13 November 2007

Deepam - First three days

November 12th: Sri Durgambal Urchavam, Night, Sri Durgambal on Kamadenu Vahanam

November 13th: Sri Pidari Urchavam, Night, Sri Pidariamman on Lion Vahanam

November 14th: Sri Vinayagar Urchavam, Night, Sri Vinayagar on Mooshiga Vahanam

* (Urchavam = Tamil word for temple festivals)
* (Kamadenu = wish fulfilling cow)
* (Vahanam = vehicle, seat)
* (Mooshiga = mouse)

Yesterday evening I performed giripradakshina around Arunachala and coming back through the town of Tiruvannamalai (during my hillround) I was able to enjoy the first night of Deepam Festival, namely, Sri Durgambal Urchavam.

The Deepam festival involves a lot more than just the lighting of the flame on top of Arunachala. The first night of the lighting of the flame actually takes place on the 10th day of Deepam and stays alight for between 8-10 days. However the Festival itself lasts for 13 days. Of these the first day is connected with the Durga Amman Temple. Each day denotes different functions and ceremonies at either the Durga Temple, the Annamalai Temple or in the streets surrounding them.

Deepam is a festival which traditionally is connected with the Hill and Arunachaleswarar Temple and Durga Amman Koil (Koil = Temple), is the only other Arunachala Temple that actually participates in the functions.

The reason for this is supposed to be because of the Goddess and the demon Mahisha (see 'The Fight with Mahishasura'). Before her battle the Goddess appointed four noble Bhairavis (celestial damsels) to keep watch on all four sides of Arunagiri. She ordered:

"Admit only those who have come to worship Arunachala and are tired, hungry and thirsty. Others should not enter. She then appointed strong men to guard the boundaries of Arunachala and continued Her penace at Her ashram." [The Glory of Arunachala]

For this reason, the first day of Deepam Festival is always a celebration of the Goddess, recognised as a Guardian of Arunachala.

The below sequence of photographs shows the procession of the Durga Statue seated on Kamadhenu (the wish fulfilling cow) and being taken on a clockwise procession from Durga Amman Temple around the perimeter streets of the 26 acre Arunachaleswarar Temple and thereafter returning back to her own Temple. As is always the case in such functions, the procession stops whenever people along the route make offerings.

This year 4 large screens have been installed around the Temple, and one giant screen inside, so that later days of the Festival can be seen by the greatest number of devotees.

The procession through the town plays a very important role in maintaining a living relationship with the ordinary folk going about their business throughout the day, who sometimes may not have sufficient opportunities to attend functions inside the Temple itself.

And in the below photograph, the Goddess seated on Kamadhenu, the cow.

The peacock feather, which is positioned just above the cows tail, denotes auspiciousness.

Here we are at the front of the Big Temple. The decorations have already been put up, and hopefully one evening I will climb part of the Hill to take nice photographs of just how beautiful the brightly lit Temple looks.

While accompanying the Goddess procession, I also took some wonderful photographs of the huge chariot - which will be used later during Deepam. You can get an idea of its size by noticing the man in front of the huge wooden wheels.

As we passed near the flower market, I noticed some cows scavenging through the debris and discarded flower garlands.

In the next photograph, the chariot has halted so that a devotee may present their offering to the priest to be offered up to the Goddess in the appropriate fashion.

And next the glorious Goddess.

Its nearly midnight and still some stragglers wait expectantly outside their homes so that they may take darshan of the Goddess and offer up their offerings.

I'm ready to make my way home so I have a quick chat with the friendly policeman helping with the procession and proceed homeward after a beautiful and inspirational evening.

I hope to post information and photographs of at least another couple of events connected with this years Deepam. So keep checking back for updates.

Beautiful Ganesha

I went on giripradakshina yeterday evening and noticed the new amazing 3-D statues of the Gods; Ganesha, Lakshmi and Saraswati on the outer wall of Vallalar Complex off the hillround roadway.

So here is the statue of Ganesha taken from the leftside.

