26 November 2007

A New Beginning

During the Deepam Period, I attended a beautiful puja at the Animal Shelter to celebrate the establishment of their new Trust; “Arunachala Animals Sanctuary and Rescue Shelter”. It seems like every time I drop in at the Shelter that there is a new addition, more trees and more puppies. Its like a little colony of LOVE. Its so beautiful to see mangled dogs, beaten up by life, all of a sudden be offered a permanent sanctuary of peace and kindness.

If you are visiting Tiruvannamalai please drop by the Shelter on the Chengam Road, about 1 km west of Ramana Ashram and visit with the staff and dogs of this lovely sanctuary.

Below is the important cook of the Shelter who prepares the 100% vegetarian meals for the dogs and whatever other animal is resident (at this time there is also a lovely old bonnet macaque monkey).

A favourite place of mine - the puppy corner. The last time I visited the Shelter, I spent about 10 minutes locked in with over 20 puppies. What lovely little rascals, and all looking for a loving home and a kind master. Why not come and adopt one of these lovely scamps?

Below the puja for the incorporation of the new Trust.

In the below photograph Shanti, one of the indispensable workers at the Shelter and a real dog lover. As well as the Shelter affecting the lives of so many animals, it is also changing and enriching the lives of people too. In the case of Shanti, she was working in a supermarket and had no outlet to express the love she had for our animal friends. Now her life has been transformed because of her association with the Shelter. It seems like every time I see her she has a smile on her face.

The little white fluffy dog is very old and was tossed out onto the street by its master. When he arrived at the Shelter a couple of months ago he was cross, suspicious and tired. But now he has been transformed into a vivacious, cheerful and friendly little fellow. And one who definitely thinks he is the guy in charge! In this photograph he is watching the harmonium player with very careful attention.

In the upcoming Arunachala Grace Newsletter there is a lot more information about the Animal Shelter. For your free subscription, please go to the left hand margin of this Blog and click on the link.

24 November 2007

10th Day - Arunachala Deepam

This afternoon left my home and headed for Sri Nannagaru Ashram to attend the festivities associated with the 10th day of the Deepam Festival. Decided to walk the back way through the hills and met up with a nice group of local farmers who were dressed in clothes for their upcoming pilgrimage to Lord Iyyapan at Sabrimala.

The other day when visiting the Arunachaleswarar Temple I bumped into a group of men dressed in light beige clothes. I asked them where they were going - and they told me that they were in fact 'coming' on pilgrimage from Palani (famous for Lord Murugan) to Tiruvannamalai.

In the same way traditions associated with Deepam are beginning to become entrenched in association with the Big Temple at Arunachala, so too, it seems like Tiruvannamalai is fast becoming the 'pilgrimage' destination of choice for many groups of sadhakas.

Beautiful pathway with Arunachala peeking behind the small hillock on the right. One of the neighbours dogs has decided to accompany me on my walk.

The Cattle Fair is so crowded, that some vendors have brought their cattle into the Hills.

The below is part of a shrine to Lord Munishwara, which has been recently built in this spot. Rather a fascinating looking idol!

After a pleasant walk in the afternoon's sun, I arrive at Sri Nannagaru Ashram. In the distance Chengam Road (which is part of the giripradakshina hillround roadway) is already packed with pilgrims performing their circumbulation of Arunachala.

The view of Arunachala from Sri Nannagaru Ashram.

And below Sri Nannagaru giving a spiritual discourse to his devotees. If you want to learn more about this Advaitic Master please check this link.

Sri Nannagaru hails from Andhra Pradesh and only visits us here at Arunachala about 4 times a year. When he comes he generally stays from between 7-10 days. His programme is not made a long time in advance but he traditionally visits Arunachala (which he regards as his Guru) over the Deepam period.

His speech is over and now some of his devotees are preparing a 'Deepam' inside the Ashram Compound, which will be kept alight while the light remains on top of Arunachala Hill.

Devotees sitting and waiting for the upcoming dusk and the lighting of Deepam.

It is now dusk and suddenly the light on top of Arunachala appears and you can hear the cheers and noise of crackers and fireworks resounding from all over Tiruvannamalai.

