24 July 2013

Teertham 2013 Aani Bramothsavam Festival

The below photographs were taken at the Ayyankulam Tank in front of the Arunagirinathar Temple a few minutes walk from Arunachaleswarar Temple. The idols are being bathed at the teertham on the tenth and last day of the 2013 Aani Bramothsavam Festival. 

To those unfamiliar with the very beautiful and recently restored Arunagirinathar Temple, I am posting additional photographs of the third oldest Shiva Temple at Arunachala. 

Arunachala Darshan from Arunagirinathar Temple. Raja Gopruam at right

An ancient Temple that has an intricate relationship with Arunachaleswarar Temple and the Hill. It is at this Temple that the last three days of Deepam Festival are celebrated when the Gods are taken on elaborately decorated floats onto the large tank. 

If you take time to walk around the perimeter of the Temple Tank, you will be rewarded with interesting and fascinating sights of a number of obscure but powerful shrines and Temples. The view also of Arunachala is quite sublime from most aspects around the Ayyankulam Tank.

Fascinating, ancient Arunagirinathar Temple

Navagraha Shrine at Arunagirinathar Temple

Arunagirinathar Temple has powerful sanctum sanctorums dedicated to Lord Shiva and the Goddess. It also has my favourite Navagraha Shrine at Tiruvannamalai, which includes a most ornate and beautiful representation of Lord Surya. 

Lord Surya with his Mounts

Powerful and Beautiful Navagraha statues

To read more about this Temple and Tank, go to this link here. And to explore the perimeter of the Ayyankulam Tank, go to this link here

Lord Nataraja Abhishekam

The below sequence of photos are from a recently concluded function at Arunachaleswarar Temple. The photographs are of the Sri Nataraja Utsavam and of his abhishekam. During the festival Lord Nataraja is taken jewelled and decorated to the One Thousand Pillar Hall. 

To find out more about the significance of Shiva as the manifestation of Lord Nataraja, please go the earlier posting at this link here

However it is Chidambaram one of five holy Shiva Sthalams that fully celebrates festivals dedicated to Lord Nataraja. Chidambaram represents the element space. The other four Shiva Sthalams are: Thiruvanaikaval Jambukeswara (water), Kanchi Ekambareswara (earth), Tiruvannamalai Arunachaleswarar (fire) and Kalahasti Nathar (wind). 

Lord Nataraja Sandal Abhiskeham

Bath of Turmeric

Vibhutti abhiskeham of the idol

Idol fully covered with vibhutti

Milk abhiskeham of the idols

Dancing with Shiva 

The world is seen as it truly is—sacred—when we behold Siva's cosmic dance. Everything in the universe, all that we see, hear and imagine, is movement. Galaxies soar in movement; atoms swirl in movement. All movement is Siva's dance. When we fight this movement and think it should be other than it is, we are reluctantly dancing with Siva. We are stubbornly resisting, holding ourselves apart, criticizing the natural processes and movements around us. 

 It is by understanding the eternal truths that we bring all areas of our mind into the knowledge of how to accept what is and not wish it to be otherwise. Once this happens, we begin to consciously dance with Siva, to move with the sacred flow that surrounds us, to accept praise and blame, joy and sorrow, prosperity and adversity in equanimity, the fruit of understanding. We are then gracefully, in unrestrained surrender, dancing with Siva. The Vedas state, "The cosmic soul is truly the whole universe, the immortal source of all creation, all action, all meditation. Whoever discovers Him, hidden deep within, cuts through the bonds of ignorance even during his life on earth." 

[By Satguru Sivaya Subramaniyaswami] 

22 July 2013

Guru Poornima 2013

The guru is Brahma, the guru is Vishnu, the guru is the Great God Shiva. 
The guru is the Supreme Being right before one's very eyes. 
To that guru do I reverently bow. 

14 July 2013

5th day of Aani Brahamosthsavam 2013

The below photographs are of the evening procession of the fifth day in which the Gods seated on Rishaba (bull) Vaganam perform circumambulation of the Temple perimeter streets. 

