6 August 2009

Trip to Chennai

Yesterday posted 'I Am Still In Shock,' about a visiting pilgrim's experience with Mottiyan Swamiji (Mooku Podi Swami). Today I received the following narrative from the same pilgrim concerning her, 'Trip to Chennai,' with Swami.

Trip to Chennai

“Anyway, I was planning to rest today after doing the girivalam yesterday in 3.45 hours, a record for me. But No, I had an inner feeling that I must visit Mottiyan Swami.

I took him some snacks and surprising got the same auto driver who took me two days ago. Mottiyan Swami was pacing the floor in the headmasters office when I arrived, and left in a huff with his two sticks. I was a little scared. was he angry with me for something?

But no, the headmaster asked me to sit down and wait for appa swami to return. Appa was back in a few minutes, he snapped the two short bamboo sticks on the floor and demanded repeatedly to be taken to Chennai.

As he was saying that a taxi owner who had more than a year ago prayed that if he could get out of the rental business and own his own taxi, then he would love for appa to ride in it. Careful what you wish for they say. He got it. Appa got in his taxi a few weeks ago and demanded to be driver around and around the Arunachala mountain in an anti clockwise and then to Chennai and some other nearby towns. Appa was in his car day and night for one full week. The only time the taxi driver got time off was to eat. Anyway, after that trip two weeks ago, today was the first day that taxi driver came to see appa for his blessings. and lo and behold, appa wanted to go to Chennai.

He asked me to come with him. I heard it once but didn’t want to go. So I pretended not to understand. All the people in the headmasters office said Appa wanted me to go to Chennai with him. To be sure for myself I repeatedly asked Appa if that was the case. At first he shyly pointed (with the two sticks) to a seat beside him. there was no way I was going to get in with him holding the two sticks. So he pointed very shyly and with a smile to the seat beside the driver. Still worried and wondering why we were going to Chennai and when we will come back, I sat in front.

It was the hottest day of the year. The sun poured in brightly thru the front window and the driver refused to turn on the AC because it would cost him more. I was baking and repeatedly wondering if I was sane to jump in the car with an almost insane (by Western standards, at least) Swami. I kept the front powder mirror down to keep an eye on Appa the whole trip

The three hour drive to Chennai was grueling but we did stop for chai that Appa graciously took from me. I offered him a snack, and he accepted that with a smile, Then he looked out the window and asked for guavas which I bought him. He asked for it to be cut. When we had them cut, he gave each of us in the car a piece. It was his prasadam to us.

That is when I found out that Appa had not bathed in 32 years. His body never smells. I Worried if I needed a tetanus shot but quickly put that thought out of my mind lest Appa found out what I was thinking. I noticed that Appa's body never sweats even though the rest of us in the car were sweating. He remained absorbed in something within himself the whole time. Off and on he would open his eyes but then close them again.

Once we reached Chennai, the driver had told us Appa would tell us where he wanted to go. But this time he didn’t The driver said Appa wanted to go to a wealthy devotee of his. My alert self wondered if it was because the taxi driver would get a baksheesh for the number of times he brought Appa to his house. So I checked with Appa myself if he wanted to go to this rich devotees house. Appa said a vehement no much to the dismay of the taxi driver.

Now the taxi driver and I had fallen out of sorts. But I didn’t care. I wasn’t going to be cheated just because I was a foreigner (and presumably loaded with money). We asked Appa if he wanted to go back to Tiruvannamalai and Appa said an enthusiastic Yes. We bought him lunch at a good restaurant that Appa ate in the back seat of the taxi. After he had eaten he threw the stainless steel tumbler out the window and the taxi driver had to jump into heavy traffic to retrieve it.

Then we were all on our way back to Tiruvannamalai. We stopped for chai that Appa accepted. Then when I got off on the way to catch an auto to the place I am staying, I bid appa good bye. He opened his eyes and with a smile nodded I could go.

I have no idea what to make of this trip. I got to be in Appa's company for six full hours. I am wondering if he was observing me to while in meditation. I hoping he was dissolving some of the bad karma I am experiencing in his meditation. I don’t know what to make of this trip. It sure was meant to be, the way I got the inner prompting to visit Appa on my day of rest after a girivalam, and then to hop into a taxi on the hottest day of the year. Will keep you informed Meenakshi Ammal of what happens. I feel blessed though to be in Tiruvannamalai and having met Mottiyan Swami.”