Now, from the right side.

And from his very best side.

The Vallalar Complex is really fascinating with lots of different features that I hope to feature in an upcoming newsletter sometime. A really interesting new development in the area.

Have we changed the name?

Have we changed the name? Because nobody has told me or anyone else here at Tiruvannamalai!

Well I feel a little disappointed in my previously respected source of what I considered good information - i.e. Wikipedia, 'the free encyclopedia'. A couple of times when supplying a link to articles mentioned in my narratives, I referred to Wikipedia as an authority, however specialists of subjects of some of the narratives got in touch to suggest better links. I rather think those people are now right because of my own experience with Wikipedia, 'the free encyclopedia'.

Go to the 'Wikipedia' site at http://www.en.wikipedia.org/ and type 'Arunachala' in the search box and you will be sent to 'Annamalai Hill'. Which is an article supposedly maintained by the 'Tamil Nadu Work Group, to 'improve organisation and standardised look and feel of articles related to the Indian State of Tamil Nadu.' The Group has decided to abandon the name 'Arunachala' (Sanksrit) in preference for the name 'Annamalai' (Tamil).

Ironically in their blurb on the 'Annamalai Hill' page, the Group also kindly informs us that; 'This place is also known by the names Arunagiri, Annamalai, Arunachalam, Arunai, Sonagiri and Sonachalam'. Not once mentioning the accepted and loved name (used since antiquity) of 'Arunachala'.

On further investigation I also see that 'Arunachaleswarar Temple' has now been christened 'Annamalaiyar Temple' by the Tamil Group intelligentsia.

Yesterday evening I performed giripradakshina around the Hill, and pretending I was a new arrival to the area, asked many local, ordinary Tamil-speaking residents - 'What is the name of this Hill?' Each one answered 'Arunachala' on my second enquiry, 'Isn't the correct name Annamalai Hill?' I was invariably and patiently informed, 'Annamalai' is a name for Shiva, but the Hill is Arunachala and the God, Arunachaleswarar.

Well the Tamil language intelligentsia have been very successful in lots of expensive, unnecessary name changes i.e. Madras to Chennai, etc., so one needs to wait and see. But one thing for sure I will definitely be using Wikipedia a whole bunch less.

11 November 2007

A Day at the Animal Shelter

I never need an excuse to stop by the Animal Shelter and find out whats happening - having 5 dogs of my own also ensures that I am also in constant need of the Shelter's support and advice. I feel very grateful that the Animal Shelter exists and can help so many discarded, abused, unwanted animals.

In the case of the below puppy he was tossed out in the street and was lucky enough to be picked up by Vishwa - one of the mainstays of the Shelter. So lets keep our fingers crossed that after the frightened puppy has received all necessary treatment (including shots) he will go to a good home. The Shelter desperately needs people to adopt their dogs - so please stop by and have a look at some of their adorable puppies and dogs. And if you can't adopt - then think about visiting them to donate a few Rupees - their work DESERVES SUPPORT.

Below is Dr. Puspha with Vishwa (in the check shirt) with a couple of young assistants, examining a young injured dog.

In the next photograph we have Dr. Raju (our other Veterinary Doctor) and Leslie Robinson, the Founder of the Animal Shelter. Great work guys!

A couple of days ago I posted the story about a dear injured elderly monkey (below photograph) who is awaiting a home at a sanctuary. Things look hopeful as currently Leslie is trying to sort out the paperwork so the monkey can be transported to a Shelter at Bangalore. Hope it happens soon as monkey is getting SO BORED in his cage. Sadly there is nowhere else to put him as the dog facilities are completely filled. Lets hope his release will be soon.

Finally the Animal Shelter has been able to sort out various Trust complications and in the upcoming December Newsletter I will post a full report on their behalf. Also happy to mention that they soon will have their own Website. Once its online I will post link information on this Blog.

Its nearly here!

