18 November 2016

2016 Major Karthigai Deepam Functions

Below is the programme of the upcoming 2016 Karthigai Deepam at Arunachala which lists the most famous and what will be the best attended major functions over the Festival period. 

To view the complete programme of the upcoming 2016 Karthigai Festival (as celebrated at Tiruvannamalai) please go to my previous posting at this link here

Major Functions of 2016 Mahadeepam Festival

The below photographs are of a previous Arunachala Karthigai Festival and show the fervour and excitment of the crowds during various major Festival functions.

Raising of the flag will occur Saturday, December 3, 2016

Wish-Fulfilling Tree will occur on Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Kamadhenu (Wish-Fulfilling Cow) will occur on Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Silver Rishaba Vahanam will occur on Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Maharadham Function will occur on Friday, December 9, 2016

Mahadeepam Function inside Temple Compound will occur on Monday, December 12, 2016

Arunachala Mahadeepam will occur at approximately 6 p.m. on Monday, December 12, 2016

If you wish to learn more about the Arunachala Karthigai Festival visit my website Arunachala Samudra at the Karthigai section on the site's browser to view archives including narratives and photographs of previous Deepams. 

Sprucing Things Up

Lots of activity in and around Arunachaleswarar Temple sprucing up, repairing and renovating the Radhams and Vahanas that will be used in the upcoming Mahadeepam Festival. 

On Car Street outside the Raja Gopuram

Looking at Radhams parked on the side of Car Street

Photographs below of the Vahanas being repaired and painted in time for the 2016 Mahadeepam Festival.

14 November 2016

Vairakal Murugan Temple, Arunachala Spur

There is a very nice Murugan Shrine situated on top of a spur of Arunachala Hill. The Vairakal Murugan Temple is known to locals in the area and is becoming increasingly popular with visiting devotees during Poornima and festivals. Currently several times a year evening functions with singing are conducted at the Shrine, which is brightly lit up for these occasions. So much so that from my house I can easily see the lights on those evenings coming from the Arunachala Hill spur. Lights on the Hill are put up for the night of Mahadeepam, Chitra Poornima and Panguini Utthirham. The Temple is expecting devotees to come for puja and watch the lighting of the Arunachala Mahadeepam from the Hillock. 

Around one year back, the Murugan statue which had been on the top of the Hillock for over 30 years was damaged. When this became known, many local villagers gave donations to pay for the creation of a new statue of Lord Murugan and to help finance the construction of a larger Shrine. Until the Shrine is complete, the new statue of Lord Murugan will remain in an adjacent shed (see below photographs). Kumara Swami who lives on the Hillock, is maintaining the performance of regular puja for both the Murugan Statue and Shiva Lingam. Special pujas are being performed on Tuesdays, Fridays and Poornimas. A beautiful function on the evening of December 12, 2016, the night of Mahadeepam is planned. 

To assist in bringing material up to the top of the Hillock, the excellent Shantimali Trust helped the Shrine finance the creation of a pathway for construction vehicles, the digging of a water borewell and is currently also active in supporting the development of the Lord Murugan Shrine. 

There was no thought other than creating a Shrine to house the new Murugan Statue, however a devotee felt a strong impulse to give money for the creation of Shiva Lingam to be housed in a cave situated in a rocky cluster at the top of the Hillock. It is planned that after the Lord Murugan Shrine is complete, a shrine dedicated to Lord Shiva will be created inside a nearby cave in which devotees will be allowed to meditate. 

Circle shows location of Vairakal Murugan Temple. Arunachala background

The photograph above indicates how to get on the pathway leading to top of spur. The pathway to top of Hillock is located at back of Cow Sheds

Arunachala darshan from the location of the Vairakal Murugan Temple on Hillock

Easy walk up Hillock to the Murugan Shrine

Way to the top

Murugan Shrine at top of Hillock

Stone known as Anjaneya Rock, next to the Shrine

Villagers believe that the spirit of Lord Anjaneya resides at the top of the Hillock in the form of this guardian rock

This is the old Murugan Shrine which is being replaced by a larger Shrine that is nearly complete

Larger Vairakal Murugan Temple nearly complete

As construction is underway completing the Shrine, statue of Murugan is being kept in adjacent white shed. Puja is being regularly performed.

Lingam has been specially created. Will be later moved to its new home

Cave located in rock cluster on top of Hillock

There had been no intention to create a Shrine dedicated to Lord Shiva on the top of the Hillock. However when a person visited the Shrine and unexpectedly gave a large donation for the creation of a Shiva Lingam, it was decided that after completion of the Murugan Shrine, a Shrine will be created for Lord Shiva and located in a cave situated in a rock cluster (above photograph) at the top of the Hillock.