5 August 2009

"I Am Still In Shock"

I made an earlier posting of Mooku Podi Swami, at the time he was spending the days and nights mostly at the (old) Deepam Hotel on Car Street. For quite sometime now Swamiji has vacated that spot and is currently spending time at different places around Arunachala.

Subsequently I received a narrative from a reader of Arunachala Grace, briefly telling of her experience with this Appa. The story was posted at this link here.

I now post below the story of a reader, received today, who wishes to remain anonymous, outlining their own experience with this reclusive Swamiji:

"I am still in shock, I met Appa Swami yesterday and again today.

After reading the story on your blogsite, I wanted to meet Appa very badly. I came from North America to meet him but no one knew who he was. Then I showed them the photo that Meenakshi Ammal so graciously gave me to show all the auto drivers. Then, walla, everyone knew him, but no one knew where he was presently. So I was resigned to the fact that I didn’t have the karma to see him.

I was walking along on a hot day with no more hopes of meeting Appa when on a whim I asked an auto driver and he said he saw him in the morning in a temple nearby. He had ridden twice in his auto around the Arunachala mountain - of course anti-clockwise.

I jumped in and asked him to take me to the temple. Appa wasn't there but one good samaritan said he was in the school some distance away. BUT I could not go in. My North American arrogance took over and I said, "Well, watch me".

I walked into the school, introduced myself to the headmaster who graciously invited me to his office where Appa was sitting on the ground as though he was waiting for me. He had a shy smile on his face. I folded my hands and prayed to him about my problems. He started saying something that I didn’t understand.

I asked the headmaster and the headmistress who had joined us by then, what he was saying and they said that they had no idea who he was. Just that he had walked in that morning and a policeman who was with him asked the headmaster to treat him well. If Appa had chosen to come to the school, then good things must happen in the school.

Moments before I arrived, Appa had ordered for himself lunch from some far off Temple. The headmaster had sent someone to get it. The headmaster kept saying "Who is he?" I told him to read about him on the internet and gave him the details. I then pulled out the picture that Meenakshi Mammi had given me and showed it to Appa saying. "Appa you are famous. You are on the internet and the whole world knows about you." Appa took a keen interest in what I was pulling out from my bag, looked intensely at the photo, realized it was him and then looked shyly but a little proudly out the window. Then he returned to staring at the floor ahead of him with his awareness inside of him.

Appa started gesticulating more and saying a few more things. I was trying to understand what Appa was telling me. It was obvious he was talking to me because he was repeating the same thing over and over again. Then I changed my question and Appa again responded as though he was angry with the people who were causing me so much pain. He didn’t make much eye contact the whole time, but it was obvious that Appa was tuned into me and very sad and angry at my plight and it was obvious he would help me. I started repeating the mantra and Appa seemed very happy and put up both his hands to bless me.

In the meanwhile the Headmaster and Headmistress had no idea so much was transpiring between Appa and I. The Headmaster stood up to open his almirah and take out some toffee when Appa's attention turned to him and the plastic envelope that the headmaster was opening. Appa seemed so keen to get a toffee. The Headmaster offered him one and Appa took it very gladly. I offered him one but Appa refused. I thought maybe because I had not taken off my shoes. But no. The Headmistress tried. She took off her chappals, opened the toffee wrapping and offered it to Appa with a lot of love and he refused again. That made me feel better. In the meanwhile, Appa put the toffee the headmaster gave him behind his ears.

The Headmaster and Headmistress left the room. I sat for while with Appa feeling blessed he will take care of my problems... I didn’t want to leave him but then he suddenly got up and went to the room next door. I was scared because he had two pieces of stick with him that he used when people annoyed him. I thought maybe I had annoyed him... but no, he was indicating to me that the meeting was over and I could go... I didn’t get the message so I followed him to the neighbouring room.

Appa took a u-turn and walked back to the Headmaster's office and waved his hand signalling to me to leave in a very loving way. I bowed my head and asked for his blessings. He nodded and signalled me to leave.. I offered him the toffee again and he waved his hand wildly asking me to go. I did so happy to have been chosen to meet Appa.

I got back in the auto and was about to give the toffee to the auto driver when a voice inside me said that it was Appa's gift to me. Elated I ate it. Appa's energy is now within me. I asked the auto driver what came of the two times Appa rode in his auto. The auto driver said he owned his own auto then but was also in a lot of debt. Since the rides, he has sold his auto and is completely out of debt. He is now carefree renting his latest auto deciding what to do next. I gave the auto driver twice the amount he asked for the ride. It is money I would have given Appa if he would have taken it. I figured Appa was using me to pay the auto driver for the rides he took. I feel happy about it.

