8 December 2016

2016 Arunachala Karthigai Festival: Day 5. Night—Big Silver Rishabam

Big Silver Rishba

“The Festival begins nine or ten days before Thibam. Each evening there are solemn processions round the Temple, which are over and above the regular worship and the private offerings of puja which go on through the day. 

The day comes to its climax with the procession in the evening, which lasts almost until midnight. It is led by Ganapati, the commander of the heavenly hosts (gana-pati). Next comes Karttikeyi, the Lord of the Pleiades, also called Murugan (or Subrahmaniyan in Tamilnadu), who like Ganapati is a murti of Shiva and also his son . . . . There there is Uma or Parvati, Shiva’s consort; and lastly, on his white bull, Shiva Arunachala or Annamalaiyar. According to custom they are carried on the Temple cars, whose dimensions and decoration are on the grandest scale. Every evening there are different cars, each more impressive than its predecessor. Of these the most remarkable are the huge car of carved wood, more than ten metres high, on which the statue is carried on a day during the Festival and also the silver bull on which Shiva rides on the fifth day. 

It was recommended not to miss the night of the silver bull, and I had accordingly arrived in very good time. I passed the time in the shrine of Sundareshwar, which was under the supervision of my friend Arunachala Aiyar, Ramana’s old companion in the Virupaksha cave. Saminathan was also there that evening. The mandapam was crowded with people who like us were waiting to see the procession. They plied me with endless questions, which I answered as well as I could. Saminathan, not knowing Tamil, remained silent, his eyes half shut, lost in his prayer. I have to admit that my questioners were much more impressed by Saminathan and his silence than by the answer that they sought to extract from me; but they paid even less attention to the disquisitions which which one or other of the company sought remorselessly to improve the occasion. They clearly told me so . . 

During this time, in the Kalyana Mandapam, ‘the portico of weddings,’ the priests were busy decorating the murtis, using silk and gold brocade, flowers and valuable jewels. Meanwhile the cars were standing outside the Temple, and on them also ornaments were being loaded. All this seemed to go on interminably; but at last there was a sudden blare of trumpets form the inner courtyard, their sound re-echoing loudly from the high enclosure walls. Accompanying the trumpets was the low drone of the tamburas, while the silvery melody of flutes pierced though the noise of the crowd. 

Now the file of murtis with their attendants emerged from their shrines, and when they passed under porticos or gopurams the echo from the low vaults become deafening. Soon they came to the Vallalla Gopuram where were were standing. In front were the torch-bearers, next the musicians, and last the palanquins, carried on the bare shoulders of the priest. On either side was the tightly-packed crowd with outstretched arms, giving cries of fervent devotion. Somewhere breaking coconuts on the ground, while others held out at arm’s length gilded trays of burning camphor. The enthusiasm spread, swelled, multiplied itself irresistibly. Light, heat, scents, sounds, bodies and souls too, all were weeded together into a single vast and vibrant outpouring of love in honour of the Lord of Arunachala. 

We followed behind the procession, crossed the outermost courtyard, passed under the huge gopuram, passed under the huge gopuram over the East Gate and reached the long colonnade which adjoins it on the east, where the cars were waiting. The murtis were installed on the cars; and once again the work of decoration was resumed with renewed zeal; flowers, jewels, lights in even greater quantity. The crowd was now more tightly packed than ever. The friend who was guiding me managed to open a path for me immediately in front of the chief car, where the palanquin of Shiva Annamalaiyar was mounted on the silver bull. 

Over him was held a huge ceremonial umbrella which touched the roof overhead. Behind the car was a trailer with a dynamo, and thousands of electric bulbs sparkled all over the palanquin, the platform, the decorations, among the jewels, silks and flowers which adorned the statue. Appusastri, who was standing near, was so moved that he cried out: “How can one doubt any longer that it is the Lord himself upon his car, who presents himself for our adoration!” Yet this Appusastri was an old disciple of Ramana and Ganapati Muni, who more than anyone had lectured me about advaita, proclaiming that whatever appears is maya, that there is no distinction at the heart of Being, and that it is vanity to worship God as an “Other” . . .!

[Narrative By Swami Abhishekananda 1970]

Aarti to Gods inside Kalyana Mandapam

Adorning the Gods in front of the Alankaram Mandapam, outside Raja Gopuram (East Tower)

Huge garlands for Lord Arunachaleswarar on the Big Silver Rishaba (bull) being passed over the head of devotees to the platform in front of the Alankaram Mandapam

Brahmin priests arranging the huge garlands on Lord Arunachaleswarar and his vahana

Huge umbrella has been placed over the adorned Lord on his Big Silver Rishaba

The panchamoorthies giving darshan to devotees in front of the Alankaram Mandapam

Starting off on their procession of the mada veedhis (4 perimeter streets) around Arunachaleswarar Temple

7 December 2016

2016 Arunachala Karthigai Festival: Day 5. Day—Chandrasekhara on Rishabam Vahana

On the morning of Day 5 of the 2016 Arunachala Karthigai Festival, the vahana for Lord Chandrasekara is Rishabam Vahanam. 

Chandraksekhara and Vinayaka give darshan in front of the Alankaram Mandapam

After giving darshan both vahanas set off on Car Street at the beginning of their circumambulation of the mada veedhis around Arunachaleswarar Temple

Vinayaka on his vahana leads the procession with Lord Chandrasekhara on Rishabam Vahana in background

The procession started off from the East Gopuram of the Temple. Here it has reached the West Pey Gopuram. This side is the closest to Arunachala

Lord Chandrasekhara on Rishabam Vahana

Arunachaleswarar Temple

2016 Arunachala Karthigai Festival: Day 4. Night—Kalpavriksha and Kamadhenu Vahanams: Wish-Fulfilling Tree and Wish-Fulfilling Cow

One of the most popular processions during the Deepam Festival at Arunachala, is that of Kamadhenu, the wish-fulfilling cow, and Kalpavriksha (also known as Karpavirutcham), the wish-fulfilling tree. Both of which emphasis the wish-fulfilling aspect of Arunachala. 

The Kalpavriksha is a mythological Divine tree said to fulfil all desires. Its mythology narrates that the wish-fulfilling tree originates from the churning of the ocean of milk afterwhich the god Indra, returned with the tree to his paradise. During the Deepam Festival on the Fourth Night Lord Arunachaleswarar is seated under the Kapavriksha Tree. 

The second major Radham appearing on that night is that of Kamadhenu (literally meaning; the cow; "from whom all that is desired is drawn", or “the divine cow providing for all needs”). The Kamadhenu is a divine cow-goddess described in mythology as the mother of all cows who provides the owner with whatever is desired. 

Theories as to the origin of the Kamadhenu are two-fold. One scripture describes her as the daughter of the creator god Daksha, and another narrates that Kamadhenu also emerged from the churning of the cosmic ocean. Upon the divine cow during the Deepam night procession is seated the Goddess Saraswati. 

It is often the wish fulfilling aspect of Girivalam that brings many pilgrims each Poornima (Full Moon) to the Hill, whatever the difficulty or weather, to perform girivalam. In fact many pilgrims prefer it when the conditions are extreme (cold, heavy sheeting rain, previous tapas such as fasting and mortification etc) as they believe that the greater the difficulties they overcome in performing girivalam, the greater will be the focus of their sankalpa (intention) and success of their wish. 

The now deceased Annamalai Swami explains the power of the Hill as thus:- 

“. . . It is not an ordinary hill. It is spirituality Itself. It has a powerful, magnetic pull to the Self. Seekers who come to this place with the intention of realizing the Self will have untold benefits to do pradakshina on a full moon. 

