5 August 2014

Walk on Samudram Lake with Bhagavan

Regular readers of Arunachala Grace will have noticed how often I write about the Samudram Eri, which is located almost directly south of the reclining aspect of Arunachala. For me this is one of the most beautiful and inspirational places at Arunachala. Below is an evocative narrative of a Ramana devotee describing his visit to the flooded Samudram Eri with Sri Ramana and teachings that were given by the Sage at that time. 

"The Samudram Lake at the foot of Arunachalam and near Sri Ramanasramam is a very extensive one, the summer rains nor the winter monsoon in Tiruvannamalai rarely fill up this tank except once in a way when it overflows. 

Thus it overflowed once long ago. The sight of it was very grand and the overflow at the outlet was as wide as a river. The tank really seemed a sea (Samudram). Bhagavan told us that it was called “Samudram” because a certain local ruler had this tank constructed as a miniature sea to give an idea to his Queen of what a sea would look like; for she had never seen one and she a carrying queen now desired to. 

The overflow of the Samudram Tank in Tiruvannamalai is such a rare event and people thronged to see the sight. Afterwards they came to Bhagavan and talked about it. 

One morning after breakfast the devotees in the hall expressed to Bhagavan a desire to visit the Samudram. Bhagavan was human enough to accept the suggestion and all of us went for a stroll to see it. The tank bund is over two miles long and we walked from the Asramam to the tank about a mile and then the whole distance of the bund. The presence of Bhagavan and his words were more interesting to us than the brimming tank and the grand view of the lake at the foot of the holy Arunachalam. Bhagavan talked of many things, of which I remember, at this distance of time, only two topics of interest. 

Photograph taken about 10 years ago of flooded Samudram Eri

At one place, Bhagavan pointed out a palmyra tree which had decayed at the grip and embrace of a parasite banyan tree. Some bird had dropped the seed of the banyan into the palmyra and as the banyan began its growth the palmyra got stuck, and cloven and stunted in its growth. Drawing our attention to this phenomenon, Bhagavan remarked that is just the effect of the look of Grace of the Jnani. One look into a soul and the whole tree of vasanas gathered through cycles of births is burnt down and decays. 

Then the reality of the Atman is experienced. In the analogy, the tree of vasanas is the palmyra and the look of the Guru, (the seed of Grace) is the banyan. Thus Bhagavan explained to us the effect of contact with a Mahapurusha. The Supreme Jnana that is obtained by the touch of the Satpurusha, can never be obtained by the study of any number of scriptures or by any store of punya karma (virtuous deeds) or by other sadhanas. Then when we were actually at the outlet of the overflow at the end of the lake, we all marvelled at the width of it which was as wide as a river. We stayed there for sometime and then returned. 

On the return walk, we happened to pass the sluice, at the middle of the bund. Pointing to it Bhagavan remarked, “look at this small outlet as opposed to the big one at the end. But for this small hole through which trickle the stream of water, the huge contents of the lake would not be helpful to the vegetation. If the bund breaks it would be a regular deluge and the entire crops would be destroyed. Only if served, properly regulated through this sluice, are the plants helped to growth. So too, is the Brahmic Consciousness. Unless the Bliss of this consciousness is gifted through the grace of the Guru, in seasoned outlets, the soul cannot be helped to vasanakshaya (the destruction of the tendencies of the mental mode); for in this process, the Atman abiding as such in its oneness with the Brahman, is established in the Astipada (the state of being) of the Guru. Holding on to its aspect of sat-chit the work of vasanakshaya proceeds as and when the thought forms arise to propel the mind into action i.e. in its rajasic nature. This work of vasanakshaya becomes possible only in the proximity of the Guru.

Samudram Eri (bund on right) during Sri Ramana's time

Hence the Guru himself is like the sluice and irrigates the souls with the grace out of His kripasamudram needed for the abidance as the Atman and doing the vasanakshaya. Whereas, if the bund is broken the full force of the whole lake rushes through sweeping everything before it. This resembles a sadhaka receiving the full force of Brahmic Consciousness without the intervening and mitigating grace of the Guru’s sluice and so physically dies without the benefit of effecting the destruction of the vasanas."

