19 November 2021

2021 Karthigai Deepam Festival: Barani Deepam—Tenth Day


As these five flames loom up with red-yellow light, the famous South Indian festival of Karthigai Deepam officially begins. A single flame is then taken from the pots and kept burning in the Temple throughout the day as a symbol of the merging of manifestation back into God, the one source of all. This single flame is referred to as the Bharani Deepam.


"There is immense significance in this ceremony called Bharani Deepam. At this time, the universal Lord manifests as the five elements, which will later fully merge to become one when the Krittika Deepam flame is lit in the evening. From one to many and many to one. This is the whole essence of Saivism and the meaning of Krittika Deepam." 


For live coverage of the Karthigai Festival visit the official Temple website You Tube Channel at this link here.




18 November 2021

2021 Journey of Deepam Cauldron

A short video of the 2021 Karthigai Deepam Cauldron starting its journey to the top of Arunachala. Puja was performed inside Arunachaleswarar Temple and thereafter the consecrated Cauldron was carried out of the Pey Gopuram (West Gate), carried across the street and unto the tract running through outlying streets and houses on the slope of Arunachala. The Cauldron will then be carried past various hill caves and shrines like Virupaksha Cave and onto the open Hillsideever upward to the summit of Arunachala.

2021 Karthigai Deepam Festival: November 18, 2021—Ninth Day

The below photographs are of the Ninth Day of the 2021 Karthigai Deepam Festival. The God alangarams after worship and aarti are carried out of the Kalyana Mandapam (third prakaram) and taken upon a procession around the Temple prakarams.


17 November 2021

2021 Karthigai Deepam Festival: November 17, 2021—Eighth Day

The morning of the 8th day of the 10 Day Karthigai Deepam Festival belongs to Lord Chandrasekhara and Lord Vinayaka.


Even with the diminished observances of the 2021 Karthigai Deepam Festival, certain procedures are still carefully followed but in a reduced manner.


In the below photographs Lord Chandrasekhara visits the substitute chariot vahana (instead of the Maharadham) of the previous day in front of the 1000 Pillar Hall of the 5th Prakaram.


During this visit puja is performed in the front of the small chariot (which in normal years is the magnificent and huge Maharadham) by Brahmin Priests. After completion, paste is taken from the puja residue, and a priest thereupon applies it to the forehead of Lord Chandrasekhara. After which a transfer of Darba Grass is made from the small chariot to Lord Chandrasekhara on his vahana.


The significance of this ritual is that power accumulated on the previous day is transferred back to its originator—Lord Chandrasekhara.

Ritual of transference of power occurring in front of the 1000 Pillar Hall


16 November 2021

2021 Karthigai Deepam Festival: November 16, 2021—Seventh Day


One of the most popular processions of the Arunachala Karthigai Festival is that of the seventh day and of the processions of the gigantic Maharadham and accompanying huge wooden chariots around the mada veedhis (perimeter streets) of Tiruvannamalai. In 2020 devotees were sad that health related restrictions of the Deepam Festival included a ban on all darshan and processions outside  the Temple. Sadly it was decided to continue this restriction in 2021.


Below are photographs of small chariots used on the seventh day of the 2021 Karthigai Deepam Festival inside Temple prakarams which were substitutes for the huge, magnificent chariots, devotees are more accustomed to.


Prior to the restrictions of the Karthigai Deepam Festival at Tiruvannamalai of 2020 and 2021, you can view full photographic archives of an earlier Festival here.


Generally (except for the restrictions of the last two years) the Deepam Festival follows the same daily programme. One hopes that next year 2022; Arunachaleswarar Temple will return to the regular Arunachala Karthigai Deepam Festival.


To look through an explanation of the calendar and significance of the various functions and rituals of each day of a more traditional year, visit my website at this link here.


2021 Karthigai Deepam Festival: November 15, 2021—Night Six

The programme for Night Six is usually an elaborate and beautiful ceremony of the Lord mounted on a Silver Chariot giving darshan and then taken upon procession of the mada veedhis (Temple perimeter streets). This year because no processions are occuring outside Arunachaleswarar Temple, the below photographs are of a simple procession around the Temple prakarams on Night Six of the 2021 Karthigai Deepam Festival.



2021 Karthigai Deepam Festival: November 15, 2021—Day Six



On Day 6 of the Deepam Festival the Gods led a procession of the great Shiva Devotees, the Saiva Samaya Acharyas. Ordinarily the procession includes the 63 Nayanars, but due to the limited celebration of this year's Festival on this Day 6 of November 15, 2021, only the four Saiva Samaya Acharyas; (left to right) Tirugnasambandar, Tirunanvukkarasar (Appar), Sundarar and Manikkavasagar were acknowledged.


"The principal teachings of the four Saiva Samaya Acharyas is of love and surrender to God; and of service to God and godly men. Love, devotion, and service to God is the only way one can obtain His Grace. God is One and He is Shiva. Man must get over his bonds which keep him in ignorance in order that he may obtain inseparable union with Shiva through the Lord's Grace."