29 January 2020

Mother Amritananadamayi visits Tiruvannamalai January 26, 2020

Mother Amritananadamayi visited Tiruvannamalai on January 26, 2020. She made an address, bhajans were sung and then attendees went on stage to receive a hug from the Saint. To learn more about Mother, visit her website at this link here. Below are photographs from the evening of Mother's recent visit.

This was not the first time this saint has visited Tiruvannamalai. In 1982 with a group of 50 devotees she visited Arunachala to attend the 1982 Karthigai Deepam Festival. 

The story goes like this:- 

Mother Amritananadamayi at Karthigai Deepam 1982 

"At the end of November 1982, Mother and a group of us went to Tiruvannamalai on a ten-day pilgrimage. This was the first time that Mother had left Her village for such a long time, and also the first time that the Krishna and Devi bhavas would not be held since their inception in 1975. We took a train on a Monday morning after the Sunday night bhava darshan and arrived the next day. There were about 40 or 50 of us, and we all stayed in the two houses I had built when I had earlier resided there. Mother gave darshan in the house in the daytime. Many devotees who were living in and around the ashram came to see Her. In the evenings She sang devotional songs in Ramanashram in front of Ramana Maharshi's tomb, or samadhi shrine as it is called. 

On the morning after our arrival, a sannyasi called Kunju Swami came to visit Mother. He had been born in Kerala and was a disciple of the famous saint Narayana Guru, who had lived at the beginning of the century. Narayana Guru had brought him to Tiruvannamalai when he was a young man and had entrusted him to Ramana Maharshi for his spiritual upbringing. He was now in his eighties. But Mother treated him like a five-year-old boy, and he enjoyed it, behaving like a child with his own mother. When he sat in meditation, Mother placed Her hand on his shaved head and danced a little "ditty" while going round and round him. 

A friend of mine in Tiruvannamalai told me that when I had left to stay with Mother in the beginning of 1980, Kunju Swami had said, "Nealu would never have left this place until his death if the Mother there in Kerala were anyone but Parashakti (the Supreme Power)." And you could see in his expression that he indeed looked upon Mother as the Goddess incarnate. 

It was the Karthigai festival day at Tiruvannamalai, and it was customary for the devotees who had come to take part in the festival and circumambulate the holy hill Arunachala. To complete the circumambulation of Arunachala, one has to walk more than 12 kilometres. It was only the day before that we had climbed all the way up and down the hill with Amma, and thus that day all of us were feeling tired. So none of us stirred to do the circumambulation. 

That day Mother suddenly bolted out of our residence all alone. This was obviously an escape; She clearly did not want anyone to follow Her. Since I was the only person who saw Her leave, I immediately grabbed some bananas, cookies, and drinking water, put them in a bag and ran after Her. Having witnessed Mother's lack of body-consciousness, I knew that She might very well get lost. I followed Her from a distance as She walked around Arunachala Hill, obviously in an intoxicated mood. Seeing me running out of the house, all the others followed on my heels. Mother was walking at a very rapid pace and gradually She disappeared into the distance, leaving us behind. 

We immediately hired a horse-cart and started driving around Arunachala Hill, looking intently for Amma. The previous day, while climbing the hill with Her, we had come across many caves on both sides. Amma had gone into some of them to meditate and it was only after much urging that She could be persuaded to come out. While descending from the mountain, Amma had said, "I don't feel like coming down, but thinking of you children I am restraining myself." So we guessed that Amma might be sitting in one of those caves. But how to find Amma among the numberless caves on this vast hill? Everyone was worried. 

The horse-cart finally reached the hill. After travelling a few miles, we suddenly caught a glimpse of Amma's form, walking far ahead of us on the road. When we had driven up fairly close to Her, we got down off the cart. It was a glorious sight to see Amma. She was swaying to and fro while walking, as if drunk. Her whole body was vibrating, and Her hands were forming sacred mudras (mystic hand poses). Her eyes were half closed and a blissful smile glowed on Her face. It looked as if the Goddess Parvati were circumambulating Lord Shiva! We followed Amma and instructed the horse-cart to follow us. We began chanting Vedic mantras and loudly singing bhajans. The hills echoed with our chanting. The bliss of samadhi that radiated from Amma, together with the joy of singing and chanting, blessed all of us with a sublime experience. 

