9 March 2014

Arunachaleswarar Temple, East Side

A short time back I visited the area east of the Temple specifically to take photographs of the gutted spot left by the devasting December 2013 fire which occurred very close to the main Raja Gopuram entrance. A compilation of various reports reads thus: 

“Late in the evening on Thursday, December 13, 2013, a major fire broke out in a metal shop located a few yards away from the Rajagopuram of Sri Arunachaleshwarar Temple in Tiruvannamalai, on Sannathi Street. Goods worth about 70 lakh was destroyed in nine metal shops. It has been suggested by officials that the shops greatly exceeded the limit of their storage capacity. 

Local metal shop untouched by fire

Front of gutted area now boarded up

Sanyasis sleeping in front of the metal shops noticed thick smoke emanating from M Veeratalingam’s Gandhimathi Metal Store around 11.45 pm on Friday. The sanyasis informed a group of shop owners and workers, who were working nearby. 

Shop remains

The fire quickly engulfed nearby shops. A distress call was received by the District Fire and Rescue Station, located 7 km out of town, at 12.05 am and it took the fire service personnel 16 minutes to reach the spot. However, the fire had spread and fire personnel found it difficult to bring the blaze under control as each of the shops locked with two or three locks. An official said, “It took over 6 hours for the fire to be brought under control and 47 personnel were engaged in the operation. Electric short-circuit is suspected to be the cause of the fire.

9 metal shops razed to the ground

Two fire tenders from Tiruvannamalai, one each from Polur, Chengam, Keelpennathur, and Thandrampet fire station were engaged in the dousing operation.” 

Gutted shops east of Raja Gopuram

Raja Gopuram East Gate, Big Temple

While spending time in the area around the East Gopuram, I checked to find out whether flower and archana stalls have been allowed back into the area. Previous to the 2013 Deepam Festival, very stringent regulations were enforced limiting the presence of stalls in and around the major entrance to the Big Temple. Locals and pilgrims were surprised that the most important Shiva Temple in India should effectively be banning the sale of puja requirements near the main entrance to Arunachaleswarar Temple. 

Car park in front of Temple main entrance

It was even more puzzling that the area previously dedicated to the service and assistance of visiting pilgrims, should have been transformed into a carpark for shop owners and V.I.Ps. 

The shops and stalls have not returned to the area previously dedicated to the sale of archana items, but happily some tradespeople have set up mobile shopping areas were pilgrims can purchase flowers, coconuts, camphor, agarbatti and other archana necessities. 

Flower garlands again available outside Big Temple

Hope things return to normal

Beads, Rudrakshas and Threads for sale

In front of Main Temple Gate

The December 2013 fire outside the big Temple was not an anomaly. There had been in fact another recent fire, which took place in 1996 and destroyed the then 16 pillared mandapam (which is meant for Murtis during processions). That mandapam has been replaced by the now current 44 pillared mandapam.

New Mandapam in front of Temple East Gate

Mandapam with a variety of uses

Resting and chatting being a most important use

Many sadhus and saints have slept in and around the Big Temple

Some things have remained the same from days of yore

Our Rukku

Rukku, our beautiful female elephant residing at Arunachaleswarar Temple who is now around 15 years old was born in the Mudumalai Theppakadu Elephant Camp. The below extract from the data base of Elephant News, is for all intents and purposes Rukku's birth certificate, which you can view at this link here.

To all elephant lovers, make sure to visit the absolute Elephant information encyclopedia and database at this link here

Around December 19, 2014 Rukku left the Temple and Tiruvannamalai on her way to a six week rejuvenation camp. To read an earlier posting go to my narrative at this link here

There are many interested parties around India working to win freedom for all captive elephants which also includes Temple Elephants. So maybe one day our sweet Rukku will be allowed to make a journey to the Reserve Forests without having to return to a captive life.

The next three photographs are of Rukku's return from Holiday at the Rejuvenation Camp. 

Oh! dear, back to work

If only my holiday would last forever

Thought I would never see that stick again!

