27 August 2017

Pictorial Report Ganesh Chaturthi 2017: Making Moulded Clay Idols

As well as statues of Lord Ganesha made from synthetic materials and hand sculpted one—traditional clay moulded statues of the Lord were available for the 2017 Ganesha Chaturthi Festival. 

Devotees bring their own bench from home to carry their personaly created Lord back to their home and Puja Room. 

Throughout the City, large mounds of clay on the streets waiting to be used in the creation of moulded Lord Ganesha statues

Taking the back mould off the statue

Tidying and cleaning after taking off moulds

The above gent had a large crowd of Ganesha devotees around him throughout the day, eager to purchase one of the moulded statue he made. 

This particular man (who is local and well know) is a successful businessman who loves to serve the Lord. Wonderful smile. He looks so happy playing with the clay.

His son and wife working with him the whole day creating moulded Lord Ganesha statues

The mould fully encompasing the clay

Front mould taken off the statue

Handing statue to his son to complete the work

Taking the back mould off  from the Lord Ganesha statue

Finishing off the back of the Lord Ganesha statue

Pictorial Report Ganesh Chaturthi 2017: Hand Sculpted Lord Ganesha Statues

During the 2016 Ganesha Chaturthi Festival, we saw only one artisan creating hand sculpted statues of Lord Ganesha on the streets of Tiruvannamalai. But this year there has been a veritable profusion of able artisans crafting beautiful hand made statues of Lord Ganesha. 

The statues below took between 45 mins to an hour to create. The cost came to about 3 times that of the moulded variety of Lord Ganesha, but were popular and there was no lack of devotees eager to purchase these special statues.

This is my favourite statue. Looks like a child reaching out to its parent. Very sweet!!

I love you Mama! Pick me up, I want a hug.

Notice the mouse in-between the statues legs

This year a profusion of artisans on the streets of Tiruvannamalai

Great to see so many young artisans doing this work

Lovely detail on some of the statues

Many villagers from outlying areas have come to Tiruvannamalai for the 2017 Ganesha Chaturthi Festival preparations

Finishing off a statue

Pictorial Report Ganesh Chaturthi 2017: Darshan

Below a selection of beautiful Lord Ganesha statues in Shrines and specially created Pandals during the 2017 Arunachala Ganesha Chaturthi Festival, giving their darshan to devotees. 

Pictorial Report Ganesh Chaturthi 2017: Fruits and Flowers

The busy Thiruvoodal Street blocked off to traffic

Car Street filled with traders and merchants for the Festival

Car Street selling fruits for the busy Festival season

Flowers for sale on Car Street

Fruit stalls on Thiruvoodal Street

Thiruvoodal Street near the Fruit and Vegetable Market

Lots of Wood Apple and Corn on the Cob

Above seller with Ganesha Chaturthi necessities!

The above photograph shows the unique flower used during this festival i.e., Calotropis Gigantea, which grows abundantly as a weed throughout this area. This purple flower also known as Milkweed (Arka or Erukku), is plucked from the bush and used to create garlands for Lord Ganesha. It is believed that one who worships Ganesha with this flower will be free of all ailments and disease. 

Another particular plant used in worship to Lord Ganesha at this special time is Durva Grass. It is believed that one earns the grace of Lord Ganesha by offering this sacred grass during this Festival. 

The fruit is the Wood Apple which is especially loved by Lord Ganesha and used in offerings to Him.

Wood Apples (which are much loved not only by Ganesha but by all Elephants)

Jasmine and Samandi flowers at the marketplace

Many villagers come into town for the festival to make and supply the necessities for a well celebrated Ganesha Chaturthi

Handsome umbrellas for devotee's puja rooms

Statues of Lord Ganesha evident throughout Tiruvannamamalai

Different types of paraphernalia needed for a well decorated Lord Ganesha

As well as fruits, flowers and other necessities, devotees crowd the marketplace to purchase their statute of Lord Ganesha

Above lad has purchased his golden Ganesha made by mould