23 November 2017

2017 Karthigai Deepam Festival: Vinayaka and Chandikeswarar Utsavam—Thursday, November 22, 2017

On the third day previous to the beginning of the 10-day Karthigai Festival, Lord Vinayaka and Chandikeswarar Utsavam is observed. 

The panchamoorthies taken in procession throughout the celebratory Karthigai Deepam Festival are: 

Vinayaka, Arunachaleswarar-Unnamulai, Amman, Kartikeya and Chandikeswarar.  

Chandikeswarar represents all devotees and follows the other murtis in procession as their steward. He is the embodiment of devotion and piety and the position he attained is considered the highest a devotee of Siva is privileged with.

The legend behind the reason for this great honour goes as follows:-
“Chandikeswarar, a devotee of Lord Shiva was born in the village of Seynalur on the banks of the river Manni in the Chola country, as a young lad named Vicharasarman.

He was the son of a pious and learned Brahmin named Yajnadatta. Vicharasarman was of great intelligence. One day when the lad was going to school, he saw a cowherd brutally assaulting a cow. Angry at the behaviour of the cowherd, young Vicharasarman took upon himself the duty of tending the cows of the village, to which the villagers acceded. From that day the cows looked happier and yielded more milk. More than the cow’s udders could hold. Vicharasarman, seeing that the milk was being wasted, collected it in vessels, set up lingams made of sand and poured this excess milk to bathe the lingams with intense piety for Shiva. The cowherd who had lost position on account of this Brahmin boy, saw him in this act and found this a good cause for denouncing him. He immediately brought it to the notice of the village elders as well as Yajnadatta, Vicharsarman’s father. The father saw his son pouring milk on small sand mounds and without investigating, kicked one of the lingams in anger. Young Vicharasarman came out of his reverie and cut off the leg of his father with an axe with which he had kicked a linga.

Shiva was pleased with the devotion of this boy and he appeared in person along with Parvati his consort, before the boy. Shiva embraced him and made him in charge of his ganas (devotees or followers). He was also made the steward of his household, naming him Chandikeswarar.”

Lord Vinayaka Alangaram

Chandikeswarar Alangaram

Lord Vinayaka and Chandikeswarar Alangarams

Leaving the Siva Sannidhi

The Lords on their respective Vahanas

Taking darshan of Arunachala

22 November 2017

2017 Karthigai Deepam Festival: Schedule of Special Functions

2017 Karthigai Deepam Festival: Pidari Amman Urchavam—Tuesday November 21, 2017

The Pidari Amman Shrine is located in the Third Prakaram of Arunachaleswarar Temple. In front of the Shrine stands a huge stone Trishul (Trident). On Tuesday, November 21, 2017, Pidari Urchavam was observed at this Shrine.

Goddess Pidari is an aspect of Kali in a rural setting and regarded as a consort of Siva. Pidari is the ferocious aspect of Amman. The Mother Goddess gives life but Kali takes life. Goddess Pidari is the feminine form of Kala—time. Kali is the energy or the power of time. Her blackness swallows all that exists and the emptiness of space is her clothing, for when the Universe is dissolved, the power of time remains without maya (veil).

Kali’s extension, Pidari and her worship; evolved as a fighter and warrior and gained importance with the influence of Tantrism where she is known as Kala Pidari. The Pidari Goddess, in line with Shakti manifestations, emphasises fierce symbolism. At times Pidari is the sole resident deity in a village. As devata, She is the all-in-all for the village from simple prayers to divine blessings. Otherwise she watches over the main deity of a temple in her role as ‘kaval deivam’ while taking her seat in a structure on the right hand side of a temple entrance. She joins the ‘kavaldeivam’ or Protection Gods’ similar to that of Ayyanar, Muniandy, Karuppana Swamy or Veerabhadra, all of whom are warrior-protection village gods.

Pidari shares Kali’s attributes and is depicted holding a noose, trident, skull cup and a pointed knife. The noose is sometimes replaced by ankusha—the elephant goad. The damaru that she holds is entwined by a snake, thus sharing Siva’s characteristics. She has flaming hair and three eyes. Sometimes her breasts are decorated with snakes. She has a terrifying appearance with long incisor teeth to frighten off evil spirits. Her sculptures are sometimes synonymous with Goddess Mariamman and lime strung as a garland—‘elumichai malai’ is her favourite.

Goddess Pidariamman Alangaram

The Goddess on procession on way to the Pidariamman Shrine

Pidariamman Shrine, 3rd Prakaram

Huge stone Trishul in front of the Pidariamman Shrine

After puja at Shrine, the Goddess carried out of Arunchaleswarar Temple through the Thitti Vassal Gate

The Goddess on her Simha Vahana in Mandapam

The Goddess will now be taken on procession around the perimeter (mada veedhis) streets around Arunachaleswarar Temple

21 November 2017

2017 Karthigai Deepam Festival: Durgaiamman Urchavam—Monday November 20, 2017

This year the three days prior to the beginning of the Deepam Festival started on Monday, November 20, 2017 at the Durga Amman Temple, Tiruvannamalai. The reason for the unique connection of the Goddess at Durga Amman Temple with the Karthigai Festival is believed to be because of the Goddess and her fight with the demon Mahisha. 

Go to this link to read ‘The Fight with Mahisasura’.

In the Mahishasura legend, before fighting with the demon, the Goddess appointed four noble Bhairavis (celestial damsels) to keep watch on all four sides of Arunagiri.

Commanding, that:

"Admit only those who have come to worship Arunachala and are tired, hungry and thirsty. Others should not enter. She then appointed strong men to guard the boundaries of Arunachala and continued Her penance at Her ashram."

[The Glory of Arunachala]

In accordance with the mythology of Arunachala, Durga is recognised as Guardian of Arunachala and thus a precursor of the Deepam Festival is always a celebration of this aspect of the Goddess.

Durgaiamman Alangaram

Aarti to Goddess at Durga Amman Temple

Goddess being carried out of the Temple

Goddess on her Kamadhenu Vahana on procession through Tiruvannamalai

Musicians leading the procession of the Goddess through Tiruvannamalai

2017 Karthigai Deepam: Arunachaleswarar Temple Preparations

Months of preparation go into making sure Arunachaleswarar Temple and Tiruvannamalai are ready to host the annual Karthigai Deepam Festival. 

The below photographs show some of the preparations undertaken at the Temple over the last few weeks. 

The Alankaram Mandapam which will be home to the God Alangarams prior to each function

Cleaning of Shrine accoutrements at Arunachaleswarar Temple

Cleaning the Bali Pitha (Sacrificial Altar) outside Siva Shrine

Cleaning base of the Dvaja Stambha (Flag Staff)

Umbrella for the God

Wooden Blocs for under the wheels of God Chariots

Preparing Stands for the 63 Nayanars

Cleaning Silver Vahanam

Cleaning and repainting Vahanas for processions during Festival

Cleaning Thers (Chariots) to be used in God Processions around the Temple streets

The huge chariots have been cleaned and painted (notice the cow under the chariot)

2017 Karthigai Deepam: Arunachaleswarar Temple Lights

The pre-Deepam days of the 2017 Karthigai Festival at Tiruvannamalai, started yesterday evening with Durga Amman Urchavam. Tonight (November 21, 2017) Pidari Amman Urchavam will be observed and tomorrow (November 22, 2017) Vinayaka Urchavam will take place. 

However the actual commencement of the 2017 Karthigai Deepam celebration at Arunachala will start in the early morning Thursday 23 November, 2017 with the Flag Hoisting ceremony in front of the Siva Shrine at Arunachaleswarar Temple.