Last week I escorted 12 participants of the Padma Torsten 2014 Retreat on a tour of Arunachaleswarar Temple. I explained to members of the group (before we visited the Temple) that Rukku is a captive sentient being and it is perhaps inappropriate to visit her looking to see party tricks. In this respect most elephants in this country are trained to take money from a person's hand, pass the coin to the mahout (trainer) and then touch the supplicant's head with the trunk. 

My suggestion to the group was instead of going to the Temple making demands on the poor creature, we should instead go with treats and joy and give gentle Rukku some group love. After intense Googling to discover the favoured snacks of Elephants, we turned up at the Temple with a four kg mix of delicious Elephant-friendly treats. After permission from the mahout, we happily hand fed our dear Rukku.


Snack time for our girl

6 March 2014

Visit to Animal Shelter

I have written many posts of the wonderful service of the Arunachala Animal Sanctuary and Rescue Shelter. Yesterday Philipe Felix from Holland (participant of the Padma and Torsten Retreat Group currently staying at Sri Nannagaru Ashram), and I visited the Animal Shelter. 

Philipe an animal lover, who has four Jack Russell Dogs at his native place was touched by what he saw at the Shelter. It is a no-kill faciity and currently home to 75 dogs who as they are either injured or tramautised are unable to fend for themselves. The Sanctuary is also temporary home to a floating population of around another 75 dogs who have come for sterlisation procedures or are under temporary residential care for mange and other chronic skin and health problems. 

Below I have embedded a stirring video from the Shelter entitled, “Rebirth of Satya” which charts the transformation of a desperately ill dog into one full of health and vitality and who now lives a joyous life with the Indian family that adopted her. [Warning: graphic images of Satya’s skin condition at beginning of video]. 

Rebirth of Satya 
Transformation of the life of dog at Tiruvannamalai 

Hope to soon post photos of the group’s visit to Arunachaleswarar Temple where they met and fed Rukku the Temple Elephant. Please check back.

5 March 2014

Lingodbhavamurti Abhishekam 2014

Below are photographs of the 2014 Lingodbhavamurti Abhishekam performed at Arunachaleswarar Temple. 

The manifestation of Shiva in a column of fire with Lord Brahma manifesting as a swan at the top of the Lingodbhava and Lord Vishnu manifesting as a swine at the base of the Lingodbhava, is carved in stone and always enshrined in the rear niche of the sanctum sanctorum in Temples dedicated to Lord Shiva. Since most Temples face east, the Lingodbhava faces West.

Lingodbhavamurti, Arunachaleswarar Temple

The non-anthropomorphic form of the Shiva Lingam is a representation of an infinite cosmic column of fire, whose origins were not traceable by either Lord Brahma or Lord Vishnu. The Shiva Lingam is the centre of reverence and worship in all Saivite temples.

The bathing of the Lingodbhavamurti with tumeric

The puja celebrating the legend of the Lingodbhavamurti is particularly relevant on the day of Mahashivaratri as it represents the worship of sacred Arunachala itself, which is considered to be the manifestation of this cosmic column of fire as it represents the primordial element of fire as one of the Pancha Bhuta Stalas. 

Bathing of the Lingodbhavamurti with milk

On the night of Mahashivaratri around 8.30 p.m. I circumambulated the Shiva Sannidhi and noticed a large crowd assembled in front of the Lingodbhavamurti that would patiently wait until midnight and start of abhishekam. But really not such a difficult wait, as one isn’t often offered the opportunity to sit undisturbed for hours behind the Sannidhi next to the Lingodbhava. 

Lord Vishnu in form of Boar at base of Lingodbhava

Aarti at 2014 Mahashivaratri Lingodbhavamurti Abhishekam

The day of this Mahashivaratri abshikeham is also significant in that it is the only day in the year that the Ketaki flower (Pinescrew) is allowed to be used in the worship of Lord Shiva. To read the reason for this go to an earlier posting at this link here

Ketaki Flower (white celery looking flower) top of Lingodbhava

28 February 2014

Photographs 2014 Mahashivaratri Big Temple

The below photographs are a short pictorial record of part of the 2014 Mahashivaratri Festival as observed at Arunachaleswarar Temple. As tradition dictates, in the daytime of Mahashivaratri (this year February 27) ladies created beautiful kolams (also known as rangolis) on the floors of the Temple Compound which depicted scenes from the history and mythology of Lord Shiva. 

