7 December 2015

2015 Karthigai Deepam: Cauldron Coming Back to Temple

The Mahadeepam on top of Arunachala for the 2015 Karthigai Festival was alight for approximately 10 days. At some times during the History of this Festival, the pot used to remain undisturbed on the Hill for several years, until its condition made it necessary for it to be brought back down the Hill to the Temple for repair or replacment. 

Nowadays the pot is taken up the Hill a couple of days before Mahadeepam and remains there for a day at the end of the Festival in order for it to cool. Thereupon the pot is returned to the Temple for storage. Nowadays the Cauldron is more lightweight than at previous times (to make it easier to carry up and down the Hill), however its lack of robustness ensures that the Cauldron has to be replaced more frequently. 

The Cauldron in ceremony before being carried up Arunachala

The below sequence of photographs are of the 2015 Arunachala Karthigai Deepam Cauldron being carried down the Hill passed the Virupaksham and Mango Caves on its way to the foot of the Hill.

Men of the Fisherman Caste carrying the Cauldron

Cauldron after its service on the Hill during the 2015 Karthigai Deepam Festival

As in most everything, its generally easier to come down than go up!

2015 Karthigai Deepam Cauldron

Crossing the Road heading to the Pey Gopuram (West Tower) Entrance


Srinivas said...

The cauldron might have been brought down, but the deepam burns eternally for me, guiding every moment. Had a soul filling girivalam on 1st december , so too the parikrama of the temple. I mentally visit Arunachala at some point of the day every day and peace prevails on the very thought of it.
Thank you Meenakshi Amma for the posts.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful photographs of the Cauldron. Also excellent coverage of 2015 Deepam. Have saved many of the Festival photographs.

P. Shiva Sankara said...

Am also saving many of the photographs from the 2015 Karthigai coverage on Arunachala Grace.

Anonymous said...

wonderful photographs. thank you.