This morning I went on girivalam. Today being full moon day. I walked by the school wondering if the Headmaster had left his office open for Appa to sleep. The Headmaster's office was closed but I saw Appa pacing the floor outside. He had bathed and worn a fresh zari dhoti and looked luminous to me. I called out his name and he looked. I folded my hands above my head in namaskar so Appa could see it over and above the gate. Then the same shy smile came on his face and he looked away and stood more at a spot where I could see him clearly. I bowed and went on my girivalam.

I feel in such peace. I know I am taken care of. Thank you Appa. Thank you Meenakshi Ammal for this blogsite and thank you to the lady who wrote the first experience with him.”

With love and regards,

2 August 2009

22 July Eclipse

The below photographs chart the progress of the July 22 Solar Eclipse. The photographs were taken by a professional photograph from the vantage point of outside the Virupaksha Cave on Arunachala.

In the upcoming Arunachala Grace Newsletter there will be a narrative on various mythologies concerning an Eclipse. If you are not yet a subscriber to the free Newsletter, please visit the subscribe facility at the left hand column of this page to ensure receiving the bi-monthly Newsletter on Arunachala direct to your email inbox.

31 July 2009

Perpetual, Immobile

Sri Siva said:

Let this perpetual and immobile Fiery Form of mine, famous as Arunadri, be present here forever. (27)

Even at the close of the Yugas the great oceans shall not submerge it, the winds shall not shake it and the fires shall not burn it. (28)

Skanda Purana

29 July 2009

Fire Walking Pictorial

As mentioned in an earlier posting, here are some more photographs of Adi Pooram and of the Fire Walking ceremony. You can view the earlier posting at this link here.

In the upcoming Arunachala Grace Newsletter there will be a full information-filled narrative of the history and significance of the celebration of Adi Pooram and Fire Walking at Arunachaleswarar Temple. So if you are not yet a subscriber of the free Arunachala Grace Newsletter (sent direct to your email inbox) please visit the subscribe facility at the left hand column of this page.

Right click to view enlarged version of below photographs.

Flag Hosting Ceremony

Ladies at Vallaikappu Mandapam,

Ladies worshipping Amman at Mandapam

Amman at Vallaikappu Mandapam

Devotees bathing at Brahma Tirtham,
Arunachaleswarar Temple before firewalk

[If you look at the previous posting of the firewalk you will see that the fire embers are red hot. I suspect the grey colour of the embers in the below photographs are because of the position of the photographer.]


Schedule of Adi Pooram and Fire Walking
at Arunachaleswarar Temple

5 a.m. Amman Abhishekam

6 a.m. Alangaram

6.30 a.m. Flag Hoisting

8.00 a.m. Amman from Sannadhi to Vallaikappu Mandapam

4.00 p.m. Amman in Vallaikappu and the worship of Amman by ladies

4.00 p.m. Abhishekam

6.00 p.m. Valaikappu

8.00 p.m. Amman goes around the Temple and returns to Vallaikappu Mandapam

12.00 p.m. Adi Pooram firewalking preparation

1.30 p.m. Fire walking

27 July 2009

Arunachala and Fishing Folk

Today spent time with an older gent who is well versed on the history of Arunachala. We talked about the fire-walkers of a previous post – upon which I hope to be getting some new fascinating in-depth information. We also talked about the fisher folk that are responsible for the Deepam cauldron on top of Arunachala during Krittikai Deepam Festival.

“Every year during Deepam five earthen-pot lighted lamps, representing the five elements, provide the flame for the single Bharani Deepam which fisherman carry to the top of the mountain for use as the source-light for the Krittikai Deepam.

That same morning the Deepam cauldron is hauled up the slopes of Arunachala supported by poles inserted into the cauldron’s rings. The unique privilege for taking the flame (source-light) and cauldron up the Hill and also for the actual lighting of the Deepam Flame is always given (for long as the Hill’s recorded history) to men of the fishing caste.”

Men of the fishing caste

The reason for the extraordinary grace shown to the fishing clan reputedly is explained by a famous legend of the time the Goddess Parvati was adopted by the king of the fishermen. A version of the story appears below.

