30 June 2017

Aani Thirumanjanam Arunachaleswarar Temple: June 30, 2017

Aani Uthiram, or Aani Thirumanjanam, is an auspicious day in the Tamil Month of Aani (June-July) and is dedicated to Lord Nataraja (Shiva). It is believed that Lord Nataraja gives darshan to his devotees in the months Aani and Margazhi.

The word "Thirumanjanam" means Holy bath. The festival is observed on the Uthiram Nakshatram day. In 2017, this day fell on June 30.

The Lord's form demonstrates his five-fold functions: creation, preservation, destruction, concealment and salvation. The rattle (udukkai) in his right hand represents creation; his raised right arm with the open palm (abhaya hastam) protection; his left hand holding fire destruction; his firmly placed foot concealment; and his other, slightly lifted, leg salvation. Lord Nataraja is given six abhishekams in a year.

This planet takes 365 days to complete one full circle around the sun. That duration is divided into six seasons:

Marghazhi-Thai—early winter
Maasi-Panguni—late winter
Chittirai-Vaikasi—early summer
Aani-Aadi—high summer
Aippasi-Karthikai—rainy season.

This six-season year of humans is said to be one day for the immortals. A day has six periods: dawn, morning, noon, afternoon, evening, and night. These are when the six daily poojas (Kaala Pooja) in temples are performed. During each of these six parts, an Abhishekam has been ordained for Lord Nataraja. One of these is Ani Thirumanjanam, the pradosha abhishekam on the evening of the day of Uthiram star in the Tamil month of Aani (June-July) is believed to be the best time for worshipping Lord Shiva.

Three Tamil Saivaite saints whose shrine face the Nataraja shrine inside the Arunachaleswarar Temple are revered at the same time as worship of the Lord and his Goddess, and deeparadhana is performed by priests at the shrines of the Gods and Saints, which face each other. This is known as Arakattu Utsavam and only happens at this time.

In preparation of the Holy Bath on Uthiram Nakshatram Lord Arunachaleswarar and Goddess Shivakami are brought out of the Temple in procession and taken to the 1000 pillared hall where they are installed in a special shrine. It is at this place that the sacred bath (Thirumanjanam) is performed.

It is popularly believed that it was on Aani Uthiram day that Lord Shiva appeared before Sake Manikkavachakar under a Kurundai Tree and offered upadesha (advice). Sage Manikkavachakar is the author of Thiruvachakam.

Below photographs of 2017 Aani Thirumanjanam at 1000 Pillar Hall, Fifth Prakaram, Arunachaleswarar Temple and thereafter procession of the Gods.

Receiving Aarthi after Abhishekam inside 1000 Pillar Hall

Lord Nataraja and the Goddess after abhishekam and aarti in 1000 Pillar Hall

Large crowds of devotees waiting outside the 1000 Pillar Hall

Devotees waiting outside 1000 Pillar Hall for exit of the Gods

Lord Nataraja and the Goddess exiting the 1000 Pillar Hall

Giving darshan to devotees

Walking through the 5th Prakaram

Exiting Temple through special gateway

Thursday 22 June, 2017: Guru Vrat Pradosham Arunachaleswarar Temple

In this posting are photographs of the Pradosham observed at Arunachaleswarar Temple on June 22, 2017. The significance of Pradosham on Thursday (the day of the Guru) is that one receives help to overcome opponents and enemies—thus eliminating all danger. Also on Pradoshams which fall on Thursdays, devotees receive Divine blessings through their ancestors. 

Milk abhishekam of Periyar Nandi

Aarti at Periyar Nandi

Large crowd watching abhishekam at Periyar Nandi

Aarti at Nandi near Flagpost, 2nd Prakaram

Alankaram of the Gods on Guru Pradosham

11 June 2017

Hearty Paws Pet Clinic Tiruvannamalai

I am a supporter of the great work the Animal Shelter at Tiruvannamalai has done and continues to do in this community. But as the number of residents with pets grows exponentially, so too is a corresponding demand at Tiruvannamalai for canine clinics that offer comprehensive services from assessment, diagnosis and treatment to care and grooming for our pet dogs. 

In May 2016, Dr. A. Arun opened his Hearty Paws Pet Clinic on Kanji Road (near Kubera Lingam). Dr. Arun, a Government small animal specialist as well as holding a Pet Clinic in the evenings; also offers, as per need, home visits to diagnose and treat pets. 

The Doctor has already visited my own brood of doggies and I was happy at how easily they took to him. Also very pleased with his assessment and treatment programme for one of my older dogs with a systemic skin condition. 