After we had followed Amma for some distance, She turned round and cast a glance of indescribable love at us. Her gaze held so much compassion and power that it seemed she was burning away all our karma and vasanas (deep-rooted tendencies). Slowly Amma came down to our level. Soon She was laughing and talking with us affectionately. A little tired by the long walk, She sat down under a tree at the roadside for a few minutes. Despite our suggestions, She refused to get into the horse-cart, and was soon up and walking again. Thus we all walked for the full eight miles around the hill. 

Towards the end of the circumambulation, we saw a snake charmer playing his flute by the side of the road. Amma went and sat before him, watching with great interest as the snake danced to the music of the flute. Like a little child, Amma asked, "Children, why don't snakes have hands and feet?" Her innocent question made us all laugh. She Herself then gave the answer: "In their previous lives, they may not have used their hands and legs properly. Children, keep in mind that such a birth could come to anyone who misuses what God has given him." 

Now her facial expression had completely changed, revealing the seriousness and majesty of the Guru. "Children," She continued, "Amma knows that you love Amma more than anything else. You cannot think of any form of God other than Amma. Therefore, you do not really have to circumambulate the hill. However, you must become a role model for society and should set an example for others to follow. In olden days, people were able to see God in their gurus. But in the present age, not many people have that power of discernment. This is why conventional rites and rituals are required for the ordinary person. Society can learn from your example how to follow these practices. So, in the future, always honour those rituals in order to uplift mankind. Amma Herself does these practices to teach you the proper path." 

We all sat in chastened silence, absorbing Amma's words. After a few moments, Amma continued, "Children, don't be sad thinking that Amma is always correcting you. Never think that Amma doesn't love you. It is only out of Amma's overflowing love for you that She instructs you. Children, you are Amma's treasure. When Amma renounced everything, there was only one thing that She couldn't renounce -- and that was you, my children. It is only when Amma sees you becoming the Light of the world that She feels truly happy. Amma doesn't require your praise or service. Amma only wants to see you acquire the strength to bear the burdens and the suffering of the world." 

"Mother's profound, nectar-like words brought our egos crumbling to the ground. Falling at Her feet we prayed, "O Mother, please make us noble! Please make us so pure that our lives may be sacrificed for the salvation of the whole world." 

For the Karthika Deepam, a sacred fire was lit on top of Arunachala Hill, representing the light of spiritual illumination blazing forth in the darkness of ageless ignorance. We all went to the town one morning to see the chariot festival. Images of the local deities were placed in a huge, ornately carved wooden chariot more than 100-feet tall, and a procession was made through the streets with people pulling the chariot by rope. It was a joyous occasion and a sight to behold. 

While Mother was standing on the balcony of one of the buildings to get a good view of the chariot, an avadhuta named Ramsuratkumar came to see her. He had been a disciple of the well-known Swami Ramdas of Kanhangad in northern Kerala. Ramsuratkumar was highly revered in Tiruvannamalai for his saintliness. Dressed in rags, he had a long, flowing beard and in his hand he carried a fan. In Mother's presence, he became like a little child, and looked upon her as his spiritual mother. This opened the eyes of the local devotees as to who Mother really was. 

After 10 blissful days in Tiruvannamalai, we all returned to the Ashram (in Kerala)." 

[By Swami Paramatmananda] 

1 January 2020

Significance of Arunachala Girivalam 2020 Full Moon (Pournami) Dates

[The below narrative is taken from a website dedicated to Arunachala and available at this link]. 

One of the thousand and eight names given to Arunachala by Adi Shankara is giripradakshinapriya – the Lord who loves giripradakshina. 

'Be they of lowly birth, without the advantage of learning, unable to practise the virtue of liberality, it is of no account. Those who perform pradakshina of holy Aruna, the Supreme, submit to his rule and become his devotee, will excel even amongst the most excellent . . .' [Arunagiri Antadi] 

Arunachala photo taken during rainy season

At most holy places located on hills, the Deity is found at the summit of the Hill. But here at Tiruvannamalai, the Hill itself is the Deity (Lord Annamalaiyar) and one of the ways in which it is propiated and worshipped is by its circumambulation. 