Later I go up on the roof of the Ashram and take a photograph of Arunachala outlined in the night sky. Through the haze one can see the glimmer of the Deepam light on top of the Hill.

And at Sri Nannagaru Ashram, devotees (left of photograph) are lighting little deepam lamps in front of a small Shrine and at the right the Ashram's own 'Deepam' is attracting the loving attention of devotees.

Wonderful afternoon enjoying Swamiji's presence and speech and later watching the Deepam festivities at Sri Nannagaru Ashram along with his devotees. After enjoying some very delicious prasad, I wandered up to Chengham Road to check out how crowded it is --- wall-to-wall people!


A Previous Deepam

To give you an idea of the wonder of Deepam, here is a video of Deepam from a previous year. This evening, after Deepam is lit, I will post photographs of the occasion as I experience it at the Ashram of my Guru, Sri Nannagaru.

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Deepam Day

I am posting this beautiful narrative, (authorship unknown) which describes in stirring, graphic language the events of this day, Deepam:

Deepam Day
"At about 4:30 a.m. this day November 24th, Bharani Deepam, the small main sanctum of the massive Arunachaleswarar Temple, is packed with souls who have been waiting in line all night.

The chief priest has just finished a simple ritual called Bharani Deepam and now ceremoniously waves a huge camphor flame in the direction of nearby Arunachala mountain. Although he is chanting Sanskrit slokas, he cannot be heard amidst the deafening furor of devotion that surrounds him. Finally, he touches the flame he is holding to the wicks of five huge, earthen, ghee-filled pots, representing the sacred elements earth, air, fire, water and ether. As these five flames loom up with red-yellow light, the famous, one-day, South Indian festival of Krittika Deepam officially begins.

All across Tamil Nadu, bonfires are lit on hills and in temples on Krittika Deepam. But nowhere is this festival celebrated like it is at Tiruvannamalai. Here it is unique. It is on this auspicious day that, at dusk (approximately 6:00 p.m. this evening), a sacred fire will be lit on top of the 2,668 foot Arunachala mountain to symbolize the merging of all manifest existence back into the one source of all things.

Preparations for this day begin one month in advance with the local administration, revenue department, police and temple authorities. Since early morning, temple staff and volunteers have been carrying five-gallon containers of ghee and large pots of thick, braided cloth wicks to the top of Arunachala mountain. Once the mountaintop flame has been lit, it must be kept burning for ten days, which requires vast quantities of wick and clarified butter.

As the day wanes into dusk and night begins to darken the sky, pilgrims stand or sit, motionless with anticipation, at the base of Arunachala mountain, preparing to worship God Siva as an infinite pillar of light.

At 6 pm, a roaring fire is ignited in the Temple at the base of Arunachala. This signals the lighting of a similar blaze on the summit. When that flame is seen by the thousands of devotees below, the entire countryside explodes with flashing luminescence. Bonfires, lamps, neon lights and fireworks light the night like day as a surging, thronging, emotionally charged mass of devotees chant, "Arunachala Siva," "Annamalai” and "Annamalai Harohara”.

The Chosen Fishermen
A flame taken from the five earthen pots that were lit just after the early morning temple ceremony of Bharani Deepam is kept burning in the Temple throughout the day as a symbol of the merging of manifestation back into God, the one source of all. This single flame is referred to as the Bharani Deepam. At 10:00 a.m., a group of fishermen are blessed by the temple priest with a small ceremony. At this time, amidst ringing bells and temple music, the priest gives the fishermen a lamp that has been lit from the Bharani Deepam in the Temple. This lamp, also called Bharani Deepam, will be taken by the fishermen to the top of the mountain.

Local fishermen are traditionally given the privilege of carrying the Bharani Deepam up the mountain and lighting the Krittika Deepam in the evening, because, according to a popular myth, Parvati (the wife of Lord Siva) was born in a fishing village. After their consecration ritual, the fishermen take off up the mountain. Their hike up the steep, rugged slopes will take about four hours.

In the Temple, all is quiet after the fishermen leave. By 5:00 in the evening, the area surrounding the Temple flagpole, as well as the adjoining terrace, will be packed. Pilgrims observe the dramatic arrival of five exquisitely decorated palanquins, carrying the Gods Vinayaka, Subramanya, Siva, Amba and Chandikeshwara.