In these two photographs, the procession is travelling northward on Tiruvoodal Street. 

To view the programme for Aani Brahamosthsavam a 10 day Festival celebrated at Arunachaleswarar Temple here at Tiruvannamalai, please visit this earlier link.

7 July 2013

Flag Hoisting: Ani Brahmostavam, 2013

Today Sunday between 6.30 a.m. to 8.05, marked Flag Hoisting at Arunachaleswarar Temple to observe the beginning of the 10 day Festival, Ani Brahmostavam. 

“This festival commences on the 21st day of the Tamil month of Ani and runs through 10 days of Dakshinayana which marks the beginning of the sun’s movement in a southern direction.” 

To read more about the meaning of this Festival, and to view the Festival programme please go to an early posting at this link here

Readying the Flag for Hoisting

Hoisting the Flag at Arunachaleswarar Temple

The Gods on Circumambulation

Postings: 1st week of July, 2013

Below are links and short extracts of postings on my various Arunachala Blogs from the first week of July: Saturday June 29, 2013 to Saturday July 6, 2013. 

Arunachala Grace
Pradosham Removal of Sins: Photographs of July 5, 2013 Pradosham as observed at the Arunachaleswarar Temple, Tiruvannamalai. 

Arunachala Samudra Website: Inviting support towards the development of the Arunachala Samudra Website

Devotion to the Guru: Words of spiritual guidance from Swami Satchidananda of Anandashram

Swami Satchidananda and a Question: Personal experience of interaction with Swami Satchidananda in 1985 and a question posed to him. 

Tiruvannamalai, India—Travel Diary: Video about a group of Russian Pilgrims and their days at Arunachala.

Arunachala Birds 
Working Bird: Photographs of modern day falconry with Rufus the Wimbledon American Harris Hawk.

Nests of Indian Birds: Part One of descriptions and photographs of various Indian Birds’ nests.

Arunachala Mystic 
Soma Sutra Pradakshina: Explanation of how to perform Soma Sutra Pradakshina at time of Pradosham. 

Mother Umadeviar: Vignettes of Mother Umadeviar who was renowned as a channel to Sri Seshadri Swamigal 

5 July 2013

Pradosham: "The Removal of Sins"

The below photographs are of the July 5, 2013 Pradosham as observed at the Arunachaleswarar Temple, Tiruvannamalai. 

Pradosham is a time especially meant for praying to Lord Shiva, as it is the time that Shiva absorbs devotees’ karma. Thus, it is believed that praying during the time of Pradosham will free us from sins and eventually lead to moksha. The twilight, Pradosham, marks the end of the day light and beginning of night. The day is ruled by Gods, angels and saints while night is ruled by evil spirits. 

Nandi the Bull at Big Temple Flagstaff

It was the Devas that approached Shiva during Pradosham to get relief from the demons. In their distress, Shiva and his mount Nandi assisted the Devas and from this legend has emerged the pratice of worshipping Shiva along with his sacred mount Nandi, at the time of Pradosham. 

Circumambulating the Shiva Sannidhi

For more complete information about Pradosham, please check out my earlier posts available at this link here.

To learn how to perform (during Pradosham) the special type of circumambulation called Soma Sutra Pradakshina, please view this link.

4 July 2013

Development of Arunachala Samudra Website

If you haven’t already visited Arunachala Samudra, please do so at this link. It is hoped that the website which currently has around 85 pages of content will have close to 200 pages of content by the end of 2013. But to reach this goal, Arunachala Samudra needs to receive loving financial support from Arunachala Devotees. 

Arunachala Samudra is not affiliated to any particular guru or ashram. It is an independent Website dedicated to becoming a full, definitive information resource of the sacred Hill. It will include a broad range of narratives, videos, audios and photographs. In addition over the coming months a number of beautiful interactive programmes will be uploaded onto Arunachala Samudra to inspire devotees to maintain and develop their connection with the flow and power of the Hill. 