In Sanskrit this going around the Hill is called 'giripradakshina' (giri=mountain and pradakshina: Prada=giver of boons; Kshi=destroyer of Karma; Na=giver of Jnana. Also, Pra-Dakshina=going around with centre kept to the right). 

'Pradakshina (the Hindu rite of going round the object of worship) is "All is within me." The true significance of the act of going round Arunachala is said to be as effective as a circuit round the world. That means that the whole world is condensed into this Hill. The circuit round the temple of Arunachala is equally good; and self-circuit (i.e. turning round and round) is as good as the last. So all are contained in the Self. 

Says the Ribhu Gita: "I remain fixed, whereas innumerable universes becoming concepts within my mind, rotate within me. This meditation is the highest circuit (pradakshina).' [Ramana Maharshi: Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi] 

In the Tamil language, this process of going around, is called 'giri valam' (giri=mountain and valam=right side), inferring that one should keep the Hill to the right when circumambulating. 

The Arunachala Puranam declares that: 

'the holy Arunachala is the primal, Adi linga. The path around its base is the sacred Yoni. Pradakshina of the Hill is therefore pradakshina of the source of all lingas! So one goes round keeping to the left-edge of the path. A mere step taken, confers the benefit of a Yaga, sacrifice; two steps, the fruit of Rajasuya Yaga; and three that of Asvamedha Yaga. Going round the hill one gains in health and vigour. The hill abounds in rare herbs sought by traditional herbalists and the breeze carries the salubrious wafts from these siddha herbs to the one doing the holy round. The dust from the feet of such a person, carried and deposited in towns far away effects immeasurable purification.' 

The Asta (8) Lingams plus the additional Surya and Chandra Lingams i.e. Dasa Lingams (10) are underlined in the above map of the 14 km outer Girivalam Arunachala pathway

The circumambulation path is 14 kilometres (8½ miles). Tradition has it that even today a number of siddhars are living on the hill. 

There are eight lingams located at the eight directions, which provides an octagonal structure to the town of Tiruvannamalai. The eight lingams are: Indra Lingam, Agni Lingam, Yama Lingam, Niruthi Lingam, Varuna Lingam, Vayu Lingam, Kubera Lingam and Esanya Lingam. To find out more about the esoteric signifiance of the Asta Lingams around the octagonal perimeter of Arunachala which reflects the geometry of a Cosmogram, go to this link here.

To learn more about the Dasa Lingams and their relevance to the geometry to both Arunachala and also Arunachaleswarar Temple Siva Sannidhi Shrine go to links on Surya Lingam and Chandra Lingam.

There are two pathways around the Hill, the outer pathway which is the most commonly travelled and which contains Temples, the Asta Lingams, Tirthams and Shrines. And the inner pathway which winds its way through the countryside at the feet of Arunachala. 

According to scriptures, the walk around the Hill should be conducted at a slow pace either in silence, reciting mantras or chanting sacred songs. As to the ritual of the spiritual round; one should abjure all thought of the opposite sex on the day of pradakshina. After bathing one wears clean white clothes, applies vibhutti and proceeds, giving alms but without accepting any. Free from fear, anger, irritation or sorrow one walks on bare feet, without using vehicles or carrying an umbrella. Without swinging one's arms about, and with a silent soft tread, one saunters like a queen in her 'tenth-month'. One bows, first to the holy Hill from each of the eight cardinal directions, and then to the Lord of that direction enshrined in the linga there. One bows mentally to the incorporeal gods and siddhas going the rounds and keeps to the side. One could keep silence of speech and mind; or one could allow thoughts to flow on to the Hill of Fire; or one could sing and listen to songs of devotional praise. 

In the company of those of lofty character, one is able to halt here and there and enjoy a feast of fruit and milk. Otherwise, simple food free of flesh can be taken. 

Certain days are regarded as particularly auspicious for circumambulation:- 

The fruit of a Sunday pradakshina is Siva's abode (enter the solar region and attain Liberation); 

that of Monday is merger in Siva-form (live happily in a world free from senility and death); 

that of Tuesday is termination of debt and cyclic death (freed from all doubts and becomes Emperor); 

that of Wednesday is divinity through skill in philosophy and art (attain Wisdom and Omniscience); 

that of Thursday is lordship over gods and god-men (venerated by all Devas and may even become a renowned Guru); 

that of Friday is lordship of the Lotus Lady (may hope to reach Vishnu's abode). 