Within about 30 minutes, five palanquins have arrived in all their spiritual pageantry. Now, we wait for the climax, the coming of Ardhanarishvara (Lord Siva as half man, half woman). This will occur immediately after the Krittika Deepam is lit. Everyone wants to be able to see the mountaintop. All eyes are looking up.

Finally, the appointed moment arrives. Against the backdrop of a sunset sky, crowned with the rising star of Kartika, thundering firecrackers, ringing Temple bells and a frenzy of rhythmic chanting merge to create a cacophony of chaotic splendour. Camphor is lit in a cauldron by the Temple flag pole, signaling priests on top of the mountain to light their flame. The timing is perfectly synchronized. The air is charged as the overpowering sight of light, signifying Siva in the form of Jyoti (divine light), merges with Parvati to become Siva/Sakti. Now, finally, Ardhanarishvara is brought out of the Temple with great ceremonial fanfare. This is the only day of the year that this particular Deity is ever moved. It is most auspicious.

The sight of the Krittika Deepam is magical. It brings an inexplicable joy. People are ecstatic, mesmerized by the light. After nightfall, we see groups of people lighting lamps in the streets. Every house, every shop, every temple, not only in Tiruvannamalai but in all surrounding villages and towns, is bedecked with beautifully flickering lamps.

Throughout the day, street merchants have been performing annadana (free distribution of food). For this one day, the entire town has merged as one family of unforgettable warmth, amity and cordiality. Even amidst the discomfort of the crowded streets, life runs smoothly and everyone gets along harmoniously.

During the 10 days that the flame burns on Arunachala after Krittika Deepam, it consumes a ton of ghee and 1,000 feet of thick, cotton wick. The fishermen who have been chosen to light the Deepam hike up the mountain every day to restock the cauldron and keep the flame alive. They consider their task a sacred privilege.

A month after the celebration has ended they perform fire-walking to absolve themselves of any sins they have accrued by setting foot on the mountain while carrying the Deepam. They also arrange for special pujas (worship ceremonies), abhishekam (water ceremonies) and homas (fire ceremonies) to be performed in their names.

The fishermen who have been chosen to light the Krittika Deepam are all gathered together inside a side shrine adjacent to the main Temple. They have just been blessed by the Temple priest who now lights the ghee lamp they will carry up Arunachala mountain. To the thundering of drums, they all suddenly rise together to stride quickly out into the main temple courtyard where hundreds of pilgrims are waiting for them. They make their way out of the Temple into the street heading for the trail that leads up the mountain.

The main devotee fisherman, who is carrying the ghee lamp, is moving very quickly. At first, a few of his colleagues stumble behind him with a cluster of pilgrims clumsily striving to keep up. As the progression proceeds, more pilgrims join the march. Soon, there are hundreds. Then there are thousands.

Pilgrims scramble, most shoeless, along the snake-like trail, snatching blessings at various shrines along the way. Storm clouds are gathering rapidly around the mountain's summit. Now we are meeting devotees coming down. There is only one trail and we tangle in a human traffic jam. Miraculously, the fishermen thread their way through this obstacle as if it is not there.

As the temple fire is lit at 6 pm, the moment is overwhelming. Thousands of pilgrims are chanting "Aum Namasivaya." Suddenly a fire is jumping skyward from the top of Arunachala, "Siva and Parvati are one." "

23 November 2007

Tiruvannamalai Cattle Fair

I have a busy day planned ahead of me. First off darshan at 6 a.m. of my Guru, Sri Nannagaru at his ashram in Rajiv Gandhi Nagar (about 2 kms from Ramana Ashram). At 7.30 a.m. I am invited to a puja at the Animal Shelter, connected with the formation of their new Trust. (I will be posting a narrative further on this in the upcoming Arunachala Grace Newsletter due out at the end of the month. For your free subscription please check out at the left hand column of this Blog).

