23 July 2021

Guru Purnima Tuesday, 24 July, 2021

Guru Purnima is traditionally celebrated on full moon day in the month of Ashadh (July-August) of the Hindu calendar. Guru Purnima (which falls this year on Saturday, July 24th) is the day on which the Guru is revered by devotees. Sri Dakshinamurti is an aspect of Lord Siva as the primordial master, the personification of ultimate awareness, understanding and knowledge.

At Arunachala the manifestation of Lord Siva as Dakshinamurti is celebrated as the ‘silent Guru’. This day also celebrates the birth of the great author Veda Vyasa who wrote the epic Mahabharata.

Guru Purnima Timing 2021

Tithi starts at 10:43 AM on July 23, Friday
Tithi ends at 8.06 AM on July 24, Saturday

Lord Siva and His Worship

During the absence of Devi, when Lord Siva was alone, the sons of Brahma, (sages: Sanaka, Sanandana, Sanatana and Sanatkumara) went to have Darshan of Lord Siva. They prostrated before Him and entreated the Lord to teach them how to remove avidya and attain salvation. They admitted that in spite of their vast study of scriptures they had no internal peace and needed to learn the inner secrets—by knowing which they could attain salvation.

"Lord Siva, hearing this appeal made by the sages, assumed the form of Dakshinamurti and remaining as the Guru Supreme, began to teach them the inner secrets by keeping Mouna and showing the “chinmudra” by His hand. The sages began to meditate on the lines shown by the Lord and attained the state of inexpressible and illimitable joy. Thus Lord Siva came to be known as Dakshinamurti".
[By Swami Sivananada]

Sri Ramana Maharshi on Dakshinamurti

Ramana Maharshi: Lectures may entertain individuals for a few hours without improving them. Silence on the other hand is permanent and benefits the whole of humanity.

Devotee: But silence is not understood.

Ramana Maharshi: It does not matter. By silence, eloquence is meant. Oral lectures are not so eloquent as silence. Silence is unceasing eloquence. The Primal Master, Dakshinamurti, is the ideal. He taught his Rishi disciples by silence.

Devotee: But then there were disciples for Him. It was all right. Now it is different. They must be sought after and helped.

Ramana Maharshi: That is a sign of ignorance. The power which created you has created the world. If it can take care of you, it can similarly take care of the world also.
[Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi]

Shiva: The Adiyogi

The sacred day of Guru Poornima marks the first transmission of the yogic sciences from Shiva—the Adiyogi or First Yogi—to the Saptarishis, the seven celebrated sages on the banks of Lake Kantisarovar (near Kedarnath Temple in the Himalayas). Thus, the Adiyogi became the Adi Guru or the First Guru on this day. The Saptarishis carried this knowing offered by Adiyogi throughout the world. Even today, every spiritual process on the planet draws from the "knowing" created by Adiyogi.

The story goes that over 15,000 years ago, a yogi appeared in the upper regions of the Himalayas. Nobody knew what his origins were but his presence was extraordinary. He exhibited no signs of life, but for occasional tears of ecstasy that rolled down his face. After the crowds of onlookers dispersed, seven men remained. When the yogi opened his eyes, they pleaded that he share his experience with them. He ignored them, but as they persevered the yogi gave them a simple preparatory step and closed his eyes again.

Days rolled into weeks, weeks into months, months into years, but the yogi’s attention did not fall upon them again. After 84 years of sadhana, on the summer solstice that marks the advent of Dakshinayana (the earth’s southern run), the yogi looked at them again. They had become shining souls that could be no longer ignored. On the next full moon day, the yogi turned south and sat as guru to these seven men. Shiva thus became Adi Guru and expounded spiritual truths to the seven disciples. The seven were to be known as Saptarishis, who took their knowledge around the world.

Guru Purnima is held sacred in the yogic tradition because the Adiyogi opened up the possibility for a human being to evolve consciously. The seven different aspects of yoga that were put in these seven individuals became the foundation for the seven basic forms of yoga, something that has still endured.

In honour of this divine personage, spiritual aspirants and devotees either perform Vyasa Puja on this day, or worship their own spiritual preceptor. Saints, monks and men of God are honoured and entertained with acts of charity by householders with faith and sincerity. The period Chaturmas (the "four months") begins from this day; Sannyasins stay at one place during the ensuing four rainy months, engaging in the study of the Brahma Sutras and the practice of meditation.