Outside Unnamulai Shrine, Big Temple

I assumed that the pictures were created in coloured kolam powder, but learnt yesterday that all the kolams at the Temple were made using rock crystal salt. Found the fact surprising as always assumed that salt is regarded as inauspicious during Festivals. But this doubt was easily brushed away by the assurances of several ladies (connected with the kolams) that its just fine to use rock salt as it makes the pictures nice and shiny. Oh! well that's alright then!

Five Face Siva Kolam, Big Temple

Later on around 6 p.m. of the 2014 Mahashivaratri celebrations, the gates to the Temple tank were opened to allow devotees to place and light their deepam clay pots around the perimeter of the tank. The tank gates stayed open till about 9 p.m. But it wasn't just around the Temple Tank that one could observe the small deepam lights, as little ghee deepam pots were twinkling everywhere throughout the Temple compound.

Brahma Teertham, 2014 Mahashivaratri, Big Temple

Line waiting to enter Third Prakaram through Kili Gopuram

The Temple was packed with devotees. I arrived with friends at about eight in the evening. The devotional programmes were already underway in the open air auditorium in front of which a long and densely packed line of devotees waited in turn to climb up the stairway of the Kili Gopuram (parrot tower) and thus enter the Third Prakaram with its Annamalaiyar and Unnamulaiamman Shrines. Very tasty rice dishes were available for purchase near the auditorium and with the easy availability of drinking water, one felt very comfortable and well taken care of. 

Crowd milling around the Fourth Prakaram, Big Temple

Finally we made it into the Third Prakaram, and I was eager to view the special Lingam at the Mahila Maram Sacred Trees located at the side of the Siva Sannidhi. Four round pillars and statues of Dakshinamurthi stand close the Linga and I was disappointed that the pedestal base of the Lingam was not filled with water (as occurs during the Vasantha Utasavam Festival). As I had heard that when the Lingam pedestal is filled with water, it appears that the Lingam is floating. 

Lingam under the the sacred trees

Four Kala Pujas (see my earlier posting at this link here) would occur inside the Shiva Sannidhi during the night of Mahashivaratri. My friends and I didn't even attempt to secure access to any of the pujas. However we did walk around the First Prakaram to view the Lingodbhavamurti which is (as all Shiva Temples) located at the back of the Lord Shiva Shrine room. The puja was scheduled for midnight, and it was only 8.45 p.m. when we walked around, but already all spots facing the Lingodbhavamurti had been taken by devotees  happy to sit and wait for the commencement of the special abhishekam  scheduled to start 2 1/4 hours later.

After circumambulating the First Prakaram, we walked to the Unnamulaiamman Shrine, which was also peopled by large crowds of devotees. Many devotees were lighting ghee deepams close to the Navagraham (nine celestial bodies) Shrine. 

Near Navagraham Shrine, Unnamulaiamman Temple

2014 Mahashivaratri, Lord Shiva and Goddess with Ganesha and Murugan

During Mahashivaratri the marriage of Lord Siva is also celebrated. Below is an extract from the Vamana Purana describing the Lord in a procession with his ganas and retinue proceeding to the site of the marriage. 

“Lord Vishnu, Brahma, the deities and the Ganas were pleased to hear about Shiva's marriage. Lord Shiva went to his abode Kailash Mountain to make preparations for the marriage ceremony. 