Over the next few weeks, I hope to post information about the upcoming Deepam Festival at Arunachala. There certainly will be plenty happening and soon spectacular light decorations on all nine Gopurams of Arunachaleswarar Temple will illuminate the huge Temple and surrounding 26 acre compound. The 10 day Festival offically begins with a flag hoisting ceremony which falls this year on November 15th. The actual lighting of the Deepam on top of Arunachala will occur at dusk on November 24th. It is said the Deepam is lit at the precise moment when the moon rises and the setting sun is still visible on the horizon. These elements, sun, moon and fire, symbolise the three eyes of Lord Siva (who is known as Somasuryagni-lochana).

Get out that welcome mat - the town will be bursting at the seams!

Skanda Shashti

Skanda Shashti
(Nov 10th to 15th 2007)

A very important God worshipped at Tiruvannamalai and throughout Tamil Nadu is Lord Murugan. During the Nine Nights of the Goddess (Navaratri), the three goddesses Kali (Parvatis fierce form), Lakshmi and Saraswati were involved in destroying the dark forces. Now, for the month of November, and especially concentrated during Skanda Shashti, the Six Days of Murugan (November 10-15, 2007), the God Murugan takes over and continues the fight with the demons. Also occurring during Skanda Shashti this year, is an auspicious planetary placement of Mars in Gemini which increases the energy of Murugan and the planet Mars.

Lord Murugan has always been concerned about the evolution of the planet and welfare of its people. Throughout time, Murugan has played a major role in educating humans about a higher, more Divine way of life. Murugan is the Lord of the Pleiades and also a warrior God, in that his energy is expressed in a military manner. He is associated with the planet Mars and the star Krittika (Alcyone) in Vedic astrology.

Murugan’s weapon and icon (i.e., the symbol most closely associated and connected to Murugan) is the Vel. The Vel is in the shape of an arrow. Lord Murugan also holds the secrets of the sacred sound "Om", which he revealed to Lord Siva in ancient times at Swami Malai, after a curse from a powerful Yogi had removed this knowledge from Lord Siva entirely. A large statue sits in Swami Malai depicting the moment in time when Murugan whispered the secrets of "Om" into Siva’s ear while sitting on his lap.

Welcome to Arunachala Birds

Today we started posting on Arunachala Birds, the third Blog of Arunachala Grace Network, and dedicated to sharing information about Birds and the related ecosystem of Arunachala and surrounding countryside. As well as information about the species of indigenous and migratory Birds at Arunachala, we will supply news and developments that will affect the life of Birds and Animals of the area.

Over the coming months we hope to give up-to-date information about Samudram Lake and the efforts of interested parties to develop a bird sanctuary at Tiruvannamalai. There will also be information and details of the species of birds both indigenous and migratory to this area.

The above photograph is of the beautiful 'Emerald Dove' an infrequent but common bird at Arunachala, which also is the official State Bird of Tamil Nadu.

10 November 2007

Outside Big Temple

Today I was supposed to meet Thiagaraja Gurukkal Elavarasu Pattam (family head and a senior priest at Arunachaleswarar Temple) so he could relate stories his father told him about Sri Seshadri Swamigal who lived and died in a room belonging to the family. Nowadays the room is being used as a video/music cassette shop and its virtually impossible to imagine it was the hallowed home of such a renowned Saint.

Anyhow the priest had to postpone our programme till next week, so I was left feeling rather disappointed nearby Arunachaleswarar Temple. So I decided to have a dosai breakfast and then wander about.

A deepam outside the main Gopuram is kept alight by pilgrims visiting the Temple.

Two hundials (boxes for offerings) stand outside the Temple gate - doubtlessly they are emptied every evening. I was told by a Trustee of a private Temple at Arunachala that private Temples have to be careful about soliciting offerings (such as by using hundials) - as they don't want to compromise their independent status and get taken over through the use of the Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowment Act, by which Hindu temples and Maths are taken over by State Governments in the name of better administration. Most large Temples at Tiruvannamalai have in fact already lost their independent status under the Act.