Arunachala Samudra Eri

If you wish to help with the continuing development of Arunachala Samudra, your donation will be gratefully received through the PayPal Facility located at the left side of this page. If you wish to donate using some other method, please get in touch with Arunachala Grace at the email contact located at the top left to this page.

The above photograph is in high resolution and suitable for enlargement and printing. Right click photograph to view.

Devotion to the Guru

In the previous post I talked about a personal experience with Swami Satchidananda, a great saint with strong ties to Arunachala. In the below narrative Swami writes very beautifully about the power of devotion to the Guru. 

My Masters and Yogiji 

“Coming to Anandashram in January 1949 was like returning home, my real home. From the next day of my arrival at the Ashram, I kept myself busy serving the Masters Swami Ramdas (Beloved Papa) and Mother Krishnabai (Pujya Mataji) in every possible way. In a very short time I became one with the Ashram. They taught me that Sadhana was not merely sitting still in meditation with closed eyes, but also living a normal life with constant God-remembrance and doing all acts dedicating them to Him, thus making every movement of the Sadhaka an act or worship. Gradually I understood that, they being everything and beyond, serving them meant serving everybody else also. I found in Beloved Papa and Mataji my divine parents and in all the Ashramites and visitors my brothers and sisters. I found real peace and joy in life, the like of which I had never enjoyed till then. 

I came to them absolutely raw and shapeless like a lump of clay. I surrendered to them. They graciously took me in hand, pressed, crushed and moulded me to give shape to make me their instrument to serve all. Beloved Papa also gave me a lot of opportunities to move with his spiritual children who came to him as serious seekers and later became Mahatmas like Yogi Ramsuratkumarji Maharaj. How from an apparently possessive and obstinate nature, the Yogiji who took initiation from Beloved Papa, rose to the height of the Divine child of Arunachala is something for all the ardent Sadhakas to emulate. Not caring for even the basic requirements of the body, he threw himself totally at the feet of his Master whom he always addresses as 'my father'. lt is rare to see such intense vairagya. 

For nearly four decades, while he continued to deny himself of any of the normal needs, he became a source of solace and protection for innumerable devotees, more so in Tamil Nadu. His surrender to his Guru was total. He always used to say, "My father alone exists. Nothing else, Nobody else'. Even after dropping his body, the Yogiji continues to inspire many in the path of devotion. I still remember the touching reference he made at the time of our meeting at the guest-house of Sri Ramanasramam, Tiruvannamalai after a long gap of four decades. Answering somebody whether he was waiting for a few hours, he said not hours but for forty years. 

To meet saints is a blessing. To be with them is a greater blessing. To be given a chance to serve them is a great privilege.” 

[Swami Satchidananda]

Swami Satchidananda and the Question

Throughout my life I have been a tennis aficionado; in my youth I used to play the game regularly but now that I am older and more sedate, I have become an “armchair” enthusiast. So when Wimbledon, the pre-eminent Tennis Tournament, comes along, I enjoy keeping up-to-date with what’s happening. And it is also during the time of each years' Wimbledon that I am reminded of a delightful experience that happened in 1985. 

In that year I was fortunate enough to be able to spend two months at Anandashram, Kanhangad, Kerala. Many devotees of Arunachala know of this beautiful ashram and of its long, loving links with the Hill. During my stay there I spent time with Mother Krishnabai and Swami Satchidananda and thereafter over the years occasionally wrote to Swamiji with spiritual questions. Even though he was probably inundated with duties, he always found the time to write lovingly and at length in response to my questions. Because of Yogi Ramsuratkumar’s link with his Guru; Swami Ramdas and Anandashram, Swami Satchidananda was invited as revered guest to inaugurate the opening of Yogi Ramsuratkumar’s ashram at Tiruvannamalai. Sadly on October 12th, 2008, Swami Satchidananda cast of his physical body in which he had served humanity for over sixty years. 

Swami Satchidananda

As to that delightful experience that occurred in July, 1985 it goes something like this:- 

As Anandashram was quiet and with very few visitors, I was able to spend most of the day and evenings with Mother Krishnabai in her room. When there was darshan, a procession of devotees would come briefly to Mother (who was sitting on her cot), to speak privately and ask for her blessings. At other times a small number of pilgrims would sit at Mother’s feet while she sat on her cot and we would all chant mantras with her. Less frequently I would have the opportunity to sit in Mother’s room, silent and for all intent and purpose quite invisible. 