The day of Guru Poornima is supposed to herald the settling in of the rains and is thus a time that aspirants commence or resolve to intensify their spiritual disciplines. The Srutis say: "To that high-souled aspirant, whose devotion to the Lord is great and whose devotion to his Guru is as great as that to the Lord, the secrets explained herein become illuminated".

Spiritual Teachings of the Sadguru
The upa-agama, Devilottara is the essence of all Agama Sastra and explains the supreme wisdom to be attained by mature souls and their mode of life, expounded by the Lord Siva to Devi.

This dialogue conveys the highest spiritual teachings between the Sadguru Lord Siva and His most surrendered devotee the Goddess Parvati.

To read these teachings go to this link here

15 July 2021

Two Arunachaleswarar Temple Online Virtual Tours


For those eager to take a walk around Arunachaleswarar Temple, there are currently two virtual online tours you can experience. One is the 360° tour at this link

and the other tour of Arunachaleswarar Temple, can be found at this link here

1 July 2021

Radius of Arunachala Power


(Nandikesvara tells Markandeya)

"There is in the Southern Region, O ascetic, in the land of Dravidas, a great sacred place named Aruna associated with the Lord with the crescent-moon for his crest-jewel.

It extends to three Yojanas. It is worthy of being adored by Sivayogins. Know it to be the heart of the earth, attractive and thrilling to Siva.

There the Lord Sambhu himself has assumed the form of a mountain. He has the name Arunachala. He is conducive to the welfare of the worlds."

[Chapter 4, The Greatness of Arunachala: Skanda Purana -- I.iii(U).4.12-23]


Siva said:

"I ordain that residence within a radius of three Yojanas of this Hill shall be itself suffice to burn off all defects and effect union with the Supreme."
[Skanda Purana]

Right Click to view image, then left click image to view in high resolution

What is a Yojana

A yojana is a Vedic measure of distance used in ancient India. The exact measurement is disputed amongst scholars, but it is currently believed that 1 yojana is around 12-15 kms i.e. around 9 miles. It is declared in the Shastras that 3 yojanas around Arunachala are blessed— which means around 30 miles i.e. 48 kms.

The etymology of the word ‘yojana’ is derived from the same root that gives us both the English word ‘yoke’ and the Indian term ‘yoga’. It is thought that ‘yojana’ initially meant ‘being yoked’, and that it was used as a unit of measure to indicate the approximate distance that a cow could pull a cart to which it was yoked.

The yojana is used extensively in ancient descriptions of Buddhist cosmology (and, presumably, Hindu cosmology as well). The size of layers of the Earth, the heights of mountains, and the depths of seas are all described using yojanas.


Chandrachooda—Celebration of Lord Siva

An auspicious joy-filled way to start July 2021 is to sing along with the below video track "Chandrachooda" by Anoop Sankar, which is full of life and vigour, and an example of the uplifting inspirational enthusiastic fusion music coming out of India.


The word enthusiasm is derived from the two Greek words, "en" and "theos" and literally means, "filled with God." The word itself tells that people with enthusiasm and filled with God, will have a better life and help create a better world.


The track is a celebration of Lord Siva"One whose locks are adorned by the moon! Oh pristinely pure one, the creator of auspiciousness! Oh husband of ParvatI, salutations to thee! Oh handsome one, holding a deer and a bow called pinaka in your hands, bearing the holy Ganges on your head, and draped in a garment made from the skin of the elephant-faced demon you destroyed!"

Lyrics of Chandrachooda

Chandrachooda Sivasankara Parvathy Ramana ninage namo namo

Chandrachooda Sivasankara Parvathy Ramana ninage namo namo

Sundhara tharathiragadhara hara, Sundhara tharathiragadhara hara

Gangadhara gajacharvaam bharathara, Gangadhara gajacharvaam bharathara

Chandrachooda Sivasankara Parvathy Ramana ninage namo namo

Sadhyo jaathamaam vadhanam, Gangachandra samagama theertham, Pranavam naadhamay unarum, Thudiyo vedha kalamritha punyam

Prakrithiyum ninnil vikrithiyum ninnil, Swarangalilay layangalilay sakthiswaroopam

Om Sivoham Sree Sivoham, Om sivoham rudram sreekaram

Koralali vasima rudrakshavu dharasida, parama vyashanavanu neene, Garuda gamana namma, purandara vittalana, praana priyanu neene

Chandrachooda Sivasankara Parvathy Ramana, ninage namo namo

Thaanam tha thanam tha

Madhyamam Mamakamam Ekavam, Poornavam sunyavam Ekanum Krishnanum Mudhranum Ekane