A Saturday pradakshina confers the astronomical benefits of a nine-planet conjunction in the Eleventh House (worldly success and protection against planetary influences). 

The above effects are magnified if circumambulation is done on Sivaratri, New-year day, or during the three months, mid-October to mid-January. The fruits are believed to increase by a factor of one crore if done on the two solstices; or on the day the moon is in the Magha asterism during February-March; or during the pre-dawn hour; or during solar eclipse or Vidhipaada Yoga. 

It is also regarded as particularly auspicious to perform "Girivalam" during every Full moon day (poornima) to coincide with siddhars' movements, and the heady perfumes of herbal plants surrounding the Hill. 

Once a sadhu who went regularly around the Hill, requested Sri Ramana for a Vedantic text. A devotee casually remarked, "He only goes round the Hill. What will he do with any Vedantic text?" To which Sri Ramana retorted, "What better sadhana can there be than going round the Hill?" 

Hindu mythology also explains the significance of circumambulation, in a narrative relating that the Goddess Parvati on the advice of Sage Gautama circumambulated the Hill everyday in order to have her desires fulfilled. 

Another legend says that Sage Durvasa, who cursed two vidyadharas stated that:- 

"The curse cannot be lifted by any act except that of circumambulating the Arunachala Hill." 

He then proceeded to relate what Siva Himself had declared in an assembly of devas and others: 

"He who circumambulates with devotion the Arunachala Hill which is my form, attains a form like mine. He becomes the Lord of the entire world and reaches the highest state". 

The two vidyadharas then advised King Vajrangada who was suffering, 

"The Lord of Aruna Hill is a repository of compassion and His glory is great. Circumambulate the Aruna Hill on foot as a means of release from suffering". 

31 December 2019

2019 Karthigai Photographs

2019 repaired Cauldron before painting

Taking Cauldron to Arunachala Summit

Bharani Deepam am December 10, 2019

Ardhanishwari, Big Temple, evening of December 10, 2019

Deepam inside Big Temple, December 10 2019

Lighting of Cauldron, December 10, 2019

Cauldron on top of Arunachala, December 10, 2019

Karthigai on Arunachala Summit from distance

Karthigai background, Temple gopuram in front

Lights on Temple with Karthigai bckground, December 10, 2019

Karthigai Deepam with Gopuram in front, from distance

23 July 2018

Arunachala Suprabatham

There are a number of Arunachala Suprabathams (Waking up the God) Videos on Social Network platforms that have different music and lyrics. The version below appears without transliteration or English translation . . . so Arunachala Grace has added both below the video. 

Om enum pranavathin utporul naamavaney
Omkaaranaathamayamaana Jagadeeswaraney
Malar thaavum vandugal panpaadum
Pularkaalaiyil malar thoovi vanangugirom
Arunaachalaney ezhuntharulvaai.

You are the internal meaning and being of Om
You are Jagadeeswara and Om Kareeswara
Bees sing as they move from flower to flower
We offer our prayers to you with fresh bloom flowers
Arunachala wake up and give us Your Blessings.

Eesane, Paramesaney, Kayilai malai vaasaney
Sivagaami nesaney, Jagadeesaney
Nandhi kesane Lingesaney Thillai Nadaraajaney
Arunodhayam uthithathey
Arunaachalaney ezhuntharulvaai

Ishwara, Parameshwara, the Lord of the Himalayas
You are Love to Mother Sivagaami, O Jagadeeswara
Nandi Ishwara, Lingaeeswara.
You are the Lord of Chidambaram—Nataraja
Arunachala wake up and give us Your Blessings

Nanthi mathalam kotta naaradhar thamburaa meetta
Naanmarai vedhangal naadheswaram udan olikka
Naagabaranam thariththa Namachivaaya gurunaathaney
Narthanam purinthidavey
Arunaachalaney ezhuntharulvaai