[T.K. Sundaresa Iyer--Call Divine April 1, 1958] 

31 July 2014

Postings on my Arunachala Blogs July 12, 2014 to July 31, 2014

Below are links and short extracts of postings on my various Arunachala Blogs from Saturday, July 12, 2014 to Thursday, July 31, 2014:-

Arunachala Grace 

2014 Firewalking at Arunachala: Photographs and information, legend of the Fire Walking ceremony at Arunachaleswarar Temple.

Adi Pooram at Sri Rajarajeshwari Temple: Photographs of the Goddess during the 2014 Festival.

Vallaikappu (Bangle) Ceremony: Pictorial history of the 2014 Bangle ceremony at Arunachaleswarar Temple.

Adi Pooram at Arunachaleswarar Temple Schedule: Information about the timings of the upcoming Vallikappu and Fire Walking ceremonies at Big Temple.

Yogi Ramsuratkumar Siddhi Sthala: Pictorial narrative of the place that Sri Yogi Ramsuratkumar attained samadhi.

God’s Fool: Tale about purity and innocence by Kahil Gibran. 

Adi Pooram Festival 2014, Flag Hoisting: Pictorial narrative of the beginning of the 2014 Festival at the Arunachaleswarar Temple.

Arunachaleswarar 2014 Adi Pooram Celebrations: Invitation and Programme for the Adi Pooram Festival at the Big Temple.

Ayyankulam Tank Immersion July 2014: Photographs and information of the idol immersion at tank at the end of Aani Brahmotsavam Festival 2014.

Greenland Ashram: Photographs and information about a new Ashram in the Arunachala countryside.

Aani Brahmotsavam 2014: Information and photographs of the start of Festival at the Arunachaleswarar Temple.

Reverence for Divination: Story of Paramahamsa Ramakrishna and his brother Ramkumar and powers of divination.

Arunachala Oracle: Information and link to a divinatory Oracle recently uploaded to Arunachala Samudra.

Devilottara text—Spiritual Teachings of the Sadguru: Devilottara a dialogue conveying the highest spiritual teachings between Lord Siva and Goddess Parvati. 

Sri Nannagaru's 2014 Guru Poornima Address: Link and information regarding live streaming address from Guruji Sri Nannagaru.

Guru Poornima Arunachaleswarar Temple: Photographs of Guru Poornima crowds at the Big Temple.

Arunachala Birds 

Happy Time—The Importance of the Bird Bath: Information and photographs about different kinds of garden bird baths.

Arunachala Land 

Ring Road, Pictorial History July 2014: Reports and photographs charting the progress of the Ring Road at Tiruvannamalai.

The Mountain of Medicine July 2014: Information and pictorial report of the current state of the Mountain of Medicine at foot of Arunachala, Tiruvannamalai.

Arunachala Mystic 

Aadi Masam 2014: Escoteric and spiritual significance of the period of Aadi Masam. Links.

Similarities between two great Mahans: Reader’s email noting the 12 significant similarities between Sri Seshadri Swamigal and Sri Shirdi Sai Baba.

2014 Supermoons: Report and significance of three supermoons scheduled for July 12, August 10, September 9, 2014.

Arunachala Oracle: Information about a new divinatory programme on Arunachala Samudra

2014 Fire Walking at Arunachala

A large number of devotees turned up for the Firewalking Ceremony which occurred in culmination of Adi Pooram betwixt the days of Wednesday and Thursday (July 30 and July 31, 2014). The walk itself was undertaken by devotees of the Divine Mother who had observed special procedures over the previous 30 days (including fast) in order to prepare themselves for the ‘test of devotion’. 

The Goddess is brought to the front of her Shrine to watch the firewalk

Those who participated were ordinary householders. In some cases devotees were given a mantra to recite during their fire walk. Before the ceremony the devotees prepared for the firewalk by bathing at the Brahma Tirtham.

Devotees waiting to perform 2014 firewalk

The actual ceremony occurred on the paved courtyard in front of the Unnamalai Amman Shrine, inside the compound of the Big Temple. 

Devotees performing 2014 firewalk

As to the history of the firewalk, a Tamil legend narrates the story that in Singavaram there is a Temple to Sri Ranganadha. Here a king named Kandhan, after suffering a defeat, performed a fire walking ceremony in worship of Draupadi (from the Mahabharata). Draupadi, pleased with the worship, appeared before the king and promised that whoever should worship her as he had done would remain unscathed and also obtain whatever they prayed for. From that day onwards the fire-walking festival is observed with great enthusiasm in Tamil Nadu.


2014 Adi Pooram at Rajarajeshwari Temple

I myself attend the Adi Pooram function at the Rajarajeshwari Temple which is located off the girivalam roadway. The Vallaikappu ceremony and puja attracted large crowds, and the Goddess was splendidly adorned in a multitude of silk saris, jewels and garlands for the occasion. 

Sri Rajarajeshwari 2014 Adi Pooram

Close-up of the supremely contented Goddess

2014 Vallaikappu (Bangle) Ceremony

The Parvati Amman Utsavam Festival which has lasted for 10 days completed its cycle yesterday July 30, 2014 with the traditional Vallaikappu (Bangle) ceremony and the worship of Amman by the ladies. 

On this day glass bangles are offered to Ambal and then distributed to devotees. These bangles are said to provide offspring and generally protect one from evils. In addition Valaikaappu is a Festival during which a pregnant woman wears glass bangles, the sound of which is said to protect her and the child from evil forces.

The Goddess

In the Vallaikappu Mandir, Arunachaleswarar Temple

Ladies eager for the distribution of blessed Bangle

29 July 2014

Adi Pooram at Arunachaleswarar Temple Schedule

Tomorrow Wednesday, July 30, 2014 the Vallaikappu (Bangle) ceremony will take place in the Vallaikappu Mandapam, Fifth Prakaram of Arunachaleswarar Temple. Later that night at around 11.30 p.m. preparations will begin in front of the Unnamalai Amman Temple for the Fire Walking ceremony. The Temple will be specially kept open for the function and it will be filled with crowds of pilgrims and devotees who will attend to watch the fire-walking ceremony. 

At the appropriate time logs will be set alight and allowed to burn up. At about 1.00 a.m. early the next morning (Thursday, July 31, 2014) embers from the burnt logs will be spread out on the compound floor in front of the Unnamalai Amman Shrine at Arunachaleswarar Temple, which will be specially kept open for the function. 

Fire walking is still a regular event in Tiruvannamalai and other South Indian towns. Usually wood or charcoal is burnt and the smouldering embers laid out onto the ground. Commonly the ceremony is held under the auspices of a Temple, and in the case of Arunachaleswarar Temple the occurrence takes place only once year at the time of Adi Pooram. 

Fire walking in a previous year at Arunachaleswarar Temple

Many hundreds of devotees will turn up to watch the ceremony, but the fire walking itself will only be undertaken by devotees of the Divine Mother who have been observing a special sadhana over the previous 30 days (including a fast) in order to prepare themselves for the ‘test of devotion’. Those who participate are ordinary householders. In some cases devotees are given a mantra to recite during their fire walk. 

Proposed schedule of Adi Pooram and Fire Walking at Arunachaleswarar Temple 

Wednesday July 30, 2014

5.00 a.m.   Amman Abhishekam 
6.00 a.m.   Alangaram 
8.00 a.m.   Amman from Sannadhi to Vallaikappu Mandapam 
4.00 p.m.   Amman in Vallaikappu and the worship of Amman by ladies 
4.00 p.m.   Abhishekam 
6.00 p.m.   Valaikappu 
8.00 p.m.  Amman goes around the Temple and returns to Vallaikappu Mandapam 

Large Crowds will begin to build up. TEMPLE REMAINS OPEN. 

11.30 p.m. (estimated time) Preparations begin for Fire Walking Ceremony. 

Thursday, July 31, 2013 at approximately at 1.00 a.m. Adi Pooram Fire Walking in front of Unnamalai Shrine, Arunachaleswarar Temple

All other major Shakti shrines will have their own puja functions celebrating the auspicious day of Adi Pooram. I myself plan visiting the Rajarajeshwari Temple (on the Girivalam roadway) tomorrow evening (Wednesday July 30, 2014) to enjoy the beautiful puja that Temple has scheduled. Last year for the night of Adi Pooram Goddess Rajarajeshwari (at that Temple) was dressed in 7 saris (shown in the below photograph). 

Goddess at Rajarajeshwari Temple 2013 Adi Pooram


For more information about Adi Pooram and the Adi Masam season in which it occurs, please visit my posting on Arunachala Mystic at this link here.

28 July 2014

Yogi Ramsuratkumar Siddhi Sthala

Yesterday I visited the Yogi Ramsuratkumar Ashram which is less than a 10 minute walk south of Ramana Ashram. It has been some time since I last visited this beautiful, serene ashram which conducts a number of functions, including a free bi-weekly medical camp and also daily lunch prasad for sadhus and devotees.

At gate walking into Yogi Ramsuratkumar Ashram

Where Yogi used to give darshan during construction of the Ashram

Outside of hut for feeding sadhus and sannyasins

Inside hut for feeding Sadhus and Sannyasins

Programme at Yogi Ramsuratkumar Ashram

Part of meditation room, downstairs front of Ram Mandiram

While at the Ashram I visited the uplifting, well-maintained Siddhi Sthala at which Yogi Ramsuratkumar attained siddhi on 20th February, 2001 at 3.19 a.m. The Siddhi Sthala is composed of a number of rooms where sayings of the Yogi are displayed on the walls. As well as a pictorial history on show there are also some other fascinating exhibits including clothes and relics of the Yogi and a section devoted to his own small library of books. 

The Siddhi Sthala is opened up for public viewing at these times: 9.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon, 4.00 p.m. to 7.00 p.m.

Walls of several rooms covered in historical photographs of the Yogi

Display inside the Siddhi Sthala room

Relics belonging to the Yogi

Cot where Yogi Ramsuratkumar attained siddhi

Yogi Ramsuratkumar Jaya Guru Raya Divine 
Blessings of Guru Maharaj 

My Friends: This beggar learnt at the feet of Swami Ramdas the Divine name of Rama, and beg, beg all of you not to forget the Divine name Rama. Whatever you do, wherever you are, be like Anjaneya-Maruthi thinking of Rama and doing your actions in the world. At every age we face problems, today one problem, tomorrow another problem, the day after tomorrow another problem. And on account of facing these problems often we get dejected, disappointed, psychologically sick, if we don’t remember the name of the Divine. So this beggar will beg all of you not to forget the Divine name, Rama. 

There are people who like to remember the name of Siva. It is equally good, there are people who like to remember the name Ganapathi—equally good. Whatever name you chose, whatever form you choose, but give to this beggar what he wants. Never forget the Divine. 

Live in the world and problems will be there. If we are remembering the Divine name, we are psychologically sound. May be, we may feel a little in some of the problems. Even then, the intensity with which we feel if we don’t have faith in God is much more than a man of faith – a man who remembers the name of Rama. So this beggar . . . please don’t forget the name of God. This Divine name has been always of great help to all in the world. 

Yogi Ramsuratkumar

You read Kabir, Tulsi, Sur . . . Appar Swamy, Manickavasaga Swamy – how they emphasised Namasivaya. Don’t forget it – this is your heart – this is your soul whether it be Om Namasivaya or Om Namo Narayanaya, whether Rama, Siva or Krishna, whatever name you choose, whatever form you choose doesn’t matter. But remember the Lord with any name, with any form of your choice. Just as when there is heavy rainfall, we take an umbrella, and go on doing our work in the factory, in the field, wherever we go for marketing and catching hold of the umbrella we go through the rain falling there. But still we work – still we work – do our work. Similarly we have got so many problems all around. This Divine name is just like an umbrella in the heavy rainfall. Catch hold of the Divine name and go on doing your work in the world. 

This beggar begs of you and . . . I think none of you will shirk away, when this beggar begs of you ‘Don’t forget the Divine name’. This beggar prays to his Father to bless you all who have come here. My Lord Rama blesses you. My Father blesses you. Arunachaleswara blesses you. It doesn’t matter to me what name it is. All the blessings of my Father for all of you! Well, that is the end. That is all. 

To learn more about this great saint at Arunachala, please visit this link here for his biography. 

25 July 2014

God's Fool -- Tale about Purity and Innocence

Once there came from the desert to the great city a man who was a dreamer, and he had naught but his garment and a staff. And as he walked through the streets he gazed with awe and wonder at the temples and towers and palaces, for the city was of surpassing beauty. And he spoke often to the passers-by, questioning them about their city – but they understood not his language, nor he theirs.

At the noon hour he stopped before a vast inn. It was built of yellow marble, and people were going in and coming out unhindered. “This must be a shrine”, he said to himself, and he too went in. But what was his surprise to find himself in a hall of great splendour and a large company of men and women seated about many tables. They were eating and drinking and listening to the musicians. “Nay”, said the dreamer. “This is no worshipping. It must be a feast given by the prince for the people, in celebration of a great event.”

At that moment a man, whom he took to be the slave of the prince, approached him, and bade him to be seated. And he was served with food and wine and most excellent sweets. When he was satisfied, the dreamer rose to depart. At the door he was stopped by a large man magnificently arrayed. “Surely this is the prince himself,” said the dreamer in his heart, and he bowed to him and thanked him. Then the large man said in the language of the city. “Sir you have not paid for your dinner.” And the dreamer did not understand, and again thanked him heartily.

Then the large man bethought him, and he looked more closely upon the dreamer. And he saw that he was a stranger, clad in but a poor garment, and that indeed he had not the wherewithal to pay for his meal. Then the large man clapped his hands and called – and there came four watchmen of the city. And they listened to the large man. Then they took the dreamer between them, and there were two on each side of him. And the dreamer noted the ceremoniousness of their dress and of their manner and he looked upon them with delight. “These,” said he, “are men of distinction.” And they walked all together until they came to the House of Judgment and they entered. The dreamer saw before him, seated upon a throne, a venerable man with flowing beard, robed majestically. And he thought he was the king. And he rejoiced to be brought before him. Now the watchmen related to the judge, who was the venerable man, the charge against the dreamer; and the judge appointed two advocates, one to present the charge and the other to defend the stranger. And the advocates rose, the one after other, and delivered each his argument. And the dreamer thought himself to be listening to addresses of welcome, and his heart filled with gratitude to the king and the prince for all that was done for him.

Then sentence was passed upon the dreamer, that upon a tablet hung about his neck his crime should be written, and that he should ride through the city on a naked horse, with a trumpeter and a drummer before him. And the sentence was carried out forthwith. Now as the dreamer rode through the city upon the naked horse, with the trumpeter and the drummer before him, the inhabitants of the city came running forth at the sound of the noise, and when they saw him they laughed one and all, and the children ran after him in companies from street to street.

And the dreamer’s heart filled with ecstasy, and his eyes shone upon them. For to him the tablet was a sign of the king’s blessings and the procession was in his honour.

Now as he rode, his heart swelled with joy, and he cried out with a shout. “Where are we? What city of the heart’s desires is this? What race of lavish hosts? – who feast the chance guest in their palaces, whose princes companion him, whose king hangs a token upon his breast and opens to him the hospitality of a city descended from heaven?” And the procession passed on. And the dreamer’s face uplifted and his eyes were overflowing with light. 

[Kahlil Gibran – Abridged] 

For more beautiful and inspirational short stories please visit my website at this link here

21 July 2014

Adi Pooram Festival 2014, Flag Hoisting

Today Flag Hoisting at the Unnumalai Shrine at the Big Temple was observed in celebration of the start of the 2014 Adi Pooram Festival. 

