18 July 2009

Quo Vadis News

I have made many posts on Arunachala Grace about Quo Vadis the interfaith dialogue centre situated at Tiruvannamalai, and close to Ramana Ashram. To read some of the posts use the search facility at the top left of this page.

This week I checked in with Quo Vadis and spent time with its pastor JP and those around him. While there I had lunch and investigated the Labyrinth in the back garden and also got up-to-date with news at Quo Vadis. Their website is at
this link here.

Below are some current photographs of Quo Vadis and information about the Centre’s current weekly schedule for visitors.

Lane outside Quo Vadis

Quo Vadis Interfaith Dialogue Centre

Arunachala from Quo Vadis' roof

Tree trunk carving from Quo Vadis
building site

Paintings, sculptures, artwork and
photographs displayed throughout the Centre

The meditation and meeting hut

Innovative plant hanging planted
in old bamboo piece

The Quo Vadis garden looking
very luxuriant

The Labyrinth located at
Quo Vadis

The week in Quo Vadis:

Monday: Cultural dialogue in the garden:
(song, dance, making instruments etc)

Tuesday: Women's interfaith book club in the Library:
(book read out live in English language)

Wednesday: Reading and reflection on roof top:
(spiritual books, meditation)

Thursday: Interfaith dialogue in the Roots Cafe, Quo Vadis
(reading from sacred scriptures, visit from key personnel)

Friday: 'Search the roots' in the Roots Cafe:
(recipes, herbal medicine and health tips, making kolams etc)

Saturday: Walking meditation and dialogue:
(6 a.m. walking the inner path or up to Skanda Ashram)

Sunday: Christian meditation in the Red Hut at 6.30 p.m.

Film: Film Evening every first Saturday of the month at 6.30 p.m.

A Forest Glade

Some nice snaps taken on the usual evening walk with my doggies.

And near the Hill a perfect forest glade that is a particular favourite of all my six doggies.

The glade is inhabited by a variety of birds and such indigenous wildlife as; macaque monkeys, mongoose, grey rabbit and foxes.

After our walk in the forest glade we head towards the Samudram embankment.

And watch the sun go down on yet another Arunachala day.

15 July 2009

Arunachala Trees

Even though this season has not been rainy, the green cover of Arunachala is very apparent from wherever the Hill is viewed. I took the below photographs while seating on the roof of the Tasty Cafe, a very nice restaurant at the back of Seshadri Ashram.

The number of woody species found on Arunachala is between 150-200. The most plentiful are Satin-wood, Vepaalai, Indian Laburnum, Vengai, Udupai, Vitex altissima (peacock's foot), Strychnos potatorum (clearing-nut), Rose-wood, Deccania Pubescence and some of the local Acacia varieties. We find Soap-nut, Amla and Ebony along with five other species of Diospyros.

From the rocks sprout Ficus varieties, and higher up there are patches of Terminalias Paniculata and Tomentosa. In sheltered pockets of valleys and near the top, where it is cooler and there is more dew-fall, evergreens such as Cassine Glauca, Drypetes, Lepisanthes Tetraphilla, Memecylon and Pamburus (a type of wild orange) are more common, while on the most exposed and degraded slopes Sterculia, Givottia, Commiphora and even the endangered Hildegardia can be found.

12 July 2009

Kalyana Mandapam

The below murals are on the walls and ceiling of the Kalyana Mandapam, a hall which is infrequently opened and situated at the southern side of the third prakaram of Arunachaleswarar Temple. I am posting photographs of some murals representing more well known Arunachala legends.

As to the future renovation of the murals, we will have to wait and see -- one hopes that the ancient and beautiful murals are not renovated improperly or inexpertly. As to that more news when I get it.

The below photograph is of an ancient representation of Arunachala surrounded by holy tirthams (water tanks).

Arunachala with tirthams




The most important functions to be held at Arunachaleswarar Temple Kalyana Mandapam, are the marriage of Lord Siva and Sakthi during Panguni Uthiram and celebration of the days of Karthigai Deepam.

There are other special days during the year that the Mandapam is used, one such function is a group puja performed during one day each year (in the month of Adi as is the custom in most Tamil Temples dedicated to Shakthi). The group function is known as the 'Mangalaya Puja'. The above photograph is of such a function held at the Kalyana Mandapam at Arunachalaeswarar Temple in a previous year.

Interview with Radha Ma

Radha Ma originates from Bangalore and successfully worked for many years in Hyderabad as a chartered accountant. It was here she met her husband-to-be, who now lives with her at Tiruvannamalai as her devotee. Radha Ma refuses to see herself as a guru or master but many come to her anyway. She now lives off the Girivalam Roadway at Arunachala.

In the following interview Radha Ma was asked: “It appears essential to meet a guru and stay with that guru. Who is the guru? What is the guru's role? How to recognise a true guru?”

Her reply starts: “I never had a Guru, so I don’t know how to answer for this. And I am not a Guru too . . . and I’m not a Guru . . . so you want to know how to recognise a Guru?”

