30 March 2021

Is Lingam A Tesla Coil: Theory of Arunachaleswarar Temple


Below is a fascinating video made by Praveen Mohan explaining his theory that the Siva Lingam at Arunachaleswarar Temple is an ancient energy device similar to the more contemporary Tesla Coil.

After the video, I have included a transcription (available at his Blog). I have added a third paragraph in red with information about a thara parthiram (special kind of vessel) being placed over the Lingam during a specific season.

"Hey guys, today I am going to show you a mysterious phenomenon that is happening in the Arunachalesvara temple in the town of Tiruvannamalai. This temple is very old, at least 1300 years old, The unusual thing about this temple is that there is a lingam in the main chamber, and it emits an enormous amount of heat. Nobody has been able to explain this until now. Like all Hindu temples, the main idol is situated in the central chamber inside this temple, but this lingam somehow radiates a lot of heat. As we approach the main chamber where the lingam is contained, you can feel the temperature rising. Notice how the entire stone walls have turned completely black because of constant radiation. You can see multiple fans placed all around, trying to cool the place down, but the place remains much hotter than the outside, all the time. It is extremely hot even during winter time inside the main chamber.


When I visited this temple, Initially, I thought no one felt the rise in temperature except me, but when I researched this, it has already been published in multiple newspapers and several websites. Many have wondered why this is happening. The priests in the temple also confirm this, and told me that the lingam itself is very hot, it feels like touching a warm cup of coffee. So they actually use a simple cooling device from time to time, this cooling system is a vessel is placed on top of the lingam, which slowly drips cold water to cool the lingam down."


Note:  For information go to my post at:


The posting explains the reason why a water vessel (i.e. thara parthiram) is placed over the Lingam at Shiva Temples during Kathiri Veyil, which is the period when the Sun (i.e. Surya) passes through the star Krittika. 


"But why is this happening? A stone is capable of giving out heat energy for many centuries without any power source? This is impossible, there should be some explanation for this phenomenon. I mean how is this possible? Locals and priests explain that this radiation is happening because it is a special type of lingam called the Agni Lingam. Now, what is an Agni Lingam? Agni Lingam is a stack of energy, a column of fire emitting heat and light. This unique type of energy is said to be created in the underground portion of the lingam. What we see here, is just the top of the structure, there is a large cylindrical column which proceeds underground, which is what creates the enormous amount of heat. Since the heat produced by the lingam is very real, is it possible that such a lingam, a cylindrical power source actually exists underground? If this is true, is it possible that the ancient builders also carved the entire Agni Lingam in this temple?


Here, we can see a man praying to this large cylindrical structure. But it does not look like a traditional lingam, it has many turns, many coils on the cylinder, as though it is wound with wires, and look at the top, there are thunderbolts coming out in all directions. This is incredible, because this matches 100% with a modern day Tesla coil. Now, what is a Tesla Coil? It is a Wireless Power Transfer device, it does not need wires, but can radiate enormous amount of energy, simply through the air. Nikola Tesla, an extraordinary inventor created this in 1891 in an attempt to deliver free energy to the world.


I mean look at the tesla coil. I mean look at the Tesla coil I am holding. It is a cylinder wound with wires connected to a battery and we see can see electric arcs which look like thunderbolts coming out from the top. This is exactly what we see in the carving. Is the Agni Lingam, an ancient Tesla Coil? How else can you explain this 1300 year old carving, with coils wound around the cylinder, and thunderbolts coming out from the top? Tesla coils also create a lot of heat, you can feel the heat rising as you move your hand closer to it. In fact, it will burn your skin if you touch it. This is the exact same feeling you get, as we walk closer to the lingam. As we move towards the lingam, we can literally feel the heat rising. Today, we have created large Tesla coils for experimental purposes. But did ancient builders also set up a similar device underground? If so, for what purpose? I mean ,what could have been the reason to put a large Agni Lingam inside a temple?