Nanthi has started to beat the drum, Naradha to play his Thambura
All the 4 Vedas are being sung along with the music of Naadheswaram
Naga Devadhas are dancing, Namashivaya Gurunatha
All other Devas have started their work
Arunachalana wake up and give us Your Blessings

Aathiye paranjothiye arubathi moondru naayanmaar thozhum
Karunaimalai nithiye
Aathithan uthikka keezhvaanam sivakka
Athikaalai vanthathey
Arunaachalaney ezhuntharulvaai

You are the rootless one, You are in the form of fire.
All 63 Naayanars worship you
You are the kind hearted one in the form of mountain and river.
The sun is rising up and the light starts to spread
Arunachalana wake up and give us Your Blessings

Senjadaiyil Gangaiyudan pirainuthal tharithoney
Senjudaraai vaan sivakka muzhumathi marainthoda
Seythi solla seval koova methiniye kanvizhikka
Aathisakthi naayaganey
Arunaachalaney ezhuntharulvaai

You have the Ganga River and the Crescent shape moon on your head
The sky becomes red as the sun emerges
Cocks crow in the morning light
You are the Shakthi of the Universe
Arunachalana wake up and give us Your Blessings

Kalthondri manthondraa kaalathey munthondri
Adiyaargal kanmun thondri kanathil maraintha paramey
Kaamanai kannazhagaal vizhitherithathanaal
Kaamaari vadivam petra
Arunaachalaney ezhuntharulvaai

You originated before all else
You appear in front of those full of devotion and then disappear
You took the shape of Kaamaari
Arunachalana wake up and give us Your Blessings

Aalakaala vishathai kandathil niruthiye
Neelakandan ena peyar konda perunithiye
Mukkaalamum unarnthavaney
Kaalanai thuraththi maarkandeyanukku ekkaalamum pathinaaru
Arunaachalaney ezhuntharulvaai

You drank poison and stored it in Your throat
Because of that your name is Neelakandan
You know all the kalas, and got rid of time
You gave the thought to Maarkandayan to be 16 years old always
Arunachalana wake up and give us Your Blessings

Vethiyar othidam rudhram olikka
Devaathi devargalum tharisanam kaana thavamirukka
Vilvaarchanai seiya ninathadiyaargal kaathirukka
Vidivelli mulaithathendrey
Arunaachalaney ezhuntharulvaai

All Veadhars start to sing Rudhram
All Devars await to have your darshan
All your devotees await your darshan
Those devotees awaits  to do Vilva archana to you
A new day has started
Arunachalana wake up and give us Your Blessings

Pittukku man sumanthu pirambadi pattavaney
Pithanaana arthanaana sithanaana ennappaney
Viragu vetti sumanthu veethiyellaam vitru
Vilaiyaadal purinthavaney
Arunaachalaney ezhuntharulvaai

You carried soil on Your Head. Got beaten with sticks
You were in the form of the madman, Arthanaada, my Father
You carried wood on Your Head and sold it on the streets
You showed Your playful love
Arunachalana wake up and give us Your Blessings

Maganidam manthira porul katru
Thaan petra maganukke seedanaana maheswaraney
Mugam aaru kondavanai guruvaaga etra unai
Jagam potrum Jagadeesaa
Arunaachalaney ezhuntharulvaai

You learned the lesson of OM from your son
And acted as follower (junior) to your son, Oh Maheswara
You took as Guru, your son with the 6 faces
You are the Lord of the Universe
Arunachalana wake up and give us Your Blessings

Panniru thirumuraigalum unmundrinai paadiya
Thirugnaanasambantharukku arul purintha eesaney
En iru karam kooppi unai thozhuthen Venneeranintha meniyaney
Un iru vizhi malara
Arunaachalaney ezhuntharulvaai

12 Thirumurai sung before you
Oh, Ishwara, you gave blessings to Thirugnana Sambathar
I am folding both my hands in front of you and offering my prayers
Kindly open both Your Eyes
Arunachalana wake up and give us Your Blessings

Thalaiyotha payanaaga thalaikeezhaai nadanthu vanthu
Sivalogam thanai adaintha Karaikaal Ammaiyaarukku
Sivanadi thantha senjadaiyoney piraimudi kandiyoney
Sadai melathi gangai konda
Arunaachalaney ezhuntharulvaai