Outside the Temple bamboo frameworks are being covered with awnings in preparation of the HUGE crowds that will come to Tiruvannamalai to celebrate Deepam.

Life outside the main gate of Arunachaleswarar Temple continues peacefully and much the same as it has for hundreds of years.

The next generation seems ready to take over the family Temple business!

9 November 2007

Jewellery Maker, Designer

The below photograph is of Ramesh, a local man, who as well as having a small jewellers shop in Tiruvannamalai, also makes jewellery for the idols of many of the Temples at Tiruvannamalai, including Arunachaleswarar Temple.

The below photographs are examples of his work, which include ornaments he has made of both precious stones set in gold or silver, and also costume jewellery.

Ramesh concentrates mostly on making jewellery for Amman Idols and decorating the Goddess and Her Shrines, but occasionally he decorates other Gods. The below photograph is of Sri Venkateshwarar (Balaji). Ramesh made alot of the ornaments, and also dressed and displayed the idol.

The next series of photographs are of Amman, which seems very appropriate at this Diwali time of year!

Ramesh also designs themes for the Gods, as in the below forest scene.

I will be writing more about Ramesh in the upcoming Arunachala Grace News, December issue, which will be sent out at the end of this month. So if you don't already have a free subscription of the Newsletter, please sign up at the left hand margin of this Blog.

7 November 2007

Happy Diwali




5 November 2007

Malaria in Tamil Nadu

Apologies to those who I have told malaria is not a problem in Tiruvannamalai. In this respect the current malaria report for Tamil Nadu, is as follows:

Incidences of malaria have drastically reduced in Tamil Nadu over the years, with Chennai accounting for almost 63% of cases. From 1995-2000, Chennai accounted for 59% of the total malaria cases in the State, while Municipalities in urban localities accounted for 10%. Similarly, Chennai had 70% of the case load during 2001-05 and urban Municipalities 6%. In the last 3 years, the incidence of malaria, has reduced in Tamil Nadu from almost 39,676 cases in 2005 to 8,924 in 2007 (till August). Malaria in Tamil Nadu is an urban and not a rural problem and since 1995, rural areas have accounted for only 30% of the State’s total cases.

After Chennai, the incidence of malaria is high in Dharmapuri, Rameswaram, Tiruvannamalai, Salem, Erode and Krishnagiri. The Public Health Department has mobilised additional workers (bringing the total number of staff to 3,800) to control mosquito breeding.

Hanuman; Monkey God

Like Lord Ganesha, Hanuman; The Monkey God, is loved in a special, tender way, by children and adults alike. To find out more about Hanuman check this link. This is a particularly significant time for Lord Hanuman as he figures prominently in the mythology of Lord Rama's battle with the Demon King Ravana, a story relevant considering the upcoming Diwali Festival of November 8th.

Below an actor dressed up as Hanuman and going from place to place around Tiruvannamalai for donations.

Great outfit and makeup!

Also in keeping with the theme of monkeys, below a sweet old chap of around 15 years of age, who was recently attacked by dogs and is now recovering at the local Tiruvannamalai Animal Shelter.

The monkey has been rejected by his own group and is just too old and slow to keep safe by himself, so the Shelter is trying to find a nice, loving sanctuary at which he can enjoy his old age. Sadly a home was found for him at an Animal Shelter at Nilgris, but at the last moment it was decided that as Nilgris is located at a considerably higher altitude it would be just too cold and damp for a monkey who has spent its entire life enjoying the sunny climes of Tiruvannamalai. I will continue to post updates on our little monkey friend.

However, I would mention that today, I spent about 15 minutes at the Animal Shelter and while talking with the Shelter's Founder, watched our caged monkey and even though he is very cramped for space, he seemed very peaceful and content. He certainly has lots of people and animal friends chatting, playing, talking and petting him.

Diwali Noise

As a concerned animal lover I worry about the the noise of crackers and fireworks used in such abundance during Festivals, and particularly so at Diwali. Please remember that such noise is a very serious health threat to animals and PEOPLE.