The answer lies in how we use Tesla coils. Today, Doctors are using Tesla Coils primarily for enhancing the overall well-being of patients. This procedure, known as electrotherapy not only completely relaxes the body, but also calms the mind into a deep, meditative state. Was the ancient Tesla Coil, the Agni Lingam installed here to heal the body and mind of the visitors? People from around the world come here to practice deep meditation in this temple. You will experience an unusual calmness in your mind and your body, when you are in this temple, this is why this area is called the spiritual capital of the world. Some of the world’s greatest saints attained enlightenment in this temple. Are all these things mere coincidences, or is it all because of the therapeutic effect, the effect of radiation coming out of the lingam?


Did ancient people worship this lingam to gain physical and mental strength? But if this is the case, then what is the need to construct such a large temple complex around this lingam? This temple is one of the largest temples of Lord Shiva, covering about 25 acres. The entire design and layout of this temple is mindboggling, the most important feature is the towers. Near the outer walls, Four large temple towers are set up precisely facing the 4 cardinal direction points.


If the Agni Lingam is a Tesla Coil transmitting energy, then is what is the need to construct all these gigantic towers? Perhaps the answer lies in the carving itself. If we count the number of turns on the Agni Lingam, it has 13 turns. Initially, I thought this was a mere coincidence but let us count the number of the metal domes, these are called Kalashas, placed on top of the main tower. There are exactly 13 domes placed on the top of the tower. This is not a coincidence. Not only that, the tower also has 13 levels, these rectangular holes are actually doorways to the levels, there are stairs inside the tower to access every level. If you we count the doorways, including the one hidden by this signboard, there are 13 doorways and 13 levels. So, this is definitely not a coincidence. If you look at the tower from the top angle, it looks like a next generation machine. What is the actual purpose of this gigantic tower? Even after 1300 years, it is still one of the tallest towers of India. Did you know Nikola Tesla built a gigantic tower, called the Wardenclyffe tower, in order to give free energy to the world? Tesla planned on wireless transmission of energy to the whole world, but this entire facility was destroyed by greedy businessmen. Was this temple also built as a centre for wireless transmission of energy?


See, if you go to a very high altitude, the entire temple complex looks similar to a modern day power company, I mean look at the lay out. There are 4 large towers perfectly aligned to the 4 direction points. There are smaller towers inside as well. There are water sources which act as a cooling system, you can see two large tanks always full of water. There are many separate buildings inside the complex, there are even emergency exits, just like modern facilities. But perhaps the real secret, the actual power source itself can be found if we can access the underground, but locked chambers."


[By Praveen Mohan]

27 March 2021

Panguni Matha Pradosham, March 26, 2021—Arunachaleswarar Temple


Below are three photos of the Panguni Matha Pournami Pradosam that was observed yesterday Friday, March 26, 2021 at Arunachaleswarar Temple.

Its most encouraging to see that devotees are once again visiting Temples in Tiruvannamalai to participate in functions.

22 March 2021

Shirdi Sai Baba Arunachala Connection


"There will never be any dearth or scarcity, regarding food and clothes, in any devotees' homes. It is my special characteristic that I always look to, and provide, for the welfare of those devotees who worship Me whole-heartedly with their minds ever fixed on Me. Lord Krishna has also said the same in the Gita. Therefore, strive not much for food and clothes. If you want anything; beg of the Lord, leave worldly honours, try to get Lord's grace and blessings and be honoured in His Court. Do not be deluded by worldly honour. The form of the Deity should be firmly fixed in the mind. Let the senses and mind be ever devoted to the worship of the Lord, let there be no attraction for any other thing: fix the mind in remembering Me always, so that it will not wander elsewhere; towards body, wealth and home. Then it will be calm, peaceful and care-free. This is the sign of the mind being well engaged in good company".

[Words of Sri Shirdi Sai Baba in Shri Sai Satcharitra]


There is a connection with Arunachala of the famed Sri Shirdi Sai Baba Temple at Mylapore, Chennai whose founder Sri B.V. Narasimha Swami resided at Tiruvannamalai and was a devotee of Arunachala and Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi. In furthering the connection with Sri Shirdi Sai Baba, there are currently 3 Temples at Tiruvannamalai dedicated to the great Saint.

Two are on the Girivalam road; one near the Hanuman Temple on Girivalam Roadway, another known as "Akshaya Sri Sai" (i.e. the ever-full vessel of Grace and Auspiciousness) is located at Adi Annamalai. The third Shirdi Sai Temple, under the aegis of the Sri Arunaibaba Vazhipattu Sthalam Trust, is located in town at the feet of Pavala Kundru Temple and next to the Durgai Amman Temple.