Keeping head down, she walked
She reached the Siva Logam, to Karaikaal Ammaiyaar
You gave blessings to Her and she resided at Your Feet
You have Ganga river in Your Hair
Arunachalana wake up and give us Your Blessings

Ainthu thirumugathinindru aagamangal irubethettu uruvaagi
Aaru mugap perumaanaal viruthaasalathil kailaasa prakaarathil sthaabithu vazhipada seithavaney
Ninpainthamizh paadalil kutram kandapin thavarai unarntha
Nakkeeranukku narkathi thantha
Arunaachalaney ezhuntharulvaai

With Your beautiful face, Hindu rituals took form of 28
With the help of Murugan, at Viruthasalam you created Kailasa Prakaram
And lead everyone to worship
In your literary Tamil poem, a mistake was made by Nakkeran Poet
To let him know about the mistake in the poem, you showed your third eye
Arunachalana wake up and give us Your Blessings

Patralla gurupatru matriye eginum
Appar paadalil arputha porul arinthen
Sutram maranthen Sitrambalaney
Satre manamirangi enakkarulvaai
Arunaachalaney ezhuntharulvaai

Devotion to the Guru is important to everything else
In Appar’s songs, I learned the meaning of Guru
I forgot everything in the world, except you
Kindly shower your Blessings on me, my Lord
Arunachalana wake up and give us Your Blessings

Olimaaya perungadal kadakka
Meyyaana verum padagai thanthu
Narai kirai indri nanneri adaiya
Viraivaai vantharul puriya
Arunaachalaney ezhuntharulvaai

Knowledge is like an ocean, without boundaries
Truth is the boat, by which we cross it
To reach the shores, we need Your Blessings
Kindly come soon and shower your blessings
Arunachalana wake up and give us Your Blessings

Oonaagi uyiraagi valiyaagi oliyaagi
Vaanaagi kuriyaagi arulaagi nirpavaney
Boga yoga vedha vadivaai
Baagam piriyaaludan aruliya
Arunaachalaney ezhuntharulvaai

You are the soul of all living creatures, in all stages of their life
You own the sky, river, fire, earth and air
You are all vidhas and yogas, as their forms
You are a part of Mother Baagam Piriyaal
Arunachalana wake up and give us Your Blessings

Vinthaigal palapuriyum vinothamayamaanavaney
Pithaana soodalai venneeraai aninthavaney
Moovalagaalum mukkannaney in mugam kaana
Ezhulagam yenguthappaa
Arunaachalaney ezhuntharulvaai

You have done many miracles, as you are Supreme of all
You are our Lord, with Venneerai on your top
You are the Lord with three eyes, to all three worlds
All Devaras of the 7 worlds are waiting for you
Arunachalana wake up and give us Your Blessings

Kaanaatha aruvilirukkum uruvilirukkum karanamaai
Neeraanam aninthaarkku nizhal puriyum sivalingamena
Ulagariyaar paadalukkerpa aruvuruva vadivaana
Lingamaaga arul puriyum
Arunaachalaney ezhuntharulvaai

You are the vision to the blind, you are the knowledge to wise
You are the shadow, to all
You took all forms in the world
You are giving Blessings, in the form of Lingam
Arunachalana wake up and give us Your Blessings

Panjaboothangalum paramporulaagi
Prabanjathai aalukindra panchaatchara naayaganey
Paravaigalum karavaigalum pagalavan vara unarnthu
Paravasamaai unai azhikka
Arunaachalaney ezhuntharulvaai

You are the leader of all Panchaboothams
You are the secret manthras of Panchaatacharm
Birds, animals, Humans worship you
They all call you Parama Siva
Arunachalana wake up and give us Your Blessings

Agathooimai thanthu mei anbarkku arul thanthu
Ijjagam kaatharalum jagam pugazhum eesaraney
Kaarirul maraiya kathiravan thaan malara
Thevarul purinthidavey
Arunaachalaney ezhuntharulvaai

You give blessings to devotees with clean hearts
You are the saving God, for all the Universe
The darkness goes away, as the light rays of the Sun comes out
To give Blessings to all Devas
Arunachalana wake up and give us Your Blessings

Than bakthi sirappaal than iru kangalai thanthu
Thavap payan adaintha Kannappa naayanaarukku
Kaninthu arul purintha ennappaney
Enai aalum eesaney
Arunaachalaney ezhuntharulvaai

With full hearted devotion, He gave his two eyes
He attained mukti, Kannapa Nayanar
You gave him eyes and blessed him
Ishwara you are ruling me
Arunachalana wake up and give us Your Blessings

Gnaayiru andru vazhipada pinigalai kalaibavaney
Thingalandru vazhipada aatralai tharubavaney
Sevvaayandru vazhipada piravippini theerpavaney
Buthanandru vazhipada vetrigal tharubavaney
Viyaazhan andru vazhipada gnaanam tharubavaney
Velliyandru vazhipada vishnupadham arulbavaney
Saniyandru vazhipada navagraha anugraham tharubavaney
Arunaachalaney ezhuntharulvaai

They who worship you on Sunday will get rid of problems
They who worship you on Monday will get new skills
They who worship you on Tuesday will desired objects in this birth
They who worship you on Wednesday will get victory in their work
They who worship on on Thursday will get knowledge
They who worship you on Friday will get darshan of Lord Vishnu’s feet
They who worship you on Saturday will get blessing of Navagraham
Arunachalana wake up and give us Your Blessings

Mesharaasiyar niruthi lingathai vazhipadavum
Rishaba raasiyar indira lingathai vazhipadavum
Mithuna raasiyar eesaana lingathai vazhipadavum
Kadaga raasiyar vaayu lingathai vazhipadavum
Anugraham puriyum
Arunaachalaney ezhuntharulvaai

Devotees with Mesharaasiyar transit (Aries) should worship Niruthi Lingam
Devotees with Rishaba transit (Taurus) should worship Indira Lingam
Devotees with Mithuna Raasi (Gemini) should worship Eeswaraa Lingam
Devotees with Kadaga Raasi (Cancer) should worship Vayuu Lingam
Ishwara give you Blessings
Arunachalana wake up and give us Your Blessings

Shimma raasiyar agni lingathai vazhipadavum
Kanni raasiyar eesaana lingathai vazhipadavum
Thulaam raasiyar indira lingathai vazhipadavum
Viruchika raasiyar yama lingathai vazhipadavum
Arunaachalaney ezhuntharulvaai

Devotees with Shima Raasi (Leo) should worship Agni Lingam
Devotees with Kanni Raasi (Virgo) should worship Isanya Lingam
Devotees with Thulaam Raasi (Libra) should worship Indira Lingam
Devotees with Viruchika Raasi (Scorpio) should worship Yama Lingam
Kindly shower Your Blessings
Arunachalana wake up and give us Your Blessings

Thanusu raasiyar kubera lingathai vazhipadavum
Magara kumba raasiyar varuna lingathai vazhipadavum
Meena raasiyar kubera lingathai vazhipadavum
Arunaachalaney ezhuntharulvaai

Devotees with Dhanusu Raasi (Sagittarius) should worship Kubera Lingam
Devotees with Magara Kumbha Raasi (Capricorn, Aquarius) should worship Vayuu Lingam
Devotees with Meena Raasi (Pisces) should worship Kubera Lingam
Kindly save us Ishwara
Arunachalana wake up and give us Your Blessings

Padaiththal kaaththal azhiththal enum muththozhil puriyum mukkatselvaa
Neerum neruppum kaatrum boomiyum aagaayamumaana praboodha naadhaa
Swarnalingam spadigalingam maragathalingam jothilingamena
Atchayalingam naagalingam sahasralingam kodilingamaaga
Ezhuntharuliya Eeswaraney
Arunaachalaney ezhuntharulvaai

You are doing three duties of creation, saving and destroying so called mukkatselvaa
You are water, fire, air, earth, sky as panchaboothams
You are in the form of Swarna Lingam (Gold), Spadiga Lingam (Crystal), Maragatha Linglam (emerald), Jothilingam (fire)
Akshayya Lingam (Imperishable), Naagalingam (Serpent), Sahasralingam (Thousand), Kodilingam (One Crore)
Wake up Ishwara
Arunachalana wake up and give us Your Blessings