Shrine for Lord Murugan with adjacent shed housing new statue. Lingam in front of Shrine

On top of Hillock

Kumara Swami has been living at top of Hillock for the past year, conducting regular pujas to the new Lord Murugan statue and Shiva Lingam

One view from the Hillock overs the 750 acre Samudram Eri (lake) which fills with water during the Monsoon season

View from top of Hillock

Beautiful views and darshan from top of Hillock

13 November 2016

Sani Pradosham Arunachaleswarar Temple: Saturday, 12 November, 2016

The importance of observing Pradosha is described in the Pradosha Mahatmyam from the Shiva Purana. Pradosha indicates the meeting of the Sun and the Moon in a horizontal line during their movement on their Axis. 

The first Pradosham of November, 2013 fell on a Saturday (November 12) and is thus known as Sani Pradosham or Sani Pradosham Vrata. According to Hindu astrology Saturn is known to affect one adversely on occasions when it placed in a certain position in one's horoscope. A prayer to God, especially on Saturdays, is said to mitigate one’s hardships. Thus, it is believed that by observing a Vrata (vow) and offering prayers to Lord Shiva on Sani Pradosham, one can escape from the ill effects of Lord Shani (one of the Navagrahas or nine celestial Gods). 

Sani Pradosham is classified into Uthama Sani Pradhosham, Mathima Sani Pradhosham, and Athama Sani Pradhosham. 

Uthama Sani Pradhosha is the Sani Pradhosham that comes during the Tamil month of Chithirai, Vaigasi, Ayppasi and Karthigai during the waxing period. Mathima Sani Pradhosham occurs during the Tamil month of Chithirai, Vaigasi, Ayppasi and Karthigai during waning period. All other Shani Pradhoshams come under the category Athama Shani Pradhosha. 

Aarti at Big Nandi, Arunachaleswarar Temple

Large crowds watching the worship at Big Nandi

Standing in front of the Nandi statue

Abhishekam of Nandi at Flagpost

Bathing Lord Nandi with milk

Aarti at Lord Nandi

The Gods being carried on circumambulation around the Siva Sannidhi

Large crowds of devotees accompanying the Gods on their circumambulation

2016 Pavala Kundru Mahakumbhabhishekam Preparations

Kumbhabhishekam is a ritual that is believed to homogenize, synergise and unite the mystic powers of the deity. Kumbha means the Head and denotes the Shikhara or Crown of the Temple (usually in the Gopuram) and Abhishekam is ritual bathing (hence the term Kumbha + Abhishekam).

Mahakumbhabhishekam is held either to formally consecrate a new Temple or reconsecrate an old one, and generally occurs at twelve-year intervals or specifically following renovation, extensive cleaning or renewal. In the case of the Pavala Kundru Temple, this ritual was performed after completion of major renovation work. The below photographs are of preparations prior to this Mahakumbhabhishekam.

Temporary railings installed on side of steps leading to the Hillside Temple

Railings extending all the way to the top of the Hillock

Devotees climbing to the Temple

Preparations outside the Temple's major shrine room

Scaffolding around Lord Nandi in preparation of consecration of Vimana on top of Shrine

Renovation and painting throughout

View of Tiruvannamalai from Temple

View of Arunachaleswarar Temple from Pavala Kundru

Tent for Yagasala erected adjacent to Temple

Consecration rites extend over several days, with the main ones taking place in the shamian (tent) erected adjacent to the Shrine. The tent becomes a Yagasala, a “House of the Fire Offerings,” where rites of consecration are performed at specially constructed altars. These homams infuse divinity and spiritual power into kalasas (sanctified pots) filled with consecrated water. 

Divine Power is transferred back to the deities by performing an abhishekam (salutary bathing) to the Vigrahas and Vimanas (pinnacles) on the roof of the Temple with the sanctified holy waters from the kalasas accompanied by Vedic chanting and special rites. On that day at the designated auspicious time, when the Kumbha is bathed with the charged and sanctified holy waters contained in the sacrificial pots, consecrated and sanctified pranic powers trickle down a silver wire and enter the Deity installed inside the Sanctum Sanctorum of the Temple. 

After the consecration of the Vimanas on top of the Temple, worship is then specifically performed inside the Sanctum Sanctorum in which further pranic powers are transferred to the Deities 

Inside the Yagasala

Scaffolding around the Vimanas which will be bathed (consecrated) on the final day of ceremonies. 

Pavala Kundru sits on a hillock which is a spur of Arunachala

To view photographs of the actual Mahakumbhabhishekam ceremony go to this earlier link here