Sacred Power—Girivalam
The Significance of Girivalam (Circumambulation)
[The below narrative is taken from my website dedicated to Arunachala and available at this link].
One of the thousand and eight names given to Arunachala by Adi Shankara is giripradakshinapriya – the Lord who loves giripradakshina.
'Be they of lowly birth, without the advantage of learning, unable to practise the virtue of liberality, it is of no account. Those who perform pradakshina of holy Aruna, the Supreme, submit to his rule and become his devotee, will excel even amongst the most excellent . . .'
[Arunagiri Antadi]
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Arunachala |
At most holy places located on hills, the Deity is found at the top. But here at Tiruvannamalai, the Hill itself is the Deity (Lord Annamalaiyar) and one of the ways in which it is propiated and worshipped is by its circumambulation. In Sanskrit this going around the Hill is called 'giripradakshina' (giri = mountain and pradakshina: Prada = giver of boons; Kshi = destroyer of Karma; Na = giver of Jnana. Also, Pra-Dakshina = going around with centre kept to the right).
'Pradakshina (the Hindu rite of going round the object of worship) is "All is within me." The true significance of the act of going round Arunachala is said to be as effective as circuit round the world. That means that the whole world is condensed into this Hill. The circuit round the temple of Arunachala is equally good; and self-circuit (i.e. turning round and round) is as good as the last. So all are contained in the Self. Says the Ribhu Gita: "I remain fixed, whereas innumerable universes becoming concepts within my mind, rotate within me. This meditation is the highest circuit (pradakshina).'
[Ramana Maharshi: Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi]
In the Tamil language, this process of going around, is called 'giri valam' (giri = mountain and valam = right side), inferring that one should keep the Hill to the right when circumambulating.
The Arunachala Puranam declares that:
'the holy Arunachala is the primal, Adi linga. The path around its base is the sacred Yoni. Pradakshina of the Hill is therefore pradakshina of the source of all lingas! So one goes round keeping to the left-edge of the path. A mere step taken, confers the benefit of a Yaga, sacrifice; two steps, the fruit of Rajasuya Yaga; and three that of Asvamedha Yaga. Going round the hill one gains in health and vigour. The hill abounds in rare herbs sought by traditional herbalists and the breeze carries the salubrious wafts from these siddha herbs to the one doing the holy round. The dust from the feet of such a person, carried and deposited in towns far away effects immeasurable purification.'
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Route of 14 km outer Arunachala Giripradakshina |
The circumambulation path is 14 kilometres (8½ miles). Tradition has it that even today a number of siddhars are living on the hill. There are eight lingams located at the eight directions, which provides an octagonal structure to the town of Tiruvannamalai. The eight lingams are: Indra Lingam, Agni Lingam, Yama Lingam, Niruthi Lingam, Varuna Lingam, Vayu Lingam, Kubera Lingam and Esanya Lingam.
There are two pathways around the Hill, the outer pathway which is the most commonly travelled and which contains Temples, the Asta Lingams, Tirthams and Shrines. And the inner pathway which winds its way through the countryside at the feet of Arunachala.
According to scriptures, the walk around the Hill should be conducted at a slow pace either in silence, reciting mantras or chanting sacred songs. As to the ritual of the spiritual round; one should abjure all thought of the opposite sex on the day of pradakshina. After bathing one wears clean white clothes, applies vibhutti and proceeds, giving alms but without accepting any. Free from fear, anger, irritation or sorrow one walks on bare feet, without using vehicles or carrying an umbrella. Without swinging one's arms about, and with a silent soft tread, one saunters like a queen in her 'tenth-month'. One bows, first to the holy Hill from each of the eight cardinal directions, and then to the Lord of that direction enshrined in the linga there. One bows mentally to the incorporeal gods and siddhas going the rounds and keeps to the side. One could keep silence of speech and mind; or one could allow thoughts to flow on to the Hill of Fire; or one could sing and listen to songs of devotional praise.
In the company of those of lofty character, one is able to halt here and there and enjoy a feast of fruit and milk. Otherwise, simple food free of flesh can be taken.
Certain days are regarded as particularly auspicious for circumambulation:-
The fruit of a Sunday pradakshina is Siva's abode (enter the solar region and attain Liberation);
that of Monday is merger in Siva-form (live happily in a world free from senility and death);
that of Tuesday is termination of debt and cyclic death (freed from all doubts and becomes Emperor);
that of Wednesday is divinity through skill in philosophy and art (attain Wisdom and Omniscience);
that of Thursday is lordship over gods and god-men (venerated by all Devas and may even become a renowned Guru);
that of Friday is lordship of the Lotus Lady (may hope to reach Vishnu's abode).