One evening very late, was such an occasion. Mother Krishnabai was sitting on her cot and only she and I, were in the room. It was a beautiful evening, cool and silent with just a faint noise of crickets coming from the lush gardens outside. The door opened and Swami Satchidananda entered. He moved to Mother’s cot and started talking with her in Malayalam. As they talked their eyes sparkled with intelligence and merriment and their faces shone liked burnished gold. As I sat there, like the proverbial “fly on the wall,” I was taken up by the other worldly beauty of the moment. The room seemed to be expanding and contracting, and the bodies of the two saints appeared to be shimmering in golden effulgence. Their conversation went on for a long time and I just sat there revelling in the experience of watching these two great Masters interacting on Mount Olympus. It was an extraordinary moment. Afterwards I wondered to myself, “What could they have been talking about?” How could it have been anything but the most profound. Maybe they were discussing some great spiritual conundrum that night. My mind was busy with possibilities!

The next day, when meeting Swami Satchidananda, I enquired, “Swamiji, please don’t misunderstand my reason for asking, but last night when you visited Mother Krishnabai in her room, you probably didn’t notice me but I was there and it seemed to me that some extraordinary conversation was occurring between the two of you. Will you please tell me what it was you were you talking about?” 

Swami Satchidananda paused recollecting the moment, and then burst out laughing. “Oh no! It was not like that, it was nothing earth shattering. Yesterday evening I visited Mother to tell her that I had been listening to the World Service radio coverage of Wimbledon tennis, and that a 17 year old German boy, Boris Becker, had just won the Men’s Championship.” 

Like Sri Sathya Sai Baba would often say, “Spiritual Life—no pressure, only pleasure.” Thank you Swami Satchidananda for a wonderful experience to always remember you by.

1 July 2013

Tiruvannamalai, India - Travel Diary

This video is about a group of Russian pilgrims (male and female) arriving at Tiruvannamalai in a coach, which documents their experiences over the course of a couple of days.

The video is about 55 minutes long. Below I have listed a guide to specific parts of the video, and depending on how much time you have, you might want to directly access your preferred interests.

Video Sequence

Beginning: Coach to Tiruvannamalai. Stopping at village for visit with Swami Velliananda Swami. Journey continues. Looking at Kolams.
Minute 13: Visit to Ramana Ashram, including VERY beautiful coverage of puja at the Ramana Samadhi 
Minute 16: Group walks to Skanda ashram, sitting there
Minute 23: Shopping in Ramana Nagar and walking about streets
Minute 25: Visit to Pachaiamman Temple, footage taken inside the Sanctum Sanctorum
Minute 26: At water tank, having bath with nearby housewife washing clothes
Minute 28: Visit to Virupaksha Cave
Minute 29.30: Sadhus on street. Walking on roadway.
Minute 30: Agreeing rickshaw price. Visit to x-ray clinic. Visit to Doctor
Minute 38.30: Evening at Car Street at Big Temple. Procession passes by.
Minute 40: Lunch at Ramana Ashram
Minute 42: Walking on Chengam Road in Ramana Nagar, stone cutter lingam order.
Minute 43: Evening Puja at Ramana Ashram Samadhi. Spending time in Samadhi Hill
Minute 46: Ironing Man
Minute 47: Taking food
Minute 50: Evening Ramana Ashram—chanting in Samadhi Hall
Minute 53: Coach on girivalam roadway. Stop for tea. Leaving.

Words about this Video from the Russian Video Producer

“Without words, without explanation, without voice-over this is a spotless actual flood of reality that takes you instantly to this place. Using a live documentary camera, I tried to just watch and as much as possible not interfere. I did not make any specific movie to necessarily fit into the expectations of a clean, bright sacred place. 