Click on this link to watch and listen to the rest of her response to the question: ‘Who is the Guru?’

8 July 2009

Arunachala Countryside

Been having some nice jaunts into the surrounding Arunachala countryside over the last few weeks. And the below photographs are of the peaceful existence away from the ever sprawling metropolitan area of Tiruvannamalai.

The below is of the cowshed.

And here is the one-week old little calf, Ramana --- ahhh!

A wonderful home-made outside cooker. Which I can tell you from experience works really well.

And some chickens hanging out trying to pick up scraps and tidbits.

And below are the lovely rustic farmers who actually belong to the farm next door - but were just visiting. As most readers will know, its unusual for couples to hold hands in public in this country -- except perhaps for College kids in Bangalore or Chennai etc. However this lovely couple, once my back was turned, were actually holding hands - so sweet.

And the next photograph is of the rustic farmhouse.

I took the next photograph of the tiled roof simply because I like the traditional roof so much.

The fields have been sewn with paddy, and everything looks supernaturally green, the hay is piled up for livestock, irrigation ditches have been cleaned out and repaired, Arunachala is hiding behind the trees - and everything is ready to move right along. Good times are here.

If you are interested in finding out more about the availability of agricultural or rural land around Arunachala, check out this link here.

7 July 2009

Guru Poornima 2009

The festival of Guru Poornima is traditionally celebrated on the day of full moon in the month of Ashadh of the Hindu calendar. Guru Poornima (which falls this year on Tuesday, July 7th) is the day on which the Guru is revered by devotees. Sri Dakshinamurti is an aspect of Lord Siva as the primordial master, the personification of ultimate awareness, understanding and knowledge. At Arunachala the manifestation of Lord Siva as Dakshinamurti is celebrated as the ‘silent Guru’. 

Lord Siva and His Worship 
During the absence of Devi, when Lord Siva was alone, the sons of Brahma, who are sages Sanaka, Sanandana, Sanatana and Sanatkumara, came to have Darshan of Lord Siva and prostrated before Him. They entreated the Lord to teach them the way to remove avidya and attain salvation. They expressed that in spite of the vast study of scriptures they had no internal peace and they were in need of learning the inner secrets, by knowing which they could attain salvation. 

Lord Siva, hearing this appeal made by the sages, assumed the form of Dakshinamurti and remaining as the Guru Supreme, began to teach them the inner secrets by keeping Mouna and showing the “chinmudra” by His hand. The sages began to meditate on the lines shown by the Lord and attained the state of inexpressible and illimitable joy. Thus Lord Siva came to be known as Dakshinamurti. 
[By Swami Sivananada]

Ramana Maharshi: Lectures may entertain individuals for a few hours without improving them. Silence on the other hand is permanent and benefits the whole of humanity. 

Devotee: But silence is not understood. 

Ramana Maharshi: It does not matter. By silence, eloquence is meant. Oral lectures are not so eloquent as silence. Silence is unceasing eloquence. The Primal Master, Dakshinamurti, is the ideal. He taught his Rishi disciples by silence. 

Devotee: But then there were disciples for Him. It was all right. Now it is different. They must be sought after and helped. 

Ramana Maharshi: That is a sign of ignorance. The power which created you has created the world. If it can take care of you, it can similarly take care of the world also. 

[Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi] 
Sri Dakshinamurti Stotram

"Whose luminosity is existence itself, entering all objects which are non-existent, as it were, shines forth; who instructs those who seek refuge in him that they are that supreme reality, as in the scriptural text; by realising whom these will occur no more entry into the ocean of transmigration of the soul, the one who is the Lord incarnate as the preceptor, in physical form, be this adoration."

“The guru is Brahma, the guru is Vishnu, the guru is the Great God Shiva. The guru is the Supreme Being right before one's very eyes. To that guru do I reverently bow.”

3 July 2009

Tiruvannamalai Animal Shelter

Previous to the opening of the Animal Shelter in Ramana Nagar (one kilometre west of Ramana Ashram off the Chengam Road) there was little help for the suffering animal population of this area. Packs of thin, unneutered dogs constantly roamed the city and were regularly rounded up and killed by municipal workers. Happily since the opening of the Tiruvannamalai Animal Shelter, the Municipality has ceased its dog culling in favour of the Shelter's more humane dog sterilization programme.

Below is a photograph of Vishwa, the manager of the Shelter who is in charge of animal rescue and dog round up.

Injured dogs are brought into the Shelter for diagnosis and treatment and street dogs are regularly rounded up and brought in for sterilization. After recovery the dogs are released in the same area from which they were captured.

Currently the Shelter has approximately 150 dogs, of which over 40 are permanent residents at the Sanctuary as, (through either injury or disease) the dogs are unable to fend for themselves.

As well as small animals, the Shelter always tries to help in any way it can. And currently the Shelter has (as residents) two monkeys and two cows. Below the young calf, who was injured by a speeding car, is resting its injured leg.