The objectives of the Sri Arunaibaba Vazhipattu Sthalam Trust are:

1.  To perform Baba aarti and distribute annadanam (food prasad) on all Thursdays. To perform yaga puja and distribute annadanam on all no moon days, important festival days and full moondays. To perform puja and distribute annadanam on Ramanavami, Gurupournami, Sri Shirdi Sai Baba Samadhi and on important Festival days.

2. To encourage devotees and visitors to the Temple into charitable pursuits and the path of non-violence.

3. To plan and undertake renovation and improvement works to the Temple

4. To exhibit civic responsibility by maintaining the cleanliness of the area around the Temple grounds

5. To provide funds for developing education for poor and handicapped children.

6. To facilitate camps for blood donation, free eye and medical tests for the poor.

Now that life is returning to normal after the year long pandemic, this Shirdi Sai Baba temple is eager to again concentrate on the aims of their Trust. In this regard, yesterday Sunday March 21, 2021 the Temple held a Sri Lakshmi Kubera Homam dedicated to the improvement and development of their Mandapam.

If you would like either to support this organisation in their fund raising endeavours  or if you would like to arrange a homam to be performed at their Mandapam please get in touch with Arunachala Grace on the contact facility at the left side of this Blog, and we will forward all correspondence direct to their Trust.

Below is a pictorial gallery of the Homam performed yesterday at the Shirdi Sai Mandapam.

12 March 2021

Lingodbhavamurti Puja—2021 Mahashivaratri, Arunachaleswarar Temple


The manifestation of Lord Shiva in a column of fire in front of Brahma and Vishnu and carved in stone, is known as the Lingodbhavamurti manifestation of Lord Shiva. It is always enshrined in the rear niche of the sanctum enshrining a Shiva Lingam. Since most temples face east, the Lingodbhava faces west.

The non-anthromorphic form of the Shiva Lingam is a representation of the infinite cosmic column of fire, whose origins could not be traced by Brahma or Vishnu. This representation of the Shiva Lingam is the centre of reverence and worship in all Saivite temples.

On the night of Mahashivaratri the Lingodbhavamurti is bathed and anointed in the ritual of abhishekam and puja.  This ritual conducted on the night of Mahashivaratri represents the worship of sacred Arunachala itself, (which is considered to be the manifestation of this cosmic column of effulgence) as it represents the primordial element of fire (Agni); one of the Pancha Bhuta Sthalams.

For more information about the significance of this worship, please visit an earlier posting at this link here.

Nadaswara Musical Recital: 2021 Mahashivaratri—Arunachala


A musical recital was held at Alankaram Mandapam in front of the Raja Gopuram, Arunachaleswarar Temple, Tiruvannamalai on the occasion of the 2021 Mahashivaratri Festival. The musicians who participated are from the Nadaswaram Music Society, Tiruvannamalai District.

Mahashivaratri 2021: Sri Chandrasekhara Procession


The photographs below are from the 2021 Mahashivaratri celebrations at Arunachaleswarar Temple of Sri Chandrasekhara taken in procession on the Silver Rishabha Vahana around the Temple prakarams.

10 March 2021

Mahashivaratri 2021: Thursday, 11 March


Each month there is a day known as Sivaratri and once a year there is Mahashivaratri (maha=great) ... i.e. the Great Festival of Shiva. The dates of these occasions correspond to certain phases of the new moon when it is believed that the mind (which is adversely affected by the power of the moon) is less susceptible to low, animalistic forces and thus more tractable to the power of meditation and prayer.

It is for this reason that Mahashivaratri is believed to be the one 24-hour period in the year which is of the greatest benefit. It has been stated in the scriptures that if a man fasts, stays awake and meditates for the whole of Mahashivaratri, it will give him his best chance to achieve mastery of the mind and attain liberation.