A Saturday pradakshina confers the astronomical benefits of a nine-planet conjunction in the Eleventh House (worldly success and protection against planetary influences).
The above effects are magnified if circumambulation is done on Sivaratri, New-year day, or during the three months, mid-October to mid-January. The fruits are believed to increase by a factor of one crore if done on the two solstices; or on the day the moon is in the Magha asterism during February-March; or during the pre-dawn hour; or during solar eclipse or Vidhipaada Yoga.
It is also regarded as particularly auspicious to perform "Girivalam" during every Full moon day (poornima) to coincide with siddhars' movements, and the heady perfumes of herbal plants surrounding the Hill.
Once a sadhu who went regularly around the Hill, requested Sri Ramana for a Vedantic text. A devotee casually remarked, "He only goes round the Hill. What will he do with any Vedantic text?" To which Sri Ramana retorted, "What better sadhana can there be than going round the Hill?"
Hindu mythology also explains the significance of circumambulation, in a narrative relating that the Goddess Parvati on the advice of Sage Gautama circumambulated the Hill everyday in order to have her desires fulfilled.
Another story says that Sage Durvasa, who cursed two vidyadharas stated that:-
"The curse cannot be lifted by any act except that of circumambulating the Arunachala Hill."
He then proceeded to relate what Siva Himself had declared in an assembly of devas and others:
"He who circumambulates with devotion the Arunachala Hill which is my form, attains a form like mine. He becomes the Lord of the entire world and reaches the highest state".
The two vidyadharas then advised King Vajrangada who was suffering,
"The Lord of Aruna Hill is a repository of compassion and His glory is great. Circumambulate the Aruna Hill on foot as a means of release from suffering".
Dates for 2017 Full Moon Arunachala Pradakshina
Why no umbrellas.
There are no actual rules or regulations about performing giripradakshina of Arunachala. There are only suggestions from holy books such as the Skanda Purana and saints about the ways of making the walk more sacred.
Many devotees who come to perform girivalam actually hope for conditions to be as difficult as possible, for they believe that the difficulties they are willing to overcome is indicative of the love they have for God.
Personally I think circumstances are different now from when such books were written or such advising saints were alive. Its difficult and sometimes dangerous to walk on artificial road surface especially in the summer. Its no longer about performing girivalam in bare feet on nice grassy pathways. Generally suggest to first timers performing girivalam to keep a pair of slippers in their bag . . . just in case things get too painful.
If someone asks me specifically about rules and regulations I advise that its better not to beat yourself up and that girivalam should be a blessed, happy and inspirational experience. Much like the advice Sri Sathya Sai Baba would always give about spiritual sadhana . . . "spiritual life - no pressure, only pleasure."
Good information with 2017 full moon dates
Thanks Hari. Hope you get the opportunity to perform lots of girivalam in 2017. Isn't it?
Meenakshi, please, a link, or any reference, to Sai having said such.
Swamiji had lots of favourite phrases he would use. "spiritual life, pleasure no pressure," was one of them. I even heard him personally saying it in an interview.
Any thing about safety of elders and women?
I understand many people are prepared to "suffer" while performing girivalam. But I am not of that mind. One has to attune one's behaviour and actions taking into consideration time and circumstances. What may have been appropriate many years ago does not necessarily have the same relevance.
Because of this, I suggest elders and/or people with tender feet, either wear shoes, or take a pair along in their bag which they can don if necessary. In the summer, the road is very hot so make sure to plan one's girivalam either early in the morning or in the evening.
There is a saying, "when a robber meets an angel, all he sees is his pockets!" Many prosperous devotees visit Arunachala Temple and perform girivalam. Thieves also are well represented in both places. BE CAREFUL. A favourite trick is cutting into the back of handbags or back-packs with a blade then putting in a hand and taking out valuables. These villains are expert . . . you will not know its happening till its too late.
Another trick is for a person to come and ask for directions or help and while talking, will grab jewellery from a lady and his associate will come on a scooter or motor-bike and both will drive away quickly.
Ladies should not wear ostentatious jewellery and if insisting on not taking off their Mangala Sutra . . . then make sure its covered under clothing. Best not bring money or documents on girivalam. Keep change and small bills close to hand, for small purchases and donations for sadhus etc., during girivalam.
Go in a group. And if performing girivalam during the night go in a large group. Ladies should not perform girivalam independently. Go with others.