The below photograph is of Raja, a permanent worker at the Shelter and who is absolutely adored by the Sanctuary's dog population.

The next photograph is of Shanti, a great animal lover, who has her own large collection of dogs and cats at home, and who is also an invaluable worker at the Shelter.

If you are visiting Tiruvannamalai, why not check out the Animal Shelter and find out about their excellent service in this community and how their work is alleviating much suffering of our dear animal friends.

To find out more about their work, check out their own website at this link here.

1 July 2009

Mottayan Swamiji Experience

I wrote a previous posting about Mooku Podi Swami and some of my thoughts on him. Subsequently a reader of Arunachala Grace has just posted the below comment on her own life changing experience with Mooku Podi Swami, and below I reproduce her comment in its entirety.

“Hi, I cannot express my joy in words after seeing Appa's photo and a article on him. Appa is how he is referred by all his devotee children. After my personal experience with Appa I have unshakeable faith that only when you are in dire need in your life, Lord Arunachaleswarar blesses you to meet Appa. We are not meeting Appa actually. He will decide to see us and it is only then that we can see him.

I would like to share my personal experience with Appa. We met Appa in May 2009 unforgettable month of my life. My husband had lost his job in the U.S. due to recession. We were searching for jobs for 2 months now. In the meanwhile I was having very sudden and severe health problems related to my brain and fertility. All these put together we were having the toughest time of our life, not to mention that we were married for less than a year.

My husband is a devotee of Lord Arunachaleswarar and so, as is our habit, we went to Thiruvannamalai for Swami's darshan. On the blessed day when we met Appa, we were leaving Thiruvanammalai to go back to our home in Madurai. After having breakfast, I hired an auto. Of all the autos that were present there, God had to send me only that particular auto. In that auto, there were two photos. One was the photo of Uchimalai Swamigal who was no longer present in Thiruvannamalai. There was this other photo we did not recognise. We asked the auto driver about it and it was he who told us about Appa. We wanted to meet him very badly and asked him to take us to Appa.

The first time we met Appa he was in a Mariamman Temple in the Giri route. He was having a thiruvodu in his hands. When he saw us, he walked to the nearby plants and started to pluck leaves from them. He then kept those leaf bunches in his head. After being there for sometime, he decided to go for girivalam and signaled to a person standing near by. He then started for girivalam in the anti-clockwise direction.

We took off behind him. He went into Hotel Akasha and asked for the senior owner. When he learnt that the owner was out of town, he broke his thiruvodu by sending it crashing on the floor. The owner immediately asked the guard to clear it and he explained to us, the spectators that Appa had actually done drishti kalippu by breaking the thiruvodu.

Our girivalam continued and at one point only one leaf bunch flew from Appa’s head and fell on the road. Of the 4 -5 bunches only one flew. We took the leaf bunch as Prasad. I am very happy that I took it. We had kept the leaf in a plastic cover. We were very surprised to see that the leaf was fresh and green as if in a plant for a month.

I don’t think it is a coincidence that the leaf was fresh till all our problems were solved. My husband got a job in Singapore, and all my health problems were resolved. Appa stayed with us in form of the leaf till our problems were solved.

If you go to Thiruvannmalai try to have the divine experience with Appa. He will not talk through his mouth. But if you ask him something (you should talk using your heart and not mouth) then he will shake his head as an answer. If the answer is a yes then he will nod and if it is a no then he will indicate accordingly. If you have been blessed to meet Appa then I am sure, that Appa could not bear seeing you in pain and so he chose to see you and free you of all the pain. I am also sure that from that moment on, your life will only improve and you will reach heights.

Even now, if I think of the whole experience and the leaf bunch in particular, I cannot help but shedding happy tears of joy. I pray to Annandale that all those reading this Blog also get the blessing to meet Appa. Appa's annadana matam is situated in the girivala pathai. Anyone will be able to tell you. You can go there for any further details.”

Rural Tiruvannamalai

Yesterday was a sleepy pretty day and I decided to walk back home after visiting some folk living several kilometres away off the Perumbakkam Road. It was lunchtime and quite hot, below is the view of Arunachala from where I started off. It is also the view from outside the Lord Ayyappan Grove.

To learn more about the legend and story of Lord Ayyappan visit this link here and for information on Sacred Groves here.

After stopping off at the Grove I continued walking northwards on the Perumbakkam Roadway.

And wherever possible both creatures and people were having a nice snooze during the hot midday sun.

Farmers below having their conference under a tree's shade.

A couple more agriculturists below having a good chat.

Ancient beautiful tamarind trees have survived the inroads of road modernisation and still line many of the roads and avenues around Tiruvannamalai.

And below perilously close to the roadway, rustic thatched country cottages line both sides of Perumbakkam Road.

An enjoyable, pretty walk that gave me the opportunity to remind myself just how sweet it is in these parts.