Flagpost at Mother's Shrine with Gopurams and Arunachala background

Devi Parashakti at Unnamulai Shrine

Flag Hoisting, 2014 Adi Pooram Festival

Arunachaleswarar 2014 Adi Pooram Celebrations

Arulmigu Arunachaleswarar Temple, Tiruvannamalai 
Adi Pooram Invitation


From: 21-07-2014 Monday 
To: 20-07-2014 Wednesday 

On all days and night from 21-07-20-14 to 29-07-2014 Lord Ganapati and Parashakti are brought out in procession. 

On the morning of 30-07-2014 there is a Panchamoorthi abhishekam and later a function at the Bangle Mandapam. 

In the evening there is a special abshishekam for Parashakti, a procession then Firewalk ceremony conducted in front of the Unnamulai Shrine at Arunachaleswarar Temple. 

18 July 2014

Ayyankulam Tank Immersion July 2014

The below series of photographs denote the completion of the 10 day festival 2014 Aani Brahmotsasvam with an immersion of the Gods in the tank at the Ayyankulam Tank which is situated in front of the third major Shiva Temple at Arunachala, i.e. Arunagirinathar Kovil. 

To find out more about this beautiful Temple please visit this earlier posting here

As mentioned in an earlier posting at this link here, the 10 day Aani Brahmotsasvam Festival commemorates Dakshinayana which marks the beginning of the sun’s movement in a southern direction. 

16 July 2014

Greenland Ashram

This posting is about the opening of a new spiritual facility here at Arunachala. The founders (a married couple) are devotees of Sri Sathya Sai Baba and have dedicated themselves to setting up a meditative retreat centre where individuals or groups can imbibe the atmosphere of the great Arunachala in a peaceful, countryside environment isolated from the hustle-bustle of the ever-developing Tiruvannamalai. Greenland Ashram is situated at around 12 km from Ramanashramam 4 km off the main highway to Bangalore. 

These photographs were taken about 2 months ago; at this time the facility is near to completion. Its opening date is set for September 2014. 

To find out more information please visit their website at this link here

Lord Ganesha entrance to Ashram

Arunachala darshan from Greenland Ashram

Kiran, Philippe's wife; co-founder of Ashram

Philippe, Kiran's husband; co-founder of Greenland

Living at site overseeing development

Meeting hall with attendance for 250 people

Some of the accommodation cottages at the Ashram

Ashram buildings being constructed simultaneously

All buildings constructed in organic, natural method

Buildings surrounded by beautiful hilly countryside

Ashram is a gated 6 acre protected environment

15 July 2014

Aani Brahmotsavam 2014

Aani Brahmotsavam is a festival which lasts 10 days. This year it officially commenced with the hoisting of the flag at the Arunachaleswar Temple on July 8, 2014. The purpose of the festival is to commemorate Dakshinayana which marks the beginning of the sun’s movement in a southern direction. 

A year in the Hindu calendar consists of two Ayanas (which signfy the sun’s direction) that are divided into two periods of six months each. Summer solstice marks the beginning of Dakshinayana, which means in the Earth’s sky the Sun begins to trace a southward movement in the northern hemisphere of the planet. The Uttarayana period which begins on January 14th or 15th ends with Dakshinayana Punyakalam. The Dakshinayanam period ends on Makar Sankranti (i.e. Uttarayana day). 

Flag Hoisting Aani Brahmotsavam, 2014

The Ayana from the beginning of Dakshinayana to the beginning of Uttarayana is known as the sadhana pada. In terms of sadhana, Dakshinayana is for purification, Uttarayana is for enlightenment. 

The Gods, Arunachaleswarar Temple

In the northern hemisphere of the planet, Uttarayana is the time of fulfilment and Dakshinayana is the time of receptivity. They are also understood as – the first six months from January to June to be masculine in nature, and the duration of the southernly run corresponds to the feminine phase of the Earth. 

Aarti 2014 Aani Brahmotsavam

Uttarayana and Dakshinayana have a significant impact on how the human system functions and acordingly aspirants shift their activities in relation to the dominant solar influence. 

To find out more information about the meaning of Dakshinayana and Uttaraya, go to this link here

14 July 2014

Reverence for Divination

In the previous posting I wrote about an aspect of divination that have been used in India for a millenium. In this respect to show the depth of reverence given to the divination of the Leaf of Impartiality, it is interesting to learn that it was only after consulting the Leaf of Impartiality and receiving an affirmative response to his question (of whether he could fill the position of priest in the Dakshineshwar Temple), that Ramkumar’s brother the great Paramahamsa Ramakrishna withdrew his objections to Ramkumar serving as officiating priest in the Kali Shrine of that Temple. 

The brothers talk

In the wonderful book Sri Ramakrishna, the Great Master, the occasion reads:

“He then came to know that Ramkumar had agreed to assume permanent charge of the worship of the Divine Mother at the pressing request of the Rani. The Master could not approve of this, and was highly critical of his brother’s conduct. He reminded his brother that their father neither officiated in the sacrifices of the Sudras nor accepted gifts from all and sundry, and tried to dissuade him from the course he had taken. It is said that Ramkumar tried to vindicate his action to the Master in various ways with the help of reason and scripture, but nothing touched his heart. Therefore he had recourse to the simple expedient of Dharmapatra, the leaf of impartiality, at last. The leaf of impartiality, it is said, read, “Ramkumar has not incurred blame in accepting the offer of the priest. It will prove beneficial to all.”

. . . the Master now became free from anxiety regarding his brother’s decision . . . "

[page 141-142 Part I "Sri Ramakrishna The Great Master"] 

Contemporary photograph of the Dakshineswar Temple

13 July 2014

Arunachala Oracle

We recently uploaded onto our website Arunachala Samudra a new programme entitled Arunachala Oracle. When you first arrive at the programme introductory page you will learn of the workings of the Oracle and be then taken to a meditation page of an effulgent picture of the Lord and (if you wish) listen to inspirational Arunachala-Siva audios run on a continuous long loop. When you feel calm and composed you may then ask the Oracle your question and leave it to Divine Providence to supply you with the answer. 


“In India there is still a custom in villages of people depending on providence when there is no possibility of a decision being arrived at by reasoning on a particular matter, and of taking recourse to Dharmapatra, the leaf of impartiality to know the will of Providence; when they ascertain it thus, they act accordingly, without further argument or reasoning. The leaf of impartiality is made use of in the following manner: 

“Yes” and “No” are written on some fragments of paper or on Vilva leaves, which are put into an empty water-pot, and a child is asked to pick up one fragment or a leaf. If the child picks up a “Yes” fragment, the person who has recourse to this expedient knows that Providence sanctions the contemplated course. If the other pieces is picked up, he takes it that the will of providence forbids the course.” 
[Page 140—Sri Ramakrishna the Great Master Part 1] 


As well as the Leaf of Impartiality utilised in India for many hundreds of years, there are many other methods used by Devotees to access the will of Divine Providence. Sri Sathya Sai Baba often used to counsel his devotees that when they had a situation that required action, they could revert to “chits” in order to access the Will of Divine Providence. In this respect He suggested that the devotee keep a number of tokens or coins on their altar in order to access a “Yes” or “No” answer from the Divine. 

A great devotee of Sri Shirdi Sai Baba, Shri Madhav Lele published a well known book, “Your Questions and Shree Sai Baba Answers,” which is comprised of 720 possible answers available in response to a devotee’s question. 

The premise of Arunachala Oracle is the same as the Leaf of Impartiality, the recommendation of chits from Sri Sathya Sai Baba and the book of guidance of Sri Shirdi Sai Baba. 

Arunachala Oracle is comprised of 630 possible answers compiled from sayings and recommendations of Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Arunachala saints and devotees and answers of the book of Madhav Lele. 

When visiting this programme please treat it with respect. You will receive an answer from Divine Providence directly proportionate to the extent of your seriousness and surrender. 

To learn more about the Oracle and then ask your question go to this link here