Tiruvannamalai is a city which is located around one of the most sacred and revered places in India - Arunachala hill. There are Temples of Shiva, an ashram of Sri Ramana Maharshi, and a multitude of Shrines, Temples and sacred place—it is a Holy city with life around it.

India is a very photogenic country and while shooting the video, one slowly seizes this Indian stream and watching this you begin to disappear and you're not here, you're back there somewhere at Arunachala. 

It does not seem abnormal that the local folk work in their shops and in the evening go to Puja at the Arunachaleswarar Temple. Waking up early in the morning with a cotton dhoti wrapped around the waist, dressed appropriately for the unbearably hot day ahead, and yet wearing a shawl over the shoulders because it is early morning and still cold. Performing giripradakshina around Arunachala and in the evening visiting Ramana Ashram to listen to the chanting in the Samadhi Hill, seems just like a day in a normal life.”

30 June 2013

Postings: 4th week June, 2013

Below are links and short extracts of postings on my various Arunachala Blogs from the fourth week of June: Saturday June 22, 2013 to Saturday June 29, 2013. 

Arunachala Grace 
Ani Brahmostavam: Invitation for upcoming Festival at Arunachaleswarar Temple.

Samudram Eri: Early morning walk on the dry lakebed, Samudram Eri. 

Ramana Ashram Clinic: Narrative and photographs of Ramana Ashram Dispensary.

Arunachala Birds 
The Southern Grey Shrike: Information and photographs of an occasional visitor to the Arunachala area, the Southern Grey Shrike 

Arunachala Mystic
Arunachala Mystic Relationship between Saints: Connection between the Arunachala saints’ Seshadri Swamigal and Ramana Maharshi 

Arunachala Land 
Silk Cotton Tree: Narrative and photographs of the tallest tree in Arunachala.

29 June 2013

Ani Brahmostavam

Arulmigu Arunachaleswarar Tirukovil 

Ani Brahmostavam Invitation 

Festival starts on 7.07.2013 

Right Click on above to view enlargements

Flag Hoisting: Sunday 6.30 a.m. to 8.05

The 10 Days Festival includes morning and evening procession of Gods  as follows:

06.07.2013 Saturday Vinayaka Procession 

07.07.2013 Sunday Vinayaka, Chinanaynar, Amman Processions 

Days from 08.07.2013 Monday to Tuesday week, 16.07.2013
Processions dedicated to Vinayaka and Chandrasekhara

--- oOo ---

This festival commences on the 21st day of the Tamil month of Ani and runs through 10 days of Dakshinayana which marks the beginning of the sun’s movement in a southern direction. 

A year in the Hindu calendar consists of two Ayanas (which signfy the sun’s direction) that are divided into two periods of six months each. Summer solstice which falls in the month of June (corresponding to Ani) marks the beginning of Dakshinayana, which means in the Earth’s sky the Sun begins to trace a southward movement in the northern hemisphere of the planet.The Uttarayana period which begins on January 14th or 15th ends with Dakshinayana Punyakalam. The Dakshinayanam period ends on Makar Sankranti (i.e. Uttarayana day). 

The Ayana from the beginning of Dakshinayana to the beginning of Uttarayana is known as the sadhana pada. In terms of sadhana, Dakshinayana is for purification, Uttarayana is for enlightenment. 

In the northern hemisphere of the planet, Uttarayana is the time of fulfilment and Dakshinayana is the time of receptivity. They are also understood as – the first six months from January to June to be masculine in nature, and the duration of the southern run corresponds to the feminine phase of the Earth. 

Uttarayana and Dakshinayana have a significant impact on how the human system functions and acordingly aspirants shift their activities in relation to the dominant solar influence. 

27 June 2013

Samudram Morning Walking

The mornings are a beautiful time to go walking on the Samudram as its cool and fresh and the perfect weather to enjoy time outdoors. If its early enough, goat and cow herders have not yet brought their livestock for the day's grazing on the short grass of the reserve land so the area is quite deserted .

Below are photos of my doggies enjoying their quiet time on the dry lake bed -- quiet time which I think they appreciate as much as any person. It certainly makes them calm and more peaceful for the rest of the day.

