7 October 2006

Work of AKSP

'Wilderness needs to be allowed to be. The wildest part of Arunachala is being regenerated by the Arunachala Kattu Siva Plantation, a group of rural men and women from villages surrounding the feet of Siva.

. . . we are contributing towards the covering of a sacred mountain with living forms so that our artesian basin will regenerate. We are engaged in this because it is our contribution to the future inhabitants of this sacred place, which we believe has an unimaginable potency entirely irrelevant to ecological considerations. We are doing this because we want to, because we believe that the maha mangalam absorbs the illusory conditioned mind.

We are encouraged to believe it a good thing for other persons devoted to Arunachala to know about our work and for this purpose have created the website:www.aksp.org.'

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