In this respect Noise Level Monitoring is being conducted by the Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board (TNPCB) to measure noise levels throughout the State, and particularly so during Festivals such as Diwali. One hopes that this is the beginning of a greater awareness of the seriousness of NOISE POLLUTION.

Diwali: Festival of Lights

Marking victory of the good over the evil
(November 8th 2007)

Diwali, the festival of lights signifies victory of good over evil and knowledge over ignorance. The most significant meaning of Diwali is “awareness of the inner light,” and as light dispels darkness, this festival of lights dispels ignorance. The bursting of crackers symbolizes threatening the evil spirits. Deepavali (now in the modern world termed Diwali) means array of lights representing knowledge, virtue, love, compassion and humanity.

Various parts of India observe Diwali for different reasons. In North India Diwali is celebrated to mark the Victory of Lord Rama over Demon King Ravana and Rama’s return to Ayodhya. While people in east India, celebrate Diwali in order to pay their respects to Goddess Lakshmi, (the Goddess of wealth and prosperity) and pray for Her grace and blessings. In some parts of India Diwali is celebrated to commemorate the triumph of Lord Krishna over the Asura King Naraka. In Bengal, Goddess Kali or Durga, the goddess of strength, is worshipped. This reverence is called "Kali Chaturdashi". Strength is a positive attribute for one to have but it must be used to protect others from harm and used only in good and pure deeds.

Irrespective of why Diwali is celebrated, the common understanding is that it represents victory of good over evil. The lights, which represent prosperity, welcome Goddess Lakshmi in the hope that She will bless with wealth and abundance.

Diwali is celebrated for 5 days. In South India at Diwali people; use gingelly oil to wash their hair which represents the washing away of sin, wear new clothes symbolizing prosperity and burst crackers and fireworks to mark the day with happiness and positive energy, and share sweets with neighbours and relatives signifying love, compassion and unity.

Diwali has special significance for the business community as they consider this day to be the perfect time to begin the new financial year. This is also the most auspicious time to commence new business ventures and sign business agreements.

A mythological story of Sagar Manthan (churning of the ocean) has it that once all the Devas, or demigods were under a curse that made them weak and were advised by the God Brahma to drink the elixir of life. However the elixir could only be obtained by the churning of the ocean. Lord Vishnu came up with a solution saying that Mount Meru could act as the churning stick, while Vasuki (the mythical serpent) could be used as the coil around Meru. Pleased with the suggestion, the Devas went to the Asuras (the demons) and sought their help in accomplishing the task.

Thus ensued a phenomenal churning that, however, threatened to destroy the worlds (Heaven, Earth and Hell). The Gods could not allow that, so Vishnu appeared in the guise of a giant tortoise (Kurma) to stabilise the churning by acting as a base under Mount Meru. It is said that eventually, spectacular treasures emerged from the great ocean including Laksmi the Goddess of Prosperity and Wealth.

Since Goddess Lakshmi was one of the magnificent treasures that emerged from the ocean, hence, along with Ganesha, who is customarily invoked before ceremonies are performed, this Goddess presides over all ceremonies that are performed during Diwali.

During Diwali, Goddess Lakshmi is worshipped along with Lord Kubera (the banker of the world). In many parts of India puja worshipping Lakshmi and Lord Kubera, is done on the very next day of Deepavali and thereafter all new work/business commences.

29 October 2007

Getting Ready

Deepam 2007

A giant screen will be installed near the ‘Periya Nandhi’ inside Sri Arunachaleswarar Temple to help devotees watch the ‘Karthigai Deepam’ celebrations on November 24, 2007.

After a meeting of officials conducted to review arrangements for the Karthigai Festival, it was announced that the Temple Administration has provided four additional electricity connections at a cost of Rs. 9 lakh. The Subramania Swamy Temple Car has been renovated at a cost of Rs.7.5 lakh and a shelter built near the ‘Kili Gopuram’

at a cost of Rs. 2 lakh. Renovation of the ‘Theerthavari Mandapam’ and the ‘Kalyana Sundareswarar Mandapam’ is under way at a cost of Rs.20 lakh.