In the proximity of this holy hill the presence of the Self is more powerful and more self-evident than anywhere else. Indian mythology speaks of a wish-fulfilling tree. If you find this tree and tell it what you want, your wish will be granted. 

Arunachala also has this reputation. This is why so many people come here on a full moon night and walk around it. But very few people come here and ask for their complete freedom, for undisturbed peace. 

Arunachala is a light. It shines. It is the light of the Self, and the light of the Self will continue to shine on you whether you believe it or not. Arunachala is greater than all other religious places. There are other holy, powerful places in the world, but none have the power of Arunachala . . . There is a huge amount of shakti, or spiritual energy, here.” 

Aarti to alangarams in Kalyana Mandapam, 3rd Prakaram

Closest: aarti to Lord Arunachaleswarar (left) and Goddess Saraswati (right)

Panchamoorthies giving darshan outside the Alankaram Mandapam in front of Raja Gopuram

Lord Arunachaleswarar on the Kalpavriksha Tree (Wish-fulfilling Tree)

Goddess Saraswati on Kamadhenu (Wish-fulfilling Cow)

The panchamoorthies led by Lord Arunachaleswarar on the Kalpavriksha Vahana on circumambulation of the mada veedhis (perimeter streets of Arunachaleswarar Temple)

2016 Arunachala Karthigai Festival: Day 4. Day—Naga Vahana

In the morning of Day 4 of the 2016 Arunachala Karthigai Festival, the vahana for Lord Chandrasekara is the naga.

The use of the word naga usually refers only to mythological serpents while snakes living in nature are called sarpas. However the word naga is also used to represent the cobra.

The cobra which is seen coiled around the neck of Lord Shiva, represents power over destruction and creation. It primarily represents rebirth, death and mortality—due to the casting of its skin thus being symbolically "reborn". The snake also represents Kundalini Shakti and as a vahana of Lord Shiva depicts desires kept under control of the Divine.

Alangarams of the Lord and Vinayaka

Brahmin Priest applies pottu to the Lord in front of the Yagasala Shrine, 3rd Prakaram, Big Temple

Carrying the Lord on palanquin through Temple, 4th Prakaram

The Lord on palanquin in front of the 1000 Pillar Hall, 5th Prakaram

The Lord on Naga Vahanam receiving aarti at Alankaram Mandapam

Tractor with the Lord on Naga Vahana beginning procession of the mada veedhis

Procession on Car Street, Tiruvannamalai

Lord Vinayaka on Rat Vahana, followed by the Lord on Naga Vahana

2016 Arunachala Karthigai Festival: Day 3. Night—Shima Vahana

During this 10-day Arunachala Karthigai Festival, the panchamoorthies are daily taken out in procession and circumambulation of the mada veedhis around Arunachaleswarar Temple. Sometimes, the Deity is shown mounted on or riding the vahana, while at other times, the vahana is shown by the Deity’s side. Many times, this vahana (vehicle) represents and symbolises a Divine attribute and even though the vahana appears to be independent, it is actually part and parcel of the Deity’s presence and has an meaning to it. 

In the case of the Lord on the Simha (lion) vehicle; the creature represents lordly power in general and lordly power of wild beasts in particular. The lion is regarded as a Royal beast and thus represents the best in animal creation. However it may also represent greed for food and hence greed for other objects of enjoyment, which invariably leads to lust. The Lord mounted on this Simha vahana represents His ascendancy and control of animal instincts manifested in the human being. 

The lion is an archetypal symbol for the golden-rayed sun, the lord of the day, whose appearance kills the demonic forces of the night. The lion has always been important in Indian mythology as it symbolises the solar and luminous principle of life and knowledge. 

The lion also expresses the heroism and prowess necessary to defeat asuric forces and represents the heroism and strength required to enter the spiritual path. 