Becoming a Fisherman

"Once, the Lord was explaining to the Goddess the secret import of the Vedas. However, the Goddess who was listening to the Lord, seemed to be beset with some anxiety and was otherwise engrossed. It was, therefore, apparent that She was listening in name only. The Lord noticed this and said that as She was not paying full attention to the important things discoursed by him she should be born in the fisherman’s community. The Goddess lamented this and the Lord assured Her that She would be born to the king of fishermen and that He (The Lord) would in due course come to wed her.

Ganapathi and Subrahmanya, the sons of the Lord were greatly perturbed by this and in their frenzy, considered the books of the Vedas to be the cause of the trouble and threw the offending books into the sea. The Lord took Nandikeswara to task for having allowed Vinayaka and Subrahmanya to go to Him without knowing His convenience and cursed him to become a shark in the sea. Any curse on Ganapathi would recoil on Him (the Lord) and hence the Lord did not impose any curse on him, however, Subrahmanya was cursed to become the dumb son of a merchant.

There was a place called Pakam on the eastern seashore of the Pandya Kingdom which was inhabited by fishermen and their king of the great fisherman clan of Paravar, was a great devotee of Lord Siva. The king had no children and one day, when he went to the sea for fishing, found a crying female child lying under a Pinnai tree (or Punnai, Calophyllam Inophyllam) on the seashore. He picked the child up with great joy and handed it to his wife saying that it was a gift of the Lord. His wife brought up the child very affectionately and adorned it with various jewels. The child grew to be a girl who constantly meditated on Lord Siva.

As ordained by the Lord, Nandikeswara became a shark and caused havoc to the fishermen’s boats sailing in the sea. The king of the fishermen took considerable pains to catch the shark – but all was in vain. The king therefore announced that he would give his daughter in marriage to any person who would catch the shark.

The Lord appeared in the guise of a young fisherman before the king of fishermen, who was struck with the personality and bearing of the young newcomer. To the king’s enquiry He replied that he was a fishermen and could net any big fish or shark. The king told him of the prize offered for netting the shark infesting the area. The newcomer went to the sea and in no time netted the shark.

The king and his men were astonished at the feat. And happily gave to the newcomer his daughter in marriage and celebrated the wedding immediately. The bride and bridegroom immediately appeared as Siva and Parvati on their Vrishabha mount and the shark also appeared as Nandikeswara.

The king of the fishermen prayed to the God extolling Him for the great kindness shown to an ordinary and illiterate man like him. The Lord told him that as he has he had been yearning to get a child for so long, he had sent Parvati as his daughter and He came himself came to wed Her. The Lord also blessed the king to have all prosperity and at the end of his life to become a denizen of Sivaloka. Then the Lord instructed Parvati about the secret import of the Vedas and She eagerly and earnestly listened to the discourse."

26 July 2009

Fire Walking Arunachala

Fire walking is still a regular event in Tiruvannamalai and other South Indian towns. Usually wood or charcoal is burnt and the smouldering embers laid out onto the ground. Commonly the ceremony is held under the auspices of a Temple, and in the case of Arunachaleswarar Temple the occurrence takes place once year. This year the Fire Walking ceremony took place around 2 a.m. this morning in front of the Unnamulaiamman Shrine at the Arunachaleswarar Temple, which was specially kept open for the function.

To view enlarged version of all photographs right click on each snap

Many hundreds of devotees turned up for the ceremony, but the fire walking itself was only undertaken by devotees of the Divine Mother who had been observing special procedures over the previous 30 days (including fast) in order to prepare themselves for the ‘test of devotion’. Those who participated were ordinary householders and largely non-Brahmins. In some cases devotees were given a mantra to recite during their fire walk.

In all Temples, where the fire-walking ceremony is practised, it is a Goddess that is worshipped. In the case of the Arunachaleswarar Temple, it is the Goddess Unnamulai that is duly placated.

The actual ceremony occurs on the paved courtyard in front of the Unnamulaiamman Shrine, inside the compound of the Big Temple, a fixed day during the month of Adi (mid-July to mid-August). At that time a fire of burning embers is spread out after midnight for people to walk upon.

A Tamil legend narrates the story that in Singavaram there is a Temple to Sri Ranganadha. Here a king named Kandhan, after suffering a defeat, performed a fire walking ceremony in worship of Draupadi (from the Mahabharata). Draupadi, pleased with the worship, appeared before the king and promised that whoever should worship her as he had done would remain unscathed and also obtain whatever they prayed for. From that day onwards the fire-walking festival is observed with great enthusiasm in Tamil Nadu.

In the upcoming Arunachala Grace Newsletter there will be a narrative explaining the history and esoteric significance of the fire walking ceremony as it is performed at the Unnamulaiamman Shrine at Arunachaleswarar Temple.

If you are not receiving your copy of the bi-monthly Newsletter direct to your email inbox, please visit the Newsletter subscribe facility which you can find at the left column margin of this page.

High quality professional photographs of the actual fire walking will be posted in the upcoming week. Please keep checking back to view updates of this ceremony.

22 July 2009

Tiruvannamalai Snapshots

Snapshots of an ordinary day at Tiruvannamalai. Right click on photos to view larger size.

A rained on lad

Service apartments open
at Tiruvannamalai

Lady trying to squeeze through
Idduku Pillayar shrine

Street in Ramana Nagar from rooftops

Hair raising bullock cart ride
through Tiruvannamalai

Labyrinth at Quo Vadis

Quo Vadis, the Interfaith Dialogue Centre in Tiruvannamalai recently constructed a labyrinth in the back of their compound, to which all are welcome. In the upcoming Arunachala Grace Newsletter there will be a narrative on the nature of labyrinths as a walking meditation. So if you are not a subscriber of the free Newsletter, check out the Newsletter facility at the left column of this page.

Labyrinth at Quo Vadis

Labyrinths have been around for over four thousand years and have been integral parts of many cultures and religious traditions around the world. The Hopi called the labyrinth the symbol for "Mother Earth" and equated it with the Kiva (“Sacred Lodge”). Like Stonehenge and the pyramids, labyrinths are magical geometric forms that define sacred space. A labyrinth pattern, usually circular, has been associated with pilgrimages, rituals and self-discovery and represents the life journey.

The difference between a labyrinth and a maze is that a labyrinth has only one path leading to the centre and back out again and in which there are no dead ends.

To find out more about Quo Vadis Interfaith Dialogue Centre, visit their website at this link here.

21 July 2009

Periapuranam and Ramana

Someone asked Bhagavan whether he deliberately went in for a study of Periapuranam. Thereupon Bhagavan said, “No. No. It was a mere accident. A relation of mine, my uncle, was given the book by a swami who was living near our house and was advised to read it. Thus the book happened to be in our house and, coming across it, I looked into it first out of curiosity and then, becoming interested, read the whole book. It made a great impression on me.

One of the earliest photographs of
young Ramana Maharshi

Before that, the sixty-three images of the Nayanars in the Temple were mere images and no more. But afterwards, they gained new significance for me. I used to go and weep before those images and before Nataraja, that God should give me the same grace He gave to those saints. But this was after the ‘death’ experience. Before that, the bhakti for the six-three saints lay dormant, as it were.”

Mr. Somasundaram Pillai asked Bhagavan, “With what bhava did Bhagavan cry before those images? Did Bhagavan pray he should have no further birth, or what?” Bhagavan replied, “What bhava? I only wanted the same grace as was shown to those saints. I prayed I should have the same bhakti that they had. I knew nothing of freedom from birth or bondage.”

[Day by Day with Bhagavan -- 6-10-1946]

Appudhi Nayanar

The story of the Nayanar Appudhi from the Periapuranam illustrates the nature of devotion for a householder and how the whole family can work together in service of Siva. Appudhi Nayanar was an ardent Siva Bhakta who excelled in devotion to the Guru. He belonged to a Brahmin Family in Tingalur (the place where the Moon worshipped the Lord) and lead the ideal householder’s life.

Appudhi had heard of the glories of Tirunavukkarasar and had taken him as his Guru and meditated on his lotus feet. He had named all his children ‘Tirunavukkarasu’ and all household articles and water sheds had been named after the Guru. Thus Appudhi had ensured that he would constantly remember the Guru, and thus experience his Grace.

Tirunavukkarasar passed through Tingalur one day and was surprised to see his own name everywhere. Appudhi received the Siva Bhakta (though he did not know who it was) with great devotion. Tirunavukkarasar asked why the water-sheds and other items were named after Tirunavukkarasar. Appudhi was upset at this casual reference to the name of his Guru and asked: ‘Though you appear to be a Siva Bhakta, you do not seem to know Tirunavukkarasu Swamigal, who through the grace of the Lord withstood successfully all persecutions and re-established Saivism.’

Tirunavukkarasar moved by Appudhi’s devotion replied: ‘I am that humble soul who fell a victim to severe colic and then took shelter under the Lord’s Feet. I am that one who, due to the grace of Lord Siva, got cured of disease and returned to Saivism.’ Thus it was that Appudhi remembered the glory of Tirunavukkarasar, whereas the Guru choose to recall his own failings (to preserve his humility) and the Lord’s supreme saving grace.

As soon as he heard this, Appudhi understood that the Siva Bhakta was none other than Tirunavukkarasar and was overjoyed and worshipped him along with his wife. The Guru accepted the invitation to eat at their home. After the food was ready to be served, Appudhi sent his elder son to bring a banana leaf from the backyard, and the boy in the process of collecting the leaf, got bitten by a snake. The boy managed to return home and hand over the leaf to his father but after fulfilling his duty, fell down and died as the poison took its toll.

Appudhiadigal and his wife were distressed but, hiding their emotions, rolled the boy in a mat and hid him outside their house. Without informing Tirunavukkarasar about the tragedy, they served him food. The Guru understanding the situation, asked them to bring the dead son. Tirunavukkarasar then went to Tingalur temple and laid the body in front of the Temple and sang; and as soon as he finished singing, the boy got up as though he was waking up from his sleep. All were overjoyed except for the parents who regretted that this incident had caused a delay in Tirunavukkarasar having his meals! This story thus illustrates the nature of true devotion.

18 July 2009

Interview with Swami Suddhananda

Swami Suddhananda was born at Satapura, a little rustic village near Cuttack in Orissa, India. He studied Vedic scriptures under Swami Chinmayananda and Swami Dayananda at Sandeepani Sadhanalaya, Mumbai.

He says: "I was thirsty and went for a drop of water and found that I am the water.' He travels widely in the world teaching Vedanta. He has an ashram off the Girivalam Road after Adiannamalai Village at the west side of Arunachala. He often spends time at his Arunachala Ashram giving Retreats and Seminars.

For more information about his life and his Samvit Sagar Trust go to this link here. You may view his official website with full particulars of Retreats and Programmes at this link here.

In the following interview Swami Suddhananda was asked: “It appears essential to meet a guru and stay with that guru. Who is the guru? What is the guru's role? How to recognise a true guru?”

His reply starts: “This is a very beautiful thing. The first thing is Guru is not a title, Guru is not a role . . . please . . . there is no such person . . .”

Click on this link to watch and listen to the rest of his response to the question: ‘Who is the Guru?’

Quo Vadis News

I have made many posts on Arunachala Grace about Quo Vadis the interfaith dialogue centre situated at Tiruvannamalai, and close to Ramana Ashram. To read some of the posts use the search facility at the top left of this page.

This week I checked in with Quo Vadis and spent time with its pastor JP and those around him. While there I had lunch and investigated the Labyrinth in the back garden and also got up-to-date with news at Quo Vadis. Their website is at
this link here.

Below are some current photographs of Quo Vadis and information about the Centre’s current weekly schedule for visitors.

Lane outside Quo Vadis

Quo Vadis Interfaith Dialogue Centre

Arunachala from Quo Vadis' roof

Tree trunk carving from Quo Vadis
building site

Paintings, sculptures, artwork and
photographs displayed throughout the Centre

The meditation and meeting hut

Innovative plant hanging planted
in old bamboo piece

The Quo Vadis garden looking
very luxuriant

The Labyrinth located at
Quo Vadis

The week in Quo Vadis:

Monday: Cultural dialogue in the garden:
(song, dance, making instruments etc)

Tuesday: Women's interfaith book club in the Library:
(book read out live in English language)

Wednesday: Reading and reflection on roof top:
(spiritual books, meditation)

Thursday: Interfaith dialogue in the Roots Cafe, Quo Vadis
(reading from sacred scriptures, visit from key personnel)

Friday: 'Search the roots' in the Roots Cafe:
(recipes, herbal medicine and health tips, making kolams etc)

Saturday: Walking meditation and dialogue:
(6 a.m. walking the inner path or up to Skanda Ashram)

Sunday: Christian meditation in the Red Hut at 6.30 p.m.

Film: Film Evening every first Saturday of the month at 6.30 p.m.

A Forest Glade

Some nice snaps taken on the usual evening walk with my doggies.

And near the Hill a perfect forest glade that is a particular favourite of all my six doggies.

The glade is inhabited by a variety of birds and such indigenous wildlife as; macaque monkeys, mongoose, grey rabbit and foxes.

After our walk in the forest glade we head towards the Samudram embankment.

And watch the sun go down on yet another Arunachala day.