Lord Shiva's marriage procession proceeded towards Himalaya Mountain. His appearance was quite terrifying with a tiger skin around his waist and Gorochan Tilak on his forehead. He had a garland of skulls around his neck. Snakes were coiling all around his body. His mount Vrishabh (ox) was walking in a majestic way. The marriage procession comprised of the deities, Yakshas, demons and his Ganas. Lord Vishnu had Goddess Lakshmi by his side and was mounted on Garud (eagle) while Lord Brahma was mounted on Hans (swan) . . ."
[Vamana Purana] 

Lord Siva in marriage procession

Lord Siva and Goddess Meenakshi Kolam at big Temple

If I am able to secure photographs of the Lingodbhavamurti puja, will post later on so please check back. 

27 February 2014

2014 Arunachala Mahashivaratri

For those wishing to attend the Mahashivaratri Function at Arunachaleswarar Temple this year, the Temple will be open throughout the night. Crowds will be big so unless you have arranged permission to attend the pujas being conducted inside the Siva Sannidhi, best to be satisfied enjoying being inside the Temple Compound, viewing the exquisite rangolis on the floors, lighting a Deepam jyothi on the steps of the Temple tank and enjoying the excellent devotional dancing and singing at the Temple auditorium. 

Arulmigu Arunachaleswarar Temple, Tiruvannamalai 
Mahashivaratri Festival Celebration 
Invitation Thursday February 27th, 2014.  

Below is a copy of the Temple Invitation, listing the full programme with a short English translation.

Details of the programmes in the Temple Auditorium on the evening of Thursday 27th February, 2014 and early morning of Friday 28th February, 2014. 

6.00 p.m. to 7.00 p.m. Devaram poems with music 
7.05 p.m. to 8.00 p.m. Kalaratna Bharatnatyam Dance Group (Chennai) 
8.00 p.m. to 9.00 p.m. Sri Krishna Kalamandhir (Vellore) Bharatnatyam Dance Group 
9.00 p.m. to 10.00 p.m. Sri Nithi Bharatnatyam Dance Group (Tiruvannamalai) 
10.00 p.m. to 11.00 p.m. Banaka Bharatnatyam Dance Group (Bangalore) 
11.00 p.m. to 2.00 a.m. Saxophone music of devotional songs by Sivanandan Group (Chennai) 

Mahashivaratri Night Puja Programme 

1st Kala Puja 8.30 p.m. February 27 
2nd Kala Puja 11.00 p.m. February 27 
3rd Kala Puja 2.00 a.m. February 28 
4th Kala Puja 4.00 a.m. February 28 

Night of Mahashivaratri February 27-28 at 12 midnight 
Commencement of the Sri Lingodbhavamurti (at back of Siva Sannidhi) Special Abhishekam 

15 February 2014

King Vallalan and Pallikonda Pattu

King Vallalan was an ardent Saivite and during his stays in Tiruvannamalai made many improvements to the Arunachaleswarar Temple. Tiruvannamalai was near the geographical centre of his empire and this encouraged him to make protracted stays there, particularly after the destruction of Dwarasamudra. 

Vallala Gopuram, Arunachaleswarar Temple

It seems that during the last fifteen years of his reign he was constantly in residence at Tiruvannamalai. 

King Vallalan, Arunachaleswarar Temple

In a concluding verse on King Vallalan in the Arunachala Puranam, Lord Siva undertakes to perform King Vallalan’s funeral rites for him, a task which is normally performed by the son of the deceased. The promise is still remembered in Tiruvannamalai and each year King Vallalan’s funeral is re-enacted to commemorate the event. 

The Lord on his way to river

In the month of Masi the Temple priests read out the news of King Vallalan’s death to Arunachaleswarar. Then the image is carried in procession to the village of Pallikonda Pattu, about three kilometres from Tiruvannamalai, for the performance of the King’s annual sraddha rites. 

Puja at riverbank

Pallikonda Pattu

The connection between Pallikonda Pattu and the life and death of King Vallalan is no longer known. It is unlikely that he lived there since his palace is thought to have been located about a mile to the east of the main Temple. Until about a hundred years ago the last remains of what was reputed to be his palace could still be seen there, but around the turn of the century the land was levelled and cultivated and the railway line from Villupuram to Tirupathi now runs across the site.