"One day I was walking on Arunachala with the Maharshi when he stopped and picked up a small stone from the path and held it out to me saying:

'Someone from abroad has written asking for a stone from the most sacred part of the Hill. He does not know that the whole Hill is sacred. It is Siva Himself. Just as we identify ourselves with a body, so Siva has chosen to identify Himself with the Hill. Arunachala is pure Awareness in the form of a hill. It is out of compassion to those who seek Him that He has chosen to reveal Himself in the form of a hill visible to the eye. The seeker will obtain guidance and solace by staying near this Hill.'"
[Dr. T.N Krishnaswamy - Ramana photographer]
It is reported that Ramana would answer robustly when a devotee failed to understand the nature of Arunachala. Reportedly he would say something to the effect: 'When I speak of Arunachala you keep thinking I am talking figuratively. No, I am speaking literally; Arunachala is the actual manifestation of Shiva.'
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