Dr. Arun M.V.Sc., who hails from Tiruvannamalai, studied and received his Masters Degree at the Madras Veterinary College—one of the premier Veterinary Colleges of South Asia. 

Below is more information about Dr. Arun and Hearty Paws Pet Clinic plus lots of photographs. 

Hearty Paws Pet Clinic 

Veterinary Doctor: 
Dr. A. Arun M.V.Sc., 
(Master of Clinical Medicine) 
Mobile No: (0)9488350208 

Consulting Hours evening 5.00 p.m. to 9.00 p.m. 
House visits attended on need basis 
Email Contact: heartypawspetclinic@gmail.com 

Vimaladevi Complex, 
Idukkupillaiyar Koil (Opp) 
Kanji Road, Vengikkal, 

Studied at Madras Veterinary College receiving his Masters Degree (M.V.Sc). Specialising in Veterinary Clinical Medicine, ethics and jurisprudence 

Research work: 
Small animal echocardiography 
Specialised in: Disease diagnosis, Dermatology, Ultrasonography, Radiography 

Vaccinations for dogs and cats 
Assessment and treatment 
Medicated baths 
Grooming, Hair trimming, Nail clipping 
Birth control surgeries 
Specialised treatment for skin disease 
Pet foods available 
Pet snacks, bones, chews 
Pet accessories, chains, leashes, grooming items 
Medicine for pets 

Not just dogs, but care for other small animals

Clinic located opposite the Idduku Pillaiyar Shrine (near Kubera Lingam)

Dr. Arun's Clinic located at Vimaladevi Complex

Great selection of leads and accessories

Chews and snacks for our doggies

Dog Medicines and Supplements available at Clinic

Good selection of various Dog Food brands

Everything available for our doggies

Dr. Arun

Dr. Arun with a small patient

Full examination and assessment

Ouch! And now comes treatment time!

Hearty Paws Canine Clinic, Tiruvannamalai

2 June 2017

May 2017: Judgement on Arunachala Girivalam Expansion

On Tuesday 30 May, 2017, The National Green Tribunal in judgement of the ‘Girivalam’ road-widening project, concluded that the expansion proposal cannot be deemed illegal or against the preservation of nature. 

However, the Tribunal imposed certain conditions, reducing the width of the proposed roads and forbidding the felling of trees in order to preserve the sanctity and ecology of the historical Arunachala Hill in Tiruvannamalai district. In the 55-page judgment, the Bench comprising Justice P Jyothimani and expert member P S Rao asserted that in the light of a multi-fold increase in the number of devotees thronging the 14-km Girivalam route, the District administration, State government and police must ensure the safety of pilgrims, especially on crowded days like ‘Karthigai Deepam’. 

“This historical Girivalam route must be developed in a proper manner for the benefit of devotees to meet any eventuality,” the Bench said, and stressed that such development should not be at the cost of environment.

In this respect, the Tribunal has turned down the move to cut trees—347 trees were initially proposed to be cut, which was later reduced to 218 and then finally to 125 trees. The expert committee appointed by the NGT had submitted the final report where felling of only one Tamarind tree was allowed in stretch one (Pondy-Krishnagiri road), but even that was struck down by the Tribunal. 

The 14-km Girivalam path is divided into five stretches, of which considerable area of two stretchesone and fivefalls in the Tiruvannamalai municipality limits. The other three stretches 2, 3 and 4 are ecologically sensitive areas, especially the two-km Hill Round Road (stretch 2) that runs along Sonagiri forest. 

A government pleader said the Tribunal has addressed all the concerns while allowing the case to come to a logical conclusion. 

Highlights of Tribunal Judgement 

2.5 m pavements to be maintained properly on both sides on Chengam road. Laxmi tree not to be cut. 

Sonagiri forest shall not be disturbed. 

2m instead of 6m new paver block pavement on the Hill side from Chengam-Girivalam Road Junction up to Anna Arch. 

No trees to be cut. No concrete around trees for 1m radius. 

Water bodies, Water flow, Paadhams, Temples, etc not to be disturbed. 

No new drains from Chengam-Girivalam Road Junction up to Abhaya Mandapam, except for 500m Adiannamalai village stretch. 

Manikkavacakar Temple not to be disturbed. But Compound wall (surrounding Temple) order to be carefully removed. 

Bio-diversity to be preserved. More trees to be planted. 

For archival purposes, I propose uploading the full Judgement on my website Arunachala Samudra shortly.

Photographs below of devotees performing Girivalam during the 2017 Chitra Pournami. 

Starting Girivalam at Arunachaleswarar Temple
Proceeding through Town

On Chengam Road outside Shantimalai Gift Shop

Stopping for refreshing Nungu near Tiruvannamalai Arts College