Panchamoorthies giving darshan in front of the Alankaram Mandapam

The Lord mounted on Shima (lion) Vahana in procession on Temple perimeter streets

The Lord mounted on His Shima Vahana on Thiruvoodal Street (one of the mada veedhi streets)

6 December 2016

2016 Arunachala Karthigai Festival: Day 3. Morning—Bootha Vahana

On the morning of Day 3 of the 2016 Arunachala Karthigai Festival, Lord Chandrasekhara on the Bootha Vahana. 

Vinayaka leading procession through 5th Prakaram

Lord Chandrasekhara being carried towards Thitti Vassal gateway

Lord leaving Temple via the Thitti Vassal gateway

Lord Chandrasekhara

Brahmin priests adorning the Lord

Bhoota Vahana before recent make-over

Bhootha Vahanam with impressive panchalogam covering

Lord giving darshan outside Alankaram Mandapam

Starting procession of circumambulation of mada veedhis

Tractor pulling float with Lord Chandrasekhara on Bhootha Vahana

Lord Chandrasekhara preceded by Vinayaka on Rat Vahana

Lord Vinayaka with lovely Rukku in background

2016 Arunachala Karthigai Festival: Day 2. Night—Indira Vahana

At Arunachala, Indra has a special significance as he associated with the Asta Lingam with the cardinal direction of east. The Indra lingam is dominated by the Navagrahas, Lord Surya and Lord Shukra (Venus). Devotees are blessed with long life and prosperity on worshipping the Indra lingam. 

Indra is the King of the Gods and ruler of the heavens. He is the God of thunder and rain and a great warrior, a symbol of courage and strength. He wields a lightning thunderbolt known as the vajra, rides on a white elephant known as Airavata and also has a golden chariot drawn by ten thousand horses. 

The formidable thunderbolt-wielding Indra strikes an imposing figure but as king of the Gods he is generally benevolent, being generous to his worshippers, guaranteeing peace and prosperity and delivering beneficial rainstorms to end droughts. He can also be called upon in times of war to give support with his divine weapons and favourable intervention. 

Adorning the Lord on his Indra Chariot Vahana

Panchamoorthies giving darshan in front of the Alankaram Mandapam

Indira Vahana

2016 Arunachala Karthigai Festival: Sugarcane Cradles

There are a number of Temples in Tamil Nadu at which parents pray and make a vow that they may bear a child. In such Temples, one can see wooden and cloth cradles hanging from trees as representative of a vrata (vow) between the parent and the Deity that their wish of progeny might be fulfilled. 

Boon cradles hanging from branches of our own Mahila Maramas in the Temple's Third Parakam

Often the parent vows to complete an austerity or ceremony if the Lord grants their boon. One such ceremony is for the parent to carry the child (once born) on circumambulation of the Temple in a sugarcane cradle. 

It used to be that on the tenth and final day of Karthigai Deepam, one used to see a small number of parents carrying such cradles around the perimeter streets (mada veedhis) of Arunachaleswarar Temple. But nowadays not just on the tenth and final day, but on everyday one may see large numbers of happy parents carry their child in such a homage.

Child being carried inside a sari cradle hanging from sugar canes

Sugar cane with cotton sari cradle

Stacks of sugarcane available on the side of the streets for happy parents

Car Street with lots of activity and milling devotees

This family are in the Temple Compound in front of Periyar Nandi, Fifth Prakaram

2016 Arunachala Karthigai Festival: Day 2. Morning—New Mahadeepam Cauldron

On the morning of the 2nd day of the 2016 Karthigai Deepam Festival, the new cauldron was brought to the Alankaram Mandapam for puja and aarti and to be viewed by eager devotees. 

After which the new Cauldron was pulled by tractor around the Mada Veedhis (perimeter streets surrounding Arunachaleswarar Temple). 

To view photographs of the Cauldron whilst being made, go to this earlier link here

New Arunachala Cauldron

2016 Arunachala Mahadeepam Cauldron

Puja and aarti was performed on Cauldron in front of Alankaram Mandapam