Mahashivaratri always falls on the fourteenth day of the dark fortnight of Phalguna (February-March), and is dedicated to the worship of Lord Shiva. (Mahashivaratri in 2021 falls on Thursday March 11). On this day it is recommended that devotees sing Shiva bhajans, recite verses from scripture, offer prayers in the morning and evening, and observe fasting throughout the day and visit Temples dedicated to Lord Shiva. In the case of Arunachala, premier Shiva site of South India, circumambulation of Arunachala Hill is observed by many.

To read more about the significance of this grand Festival please visit my website at this link here

Please enjoy the below rousing audio "Mahadev" by Armonian entitled "Mahashivratri".

27 February 2021

Nisargadatta Maharaj Website

Please bookmark to a resource website on Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj at this link here. The website includes a number of videos, interviews, photographs and information about books and DVDs of this great Saint.

"You are never without a Guru, for he is timelessly present in your heart. Sometimes he externalises himself and comes to you as an uplifting and reforming factor in your life, a mother, a wife, a teacher; or he remains as an inner urge toward righteousness and perfection. All you have to do is obey him and do what he tells you. What he wants you to do is simple, learn self-awareness, self-control, self-surrender. It may seem arduous, but it is easy if you are earnest. And quite impossible if you are not. Earnestness is both necessary and sufficient. Everything yields to earnestness." [Nisargadatta Maharaj]

Go to this link here to read a fascinating narrative by David Godman on Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj. 

An excerpt concerning a portion of the narrative concerning Sri Ramana Maharshi is reproduced below:- 

Question: What was Maharaj's attitude to Ramana Maharshi and his teachings? Did you ever discuss Bhagavan's teachings with him? 

David Godman: He had enormous respect for both his attainment and his teachings. He once told me that one of the few regrets of his life was that he never met him in person. He did come to the ashram in the early 1960s with a group of his Marathi devotees. They were all on a South Indian pilgrimage tour and Ramanasramam was one of the places he visited. 

With regard to the teachings he once told me, 'I agree with everything that Ramana Maharshi said, with the exception of this business of the heart-centre being on the right side of the chest. I have never had that experience myself.' I discussed various aspects of Bhagavan's teachings with him and always found his answers to be very illuminating. He asked me once, 'Have you understood Ramana Maharshi's teachings?' Since I knew he meant 'Had I actually experienced the truth of them?', I replied, 'The more I listen to Maharaj, the more I understand what Bhagavan is trying to tell me'. I felt that this was true at both the theoretical and experiential levels. 

His explanations broadened and deepened my intellectual understanding of Bhagavan's teachings and his presence also gave me experiential glimpses of the truth that they were all pointing towards. 

I have to mention Ganesan's visit here. V. Ganesan is the grandnephew of Ramana Maharshi and in the 1970s he was the de facto manager of Ramanasramam. Nowadays, his elder brother Sundaram is in charge. Ganesan came to visit Maharaj for the first time in the late 1970s. As soon as he arrived Maharaj stood up and began to collect cushions. He made a big pile of them and made Ganesan sit on top of the heap. Then, much to everyone's amazement, Maharaj cleared a space on the floor and did a full-length prostration to him. When he stood up, he told Ganesan, 'I never had a chance to prostrate to your great-uncle Ramana Maharshi, so I am prostrating to you instead. This is my prostration to him.'

12 February 2021

Bhauma Pradosh February 9, 2021: Arunachaleswarar Temple

The below photographs are of the most recent Pradosham observed at Arunachaleswarar Temple on February 9, 2021. Due to the complications of the pandemic, this is the first time in nearly a year that such a good size crowd has attended the Pradosham function at the Temple. It is most encouraging to observe life slowly returning to normal. 

Significance of Bhauma Pradosh Vrat

When the observance of Pradosh Vrat coincides with a Tuesday, it is referred to as Bhauma Pradosh Vrat (Bhauma is another name for the planet Mars or Mangal). According to the Shiva Purana and other scriptures, Bhaum or planet Mars observed severe ‘Tapas’ and was bestowed with Mangal Loka by Lord Shiva. 

It is therefore believed that a person who observes Bhauma Pradosh Vrat and worships Lord Shiva will be granted the fulfilment of desires. Women observe this vrat to be blessed with a male child. It is believed that the power of Bhauma Pradosh Vrat removes all obstacles and negative forces in life and purifies one surroundings, cures diseases and blesses the devotee with good health.