Girivalam is not a race. There are many restaurants and places to buy water bottles, take tea and soft drinks. Be comfortable and relaxed. Take your time. Keep hydrated. If its hot bring an umbrella or head covering. And most importantly ENJOY. Arunachala Girivalam is truly a blessed and wonderful experience.
Treat the Girivalam like one is supposed to treat a pilgrimage or spiritual journey. Avoid wearing jewellery or carrying things that will attract robbers. are there for the spritual experience, not them.
Would like to add...The first time I performed the girivalam, I purchased a pair of rubber slippers in Tiruvannamalai before setting out. I did feel a bit guilty, but soon realized I may have done the right thing. No doubt..the roads are very good. But walking barefoot for 14 kms on tar roads isn't really a great idea. Alternately, those who wish may circumambulate the hill itself (entry is from Sri Ramanashramam. Check whether it is permissible to tread the hill though). I am a brisk walker and it took me 3 hours (including the halt at all the temples along the way). Otherwise, I've heard it takes 4-5 hours.
Useful information
Really a great post with detailed info.
Kind Regards
I am confused over Girivalam Timings.
09-06-2017 Fri 08-06 05.24 PM 09-06 07.31 PM
means; on which night we have to perform Girivalam 8thJune night or 9thJune night?
Moon calendars like the one in the above posting compute the full moon as a 24 hour cycle. Part of the cycle is in the daytime and part during the night. Sometimes the 24 hour cycle includes the evening of two consecutive days.
Next month the full moon in India starts at 4.20 p.m. Thursday 8 June, 2017 and runs to 6.40 p.m. Friday 9 June. Which means most devotees will be undertaking their girivalam in the evening and night of Thursday running into Friday.
After circumambulation of girivalam, after how many hours can a person consume non vegetarian.
There are no restrictions regarding partaking of food either before or after girivalam. Some people choose to fast in preparation for Girivalam, others stop at hotels during their walk for beverages and/or food. Even Ramana Maharshi (in the old days), when performing girivalam with devotees would take several days to perform hill-round. And his devotees would cook meals in camps for the group, throughout that time.
As to non-veg. It depends on the purpose of your girivalam. If you are performing a vrata (vow) or austerity in order to seek Divine Grace, then it would be advisable to follow the sastras i.e. fast and prayer.
Thank you :)
When the girivalam takes place in august sir...either sunday night or monday night please reply
The dates of the Moon chart on this post refer to the 24 hour period that the Moon is full in India during each month in 2017.
To perform poornima girivalam, the devotee can pick any time in that 24 hour period.
Your question regarding timings for the August Arunachala Girivalam has led to a posting on this. For further information on the upcoming full moon observance at Arunachala, please check out this link here:
Hi i am girl will be partaking the girivalam.alone as i have no one to follow me. Travelling alone plz do advice me
As a solitary girl, its a very bad idea to perform girivalam on your own. You should join with other people who are performing girivalam. If you are staying at an Ashram or Hotel while at Tiruvannamalai, ask around and make arrangements to go in a group with others.
Also don't take valuables with you when performing girivalam. Make sure all jewellery is tucked inside your garments, and not on display.
Please understand that when large crowds congregate, villains and thieves will also be there. Just because you are in a sacred pilgrimage site, please don't assume nothing bad happens here.
Once a devotee had an interview with Sri Sathya Sai Baba at Puttaparthi. Swami asked him about his trip. The devotee responded, "Swami my family and I came by train from North India. During our journey all our belongings were taken. But I said to my family, 'Don't worry. This is all Swami's Grace.'
Swami replied, "Don't blame me for your lack of care. It was not my Grace, it was your carelessness. Take responsibility."
Does anyone have girivalam 2018 dates. I'm planning to come to tiruvannamalai with my family. So that I can make arrangements
Have posted a 2018 India Full Moon Calendar at this link here:
Will give more specific timings for full-moon girivalam soon.
Is it required to perform only on full moon days or can be undertaken on any day?
There is no restriction regarding the performance of girivalam. It can be done any time and on any day. It also can be performed multiple times a day.
The information I have given in the above posting is a guide outlining information about girivalam in such holy writings as the Skanda Purana. But please be informed that one must take into account modern factors that did not exist previously.
For this reason I always suggest that a visitor should use commonsense in the way they approach girivalam. For instance I have problems with my feet . . . so always carry slippers in my bag to put on when the walking on the hot, hard gravel and tile surface (which now surrounds the girivalam route).
Girivalam should be a joyous, celebratory experience. As Sri Sathya Sai Baba once said, "Spiritual life no pressure, pleasure."
For your information I have uploaded the poornima dates and timings for 2018. Please go to this link here:
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