The Transport Department has been asked to ensure that there are no problems between drivers of Tamil Nadu State Transport Corporation and those of private buses in commencing services after the lighting of the ‘Deepam’ on November 24th, 2007. The Transport Department and the TNSTC have been urged to relax regulations on departure timings. The Department of Fire and Rescue Services are to station a fire engine near the temporary ‘pandals’ and shops in front of the eastern ‘Rajagopuram.’

28 October 2007

Heavy rain in Tamil Nadu

October 28, 2007

Most parts of Tamil Nadu received heavy rainfall in the last 24 hours. According to Met officials, the low pressure over the Bay of Bengal has intensified into a depression and has centered at 480 km south-east of Chennai.

It was expected to move in a west, north-westerly direction and cross Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh between Puducherry and Kavali, near Nellore in AP.

Standing paddy crops in the delta region have been submerged in many areas. The Amaravathi dam in Coimbatore district is creating concern and authorities have issued a flood warning, asking people living downstream to move to safer areas. Many lakes and tanks were almost full to the brim after receiving heavy rain. Landslides were also reported in parts of Nilgiri district.

Rain at Tiruvannamalai has been heavy and constant for the last few days. Thankfully no damage has been reported, but we are beginning to wonder exactly when will it stop!?

Visiting Swami Ramanananda

A pleasurable and informative time is always spent when visiting Swami Ramanananda and it takes little to persuade me to stop by and have a chat with him. Although Swami in no way encourages visitors and lives quietly and reclusively off the Hillround Roadway, he is unfailingly courteous and friendly whenever a pilgrim stops by his house. Swami Ramanananda has played a crucial role not only in the renovation and re-popularisation of Adi Annamalai Temple but also in helping the many seekers who find their way to him.

He was born in Burma approximately 70 years ago and when he was around 7 years of age, he returned with his family to India. Swami believes that the foundation of his character and his commitment and focus was established during the period of his schooling at Adayar, Madras (now called Chennai) at the Besant Theosophical High School. Swami recalls the time of Sri Ramana Maharshi’s death on April 14, 1950, as a period that caused great distress to many at the school.

The book introducing Bhagavan to Swami was; “Ramana Maharshi: Path of Self Knowledge,” by Arthur Osborne as it opened his eyes to self-enquiry and convinced him that the discipline of self-enquiry was his allotted spiritual path. Within 3 months of reading the book, Swami was drawn to Arunachala and in 1959 he visited Tiruvannamalai for the first time, staying at Ramana Ashram for 20 days.

Swami recalls, of that first trip, that although he was totally focussed on Ramana Maharshi, the energy was very subtle and he didn’t receive the shakti he had anticipated, so he felt disappointed. Before leaving Bhagavan’s Samadhi, Swami prostrated and asked for Ramana’s blessings by somehow giving him the answer to four questions/doubts he had. That night in the train the young man (later to be Swami Ramanananda) dreamt of Bhagavan as radiating golden light who smilingly answered the questions the despondent pilgrim had put to him at the Samadhi, thus:

(1) You didn’t come, I brought you
(2) This is your path – i.e. Self Enquiry
(3) You are not to be running around here and there
(4) Keep quiet

Swami woke up near Madras and his melancholy state changed to that of joy enabling him to return to his work and duties in North India with a new spirit of confidence.

Swami Ramanananda’s father came to Tiruvannamalai in 1962 as a result of his son’s friendship with Hugo Maier – who was Swami’s best friend and who visited the family in Calcutta. The brother and father of Swami were impressed with Hugo Maier - and the conversations they had with him served to give the family a very positive idea about Ramana and Arunachala.

Swami continued his work as a structural engineer for the British Consortium Braithwaite, Burns and Jessup (BBJ) a Construction Company that constructed; Howrah Bridge in Calcutta, floating docks for the British Admiralty in Bombay, bridge railways and steel factories throughout India. