11 December 2015

2015 Karthigai Festival: Prayascitta Ceremony

2015 Arunachala Deepam

In the Introduction of the Section entitled Prakarama, Vimanas, Gopurams on my web site Arunachala Samudra, I make mention of the four purification ceremonies (prayascittas) previously observed at the top of Arunachala, for which priests used to go up to the summit of the mountain. Nowadays the only prayascitta ceremony (purification) regularly observed on the summit of Arunachala is after the completion of the Karthigai Festival. 

"Tiruvannamalai is one of the major sacred places of Tamil Nadu not only because of its great mountain Arunachala, but also because of its huge Arunachaleswarar Temple dedicated to Lord Siva and also to the many and frequent festivals which occur at this place. 

The mythology of the Lingodbhavamurti, the column of light (which is unvarying in all its parts whether it be the top or bottom) commemorates that there is no actual difference of any part of Arunachala. However even though Arunachaleswarar Temple is fully identified with Arunachala, for which it is also a substitute—certain variations between the bottom and top of the Hill were previously recognised four times a year by observance of purification ceremonies (prayascittas) for which priests used to go up to the summit of the mountain. 

Those four times were: Mahasivaratri Festival acknowledging the supremacy of Lord Siva, the Marriage Ceremony celebrating the union of Lord Siva with the Goddess, Karthigai Festival with its multitude of legends and symbolism, and the fourth and last purification ceremony represents separation from the Goddess and the renewed manifestation of the supremacy of Siva the great Yogi. 

However over the years the difficulties of the climb for aging gurukkals and other factors has led to less emphasis being paid to these purification ceremonies occurring on the summit of the Hill itself and nowadays the only prayascitta regularly observed on the summit of Arunachala is after the completion of the Karthigai Festival."

2015 Karthigai Prayascitta Ceremony on Arunachala Summit

Purification Ceremony end of 2015 Karthigai Festival

Arunachaleswarar Temple Priest performing Ceremony

Summit of Arunachala end of 2015 Karthigai Deepam

Lord Shiva's Feet Summit Arunachala

After the Cauldron is brought down from the Hill and returned to its permanent resting place inside the Arunachaleswarar Compound, an additional purification ceremony is observed in connection with the Deepam Cauldron.

2015 Karthigai Deepam Cauldron back at Temple

8 December 2015

Amavasya Pradosham: December 8, 2015

At the time of the bi-monthly Pradosham observed at Arunachaleswarar Temple, abhishekam and aarti are performed on the Five Temple Nandis.

The Five Temple Nandis from east to west are:

Periya Nandi in front of Vallala Gopuram Fifth Prakaram.
Chinna Nandi fourth prakaram
Kodi Kampathu Nandi, Third Prakaram
Ratha Vilaku Nandi, Second Prakaram
Pradosha Nandi, Moolastanam

Kodi Kampathu Nandi, Third Prakaram

Aarti at Kodi Kampathu Nandi, Third Prakaram

Lord Arunachaleswarar begins circumambulation of the Siva Sannidhi

Circumambulation of Siva Sannidhi

Early morning inside the Temple Compound

7 December 2015

2015 Karthigai Deepam: Cauldron Coming Back to Temple

The Mahadeepam on top of Arunachala for the 2015 Karthigai Festival was alight for approximately 10 days. At some times during the History of this Festival, the pot used to remain undisturbed on the Hill for several years, until its condition made it necessary for it to be brought back down the Hill to the Temple for repair or replacment. 

Nowadays the pot is taken up the Hill a couple of days before Mahadeepam and remains there for a day at the end of the Festival in order for it to cool. Thereupon the pot is returned to the Temple for storage. Nowadays the Cauldron is more lightweight than at previous times (to make it easier to carry up and down the Hill), however its lack of robustness ensures that the Cauldron has to be replaced more frequently. 

The Cauldron in ceremony before being carried up Arunachala

The below sequence of photographs are of the 2015 Arunachala Karthigai Deepam Cauldron being carried down the Hill passed the Virupaksham and Mango Caves on its way to the foot of the Hill.

Men of the Fisherman Caste carrying the Cauldron

Cauldron after its service on the Hill during the 2015 Karthigai Deepam Festival

As in most everything, its generally easier to come down than go up!

2015 Karthigai Deepam Cauldron

Crossing the Road heading to the Pey Gopuram (West Tower) Entrance

1 December 2015

Arunachala Animal Sanctuary Needs Your Support

I have often written in Arunachala Grace about the Arunachala Animal Sanctuary and Rescue Shelter here at Tiruvannamalai, and about the excellent, life saving and transforming changes they are making to many animals in these parts. 

When asked what organisation is most worth supporting at Arunachala . . . I always put the Arunachala Animal Sanctuary at the top of the list. 

I remember the days that "animal control" in these parts meant culling dogs by strangling them with garrote wire on the streets and then tossing the carcasses in the backs of bullock carts to be taken off to be incinerated. I remember the days when mange encrusted dogs lived a life of suffering in the sewers of this town. I can recall if a cars' or autorickshaws' wheels ran over a dog's legs that it always meant a certain death sentence for the poor creature. 

The Arunachala Animal Sanctuary are controlling the numbers of street dogs in the area by offering free sterlisation operations. They participate in taking food out to feed starving homeless dogs living on the streets, bring in infested animals and board them while giving the suffering creatures mange and skin treatments. The Sanctuary is also responsible for finding forever homes for numerous puppies and previously unwanted dogs. In addition to sterlisations on Dogs, the Shelter also performs many different types of operations on cats, monkeys, cows, horses, goats and a host of other creatures. 

The very best thing Arunachala Animal Sanctuary has done is to provide ongoing education to those at Tiruvannamalai about compassion and service to our animal brethern and it was through their intervention and education that horrific dog cullings were stopped many years ago.

The Arunachala Animal Shelter desperately needs our financial support and in this respect they today started a fund drive on "Global Giving" to raise around U.S.$50,000 within the next 31 days. Please visit the page at this link here so you can learn more about how to help our dear doggie and animals friends at Blessed Arunachala. 

2015 Karthigai Deepam: Valampuri Sangu Homa

Arunachaleswarar Temple celebrates four major Festivals throughout the year. The name of these Festivals are Brahmotsavam with the most important one being the Karthigai Deepam Festival. 

Valampuri Sangu Homa

At the end of each of these Brahmotsavams, a Valampuri Sangu (name of the Conch) Homa and Abhishekam is performed. This Homa was recently performed outside the Siva Sannidhi at Arunachaleswarar Temple.

30 November 2015

2015 Deepam Festival. Day Fourteen--Night: Chandikeswarar on Theepal

Last night was Day 14 of the 2015 Karthigai Deepam Festival. And it was the turn of Chandikeswarar on Theppal at the Ayyankulam Tank. 

The Mahadeepam on Arunachala was lit on November 25, and is expected to remain so for at least the next 10 days . . . so we still have wonderful darshan of the Hill with Beacon everynight -- even though the Festival Functions are now over. 

Chandikeswarar Theepal Alangaram

The steps at the left of the wall, are those upon which devotees sit to watch the Theepals on the Tank

Across from the tank, is Arunagirinathar Temple which is less known than other major Temples, but very special

29 November 2015

2015 Deepam Festival. Day Thirteen--Night: Lord Subramaniyar on Theepal

The below photographs are of Lord Supramaniyar on Theepal at Ayyankulam Tank about a ten minute walk from Arunachaleswarar Temple. For four consecutive evenings the Gods are floated on the Tank in front of large crowds seated on the steps of the Theertham. The floats being used nowadays were made and used for the first time last year. 

Lord Supramaniyar

The Lord with his two wives on Ayyankulam Tank on their Float

Watching the Gods on their Floats for four consecutive evenings

2015 Deepam Festival. Day Twelve--Night: Amman on Theepal

The below photographs are of Amman on Theepal at Ayyankulam Tank about a ten minute walk from Arunachaleswarar Temple. For four consecutive evenings the Gods are floated on the Tank in front of large crowds seated on the steps of the Theertham. 

Amman Alangaram

Steps at Ayyankularm Tank

Taking darshan of the Goddess on Float

28 November 2015

2015 Deepam Festival. Day 10--Afternoon: Countdown to 6 p.m. Mahadeepam

From early morning on the day of Mahadeepam (25th November, 2015), there was a rush of activity both on the streets surrounding the Temple and also in the Temple Compound. 

The below photographs are a pictorial record of the countdown to that time between day and the dusk; heralding the lighting of the Mahadeepam both in Arunachaleswarar Temple and on top of Arunachala. 

Thirumanjana Street

Thiruvoodal Street, bisecting Thirumanjana Street

Most of the devotees are at the start of their Hillround Girivalam

Crowds inside the Temple Compound

Preparing the Temple Deepam Cauldron

Devotees waiting outside the Sambanda Vinayagar Shrine

Cameramen and Reporters upstairs

Waiting for 6 p.m. and Mahadeepam

Panchamoorthies at the 16 Pillar Kaatchi Mandapm

The above video is of devotees inside the Arunachaleswarar Temple Compound, waiting patiently for dusk and the lighting of the Mahadeepam both in the Temple and a few moments later on the top of Arunachala. 