After the puja, I plan on going to Arunachaleswarar Temple to see what is happening there. In the afternoon Sri Nannagaru is meant to be giving darshan again at 4.00 p.m. and then at 6.00 p.m. I have arranged to meet friends from Kerala who are visiting Arunachala for Deepam. After meeting up, we then plan to go to Sri Sathya Sai bhajans at a devotee's house, to celebrate Swamis birthday.

Well had a very nice darshan and now on my way to the Animal Shelter.

As always over the Deepam Festival there is a 4-day Cattle Fair at Tiruvannamalai, at which cattle, horses and donkeys and a vast array of related accroutements are on sale.

Below a vertiable oasis of fresh drinking water available for the upcoming inundation of a million pilgrims eager to perform giripradakshina of Arunachala.

On the side of the road, some fellows sitting on a hillock of corn cobs.

Below, a rather interesting form of transportation, which seems to me to be a homemade job - but rather a smart vehicle nonetheless.

Nearly at the Animal Hospital, and my timing is perfect, as puja is ready to start. Hope to post some very nice photos of the puja in a couple of days. After the puja and some sweets and tea (yummy!)onward to the Cattle Fair.

Here are some of the young bulls which will be sold and used to pull carts loaded up with agricultural items, construction brick-a-brac, and a host of other kinds of loads.

The Cattle Fair is beginning to get busy, but its still very early in the morning. As well as cows and bulls, there will also be some nice ponies and horses on sale. The green in the back of the photograph is Arunachala.

All kinds of ropes and ornaments for the creatures are on sale at the Cattle Fair.

In the next photograph a very cheerful man making ornaments for the cows.

The pink building on the side of the below photograph, is the newly constructed pilgrim choultry, at which visiting pilgrims are able to stay during short trips to Arunachala.

I debated going onto the Cattle Fair grounds and have a look at the animals and carts, but decided against it, as need to head towards town and the Big Temple.

So I'm back on Chengam Road and have a nice leisurely 3 km walk ahead of me that will take me to Arunachaleswarar Temple at the centre of Tiruvannamalai.

22 November 2007

Ready to Pull

Its beginning to get interesting. Crowds are building up, and there is excitement in the air.

Ladies will be pulling the chains at the left and gents on the right. Already folk are deciding what part of the chain they have decided to reserve. These ladies definitely are marking out their spots.

There is a certain milling around, and people making decisions as to the best place to go.

Dotted around the 5 Chariots currently parked on Car Street, are vendors selling various puja paraphernalia.

Pilgrims are performing puja at their Chariot pulling station.

Its nearly time.

God Darshan

Before the Big Chariot is hauled on its circuit around the outside perimeter of the 26 acre Arunachaleswarar Temple, pilgrims are allowed up into the Chariot to take darshan of the God, Arunachaleswarar and his Goddess, Unnamulaiyaal. Lucky I have arrived early and the streets are comparatively empty. This is just the beginning of how crowded it will get.

To the left is a building through which pilgrims go in order to climb onto the Chariot.

In the next photograph going through the tunnel onto the bridge from the building onto the Chariot.

A nice welcoming face as I wait to climb onto the chariot.

Looking down onto Car Street while in the waiting area before climbing onto the Chariot. The chariot behind is that of Lord Murugan - also preparing to be taken around the Temple perimeter.

In the next photograph you can see folk crossing the bridge onto the Chariot.

And to get an idea of the gigantic size of the wooden chariot, in the next photograph you can see the backs of pilgrims who are taking darshan of the Gods, Arunachaleswarar and Unnamulaiyaal.

And now its my turn to take the darshan, and happily I am given permission to take a photograph of the Gods.

And in close-up.

Karumbu Baby Thotty

During Deepam Festival on the day of Maha Radham, people offer up their child to Lord Annamalaiyar by taking it on girivalam around Arunachaleswarar Temple. In the below photographs people are buying sugar canes to tie together to support a hammock for their child.

In the below the tied cloth in the middle of the sugarcane holds a young child or baby. It used to be that people would offer up their first born to the God in this way, but it seems as if this custom has grown to include offering up all their children for the God's Blessing.

This day Wednesday, 21st November) there were hundreds of families carrying their Karumbu Baby Thotties in girivalam around Arunachaleswarar. Below a photograph of the pavement covered in leaves from the sugarcanes.