I have six dogs, 4 males and 2 females and five of them appear in the below photographs -- with the remaining girl Holly rummaging around in some nearby bushes.

The thorny trees around the Samudram, also prevalent throughout the Tiruvannamalai area, are known as Acacia Arabica (Nilotica) which is a hardy multi-purpose tree. To read more about the Nilotica, go to my Arunachala Land Blog at this link here.

Wally who prefers a solitary life

Winnie (with red collar) and Muffin

Boy triplets from left; Wally, Caspar, Oscar. Muffin right

The point of everyone's interest

Arunachala greener since recent rains

Hillock in foreground is site of a Murugan Shrine

25 June 2013

Ramana Ashram Clinic

Today I visited the Ramana Ashram Clinic for the first time. The Clinic which was opened on April 21st April, 2010 is located in Kuranku Thuttam (the Monkey Garden) and is adjacent to one of the Ashram’s main accommodation area. 

Gate from Chengam Road into Kuranku Thuttam

Entrance to Ramana Ashram Clinic

Photograph of Sri Ramana in Reception Area

The Ramana Clinic is a new area of service for the local community and currently serves around 100 patients daily. It is open six days a week and its hours are 8.00 a.m. to 11.00 a.m. and 12.30 p.m. to 3.30 p.m. Two Doctors are in attendance at the Clinic and additional staff is comprised of 2 Nursing Sisters, 2 Receptionists and 2 Pharmacists. 

Venkateshwara, manning the Reception Area

Venkateshwara served for years at Ashram Book Store

Patients at the Clinic

Stairs leading up to next floor

Dr. N. Vijayakumar

The Clinic is spotlessly clean, spacious and undoubtedly will become even busier in years ahead. Its heartwarming that Ramana Ashram is not only providing spiritual support and inspiration to visitors and pilgrims, but is now also invested in caring for other areas of our well-being. 

Ladies working at the Clinic

The Clinic's Dispensary

2 Emergency Beds in Clinic

Corridor on upper floor

Large area upstairs for next phase of development

Viewing Accommodation Blocks from Clinic

Power Generator serving the Clinic

23 June 2013

Postings: 3rd week June, 2013

Below are links and short extracts of postings on my various Arunachala Blogs from week Saturday June 15, 2013 to Saturday June 22, 2013. 

Arunachala Grace 
Murugan Shrine: Small Murguan Shrine located on hillock off Perubakkam Road near Arunachala. 

Sri Tirumular Nayanar: Story of Sri Tirumular a Nayanar from the Periapuranam and his great work the Tirumandiram with link.

Solstice and Pradosham: Synchroncity of these two auspicious events at Arunachala.

Arunachala Birds 
Bird Stories: Narratives illustrating the power the great Mahan Sri Seshadri Swamigal had over birds at Arunachala. 

Red Vented Bulbul: Narrative, video and photographs of this Arunachala beautiful bird of the Bulbul family.

Arunachala Mystic 
Healing Miracles of Sri Seshadri Swamigal: Inspirational stories of the great healing miracles of the avadhuta Sri Seshadri Swamigal. 

21 June 2013

Summer Solstice and Pradosham

This month, the Summer Solstice, which is the longest day and shortest night of the year synchronised with the June 21st Pradosham. 

Outside the Shiva Sannidhi

The word solstice is derived from the sol (sun) and sistere (to stand still), because at solstice, the Sun stands still in declination; that is, the seasonal movement of the Sun's path (as seen from Earth) comes to a stop before reversing direction. The solstices, together with the equinoxes, are connected with the seasons. Solstice mark either the beginning or the midpoint of winter and summer. 

Circumambulating Shiva Sannidhi in Big Temple

This synchronicity marks the perfect and auspicious time to listen or chant the Aditya Hrudayam, Hymn to the Sun God, which comes from the Ramayana and was narrated to Lord Rama by Sage Agastya to energize him in the battle against Ravana. 

Sulamangalam sisters' joyous rendition of the Aditya Hrudayam