2015 Deepam Festival. Day Nine--Night: Ravana Vahanam Video

Due to a delay with Deepam Festival photographs I am now posting this additional pictorial record plus video of Day Nine—Night: Kailasha (Ravana) Vahanam. 

Vahanam before decoration

In an earlier posting of the Ravana Vahanam, at this link here, I talked about a legend associated with this King. Particularly relevant to this post is that the Tamil version states that imprisoned under Kailash, Ravana cut off one of his heads and built a veena from it. 

He used his tendons for the strings and began singing the praises of Siva which pleased the Lord so much that he bestowed a powerful linga to be worshipped by Ravana at Lanka. 

Ravana's head on the Veena

Lord Arunachaleswarar Alangaram

Ravana Vahanam at the Alankaram Mandapam. 

27 November 2015

2015 Deepam Festival. Day Eleven--Night: Lord Chandrasekhara on Theepal

The last of the celebratory observances during Karthigai Festival is Thirthotsavam which literally means “water festival”. Four days are allocated at the end of Deepam to celebrate the water festival at Ayyankulam Tank in front of Arunagirinathar Temple (the third oldest Shiva Temple at Arunachala). The water festival is representative of the sadhaka’s plunge into the higher realms of consciousness – and typifies an entering into samadhi... an end of religious aspiration. 

Lord Chandrasekhara Alangaram

The Theepal for the Gods are floating structure made up of drums and timber and decorated with lights, flowers, religious paintings and silken buntings. Lights are installed around the perimeter of the tank and focus lights placed at strategic points. When the murtis of the Gods come to Ayyakulam Tank they are placed lovingly on a float and then the float pushes off and completes an allocated number of turns upon the Temple Tank. Devotees sit on the steps of the tank to take darshan of the God on the Theepal. Thereafter the deity of that day is taken in procession around the four Mada Streets (perimeter streets) surrounding Arunachaleswarar Temple. 

Preparing the gods on their Float

Ready to push over from the bank of the Theertham

Crowds sitting on the steps of the Tank

Many devotees who attend the Theepal ceremonies at Ayyankulam Tank, take the opportunity to visit the adjacent Arunagirinathar Temple, which is the third oldest and most significant Shiva Temple at Tiruvannamalai -- and for many visitors a great favourite. 

2015 Deepam Festival. Day Eleven--Day: Gods on Hillround

On the morning after the lighting of the Mahadeepam, the Gods perform girivalam of the Arunachala Hillround roadway. There are only two times the Gods perform such a girivalam; the first time in the calendar year is during the Thiruvoodal Festival, and the second time is during the Arunachala Karthigai Deepam Festival . . . always in the morning of the 11th day i.e. day after lighting of the Arunachala Mahadeepam. 

Panchamoorties going through the streets of Tiruvannamalai

The Gods constantly stop to receive their devotees and for aarti to be performed

The Panchamoorties are pulled around the 14km Girivalam roadway, stopping frequently

The idols stopping outside the gates of Ramanashram

26 November 2015

2015 Deepam Festival. Day Ten—Bramhatheertham Theerthavari

Each day of the 10 day Deepam Festival the Sulam is carried with reverence and pomp through the mada veedhi (Temple perimeter streets) about an hour prior to the designated panchamoorthies procession of that morning and evening. 

During the daytime of the Mahadeepam day at Arunachaleswarar Temple, the Siva Sulam (representative the Lord’s Trident) traditionally is sanctified in the Braham Teertham through abshikeham and puja. 

Abhiskeham performed on morning of 10th Day of Deepam Festival

The Gods at base of Trisula

The three points of the Sulam (Trident) are said to represent the triads of; creation, maintenance and destruction, past, present and future and the three conditions (sattwa, rajas and tamas). When looked upon as a weapon of Lord Siva, the Trishula is said to destroy the three worlds: the physical world, the world of the past) and the world of the mind (representing the processes of sensing and acting).

At base of Trishula, Lord Siva and the Goddess on Rishaba (bull)

Immersion in the Brahma Teertham, Arunachaleswarar Temple

In the human body, the Trisula also represents the place where the three main nadi, or energy channels (ida, pingala and shushmana) meet at the brow. Shushmana, the central one, continues upward to the 7th chakra, or energy centre, while the other two end at the brow, where the 6th chakra is located. The Trishula's central point represents Shushmana, and thus is longer than the other two representing ida and pingala.