umbrellas

Each year the Devanga Kula Community of Tiruvannamalai presents a Deepam Flag to Arunachaleswarar Temple which is thereupon used throughout the Festival. 

Today at their Temple, the "Sri Ramalingaswara Sowdeswari Ambal Temple" on Raja Rajan Street (near Thiruvoodal Street), puja was performed to consecrate the Flag. Afterwhich Rukku, our gorgeous Arunachaleswarar elephant came in state accompanied by a representative from the Big Temple to receive the Flag from the Devanga Kula community. 

Gorgeous Rukku at the community Temple

Puja performed at Temple to consecrate Flag

Representatives from Arunachaleswarar Temple receiving the Flag and thereafter carrying it in procession (accompanied by Gorgeous Rukku) on the Mada Veedhis (Temple perimeter streets)

Presentation of Ceremonial Umbrellas for the Gods 

For the last 12 years, the Arunachala Seva Sangam of Chennai has donated God Umbrellas to be used during Arunachala Karithigai Deepam Festival processions. 

This year the Seva Sangam travelled from Srinivasa Temple, Kanchipuram to Tiruvannamalai. On arrival on Friday (December 2, 2016) the group performed circumambulation of Arunachaleswarar Kovil and then donated the umbrellas to Temple authorities. 

Backdrop of new umbrellas donated by the Arunachala Seva Sangam, Chennai to Arunachaleswarar Temple for 2016 Karthigai Deepam Festival

Bringing the umbrellas into Arunachaleswarar Temple for an official presentation

Pidari Utsavam, Pre-2016 Karthigai Deepam Festival

The Pidariamman Shrine is located at the Third Prakaram of Arunachaleswarar Temple. In front of the Shrine stands a huge stone trishul (Trident). Yesterday evening, Thursday 1st December, 2016, Pidari Utsavam was observed at the Shrine. 

Goddess Pidari is an aspect of Kali in a rural setting and regarded as being a consort of Siva. Pidari is the ferocious aspect of Amman. The Mother Goddess gives life but Kali takes life. Goddess Pidari is the feminine form of Kala – time. Kali is the energy or the power of time. Her blackness swallows all that exists and the emptiness of space is her clothing, for when the Universe is dissolved, the power of time remains without maya (veil). 

Kali’s extension, Pidari and her worship; evolved as a fighter and warrior and gained importance with the influence of Tantrism where she is known as Kala Pidari. The Pidari Goddess, in line with Shakti manifestations, emphasises fierce symbolism. At times Pidari is the sole resident deity in a village. As devata, She is the all-in-all for the village from simple prayers to divine blessings. Otherwise she watches over the main deity of a temple in her role as ‘kaval deivam’ while taking her seat in a structure on the right hand side of a temple entrance. She joins the ‘kavaldeivam’ or Protection Gods’ similar to that of Ayyanar, Muniandy, Karuppana Swamy or Veerabahtra, all of whom are warrior-protection village gods. 

Pidari shares Kali’s attributes and is depicted holding a noose, trident, skull cup and a pointed knife. The noose is sometimes replaced by ankusha – the elephant goad. The damaru that she holds is entwined by a snake, thus sharing Siva’s characteristics. She has flaming hair and three eyes. Sometimes her breasts are decorated with snakes. She has a terrifying appearance with long incisor teeth to frighten off evil spirits. Her sculptures are sometimes synonymous with Goddess Mariamman and lime strung as a garland – ‘elumichai malai’ is her favourite. 

Goddess Pidari is also represented by a simple stone image called ‘veerakkal’ symbolising courage and venerating ‘veerarghal’ – the warriors. Pidari is part of many Amman temples. In rural settings, it is believed that Pidari is the combined form of Lord Shiva and Shakti. ‘Adanghaa Pidari’ is another Tamil description of Goddess Pidari. ‘Adanghaa’ means ‘one that cannot be controlled’ implying, Pidari, once provoked does not subside her anger soon. 

Yesterday evening was the second day of the pre-Deepam Festival. The first day celebrates Durgai Utsavam, the second day observes Pidari Utsavam and the third day, this evening, celebrates Ganesha Utsavam. 

Pidari Goddess

Goddess on her lion vahana

Goddess arriving at Pidari Shrine

Receiving aarti outside Pidari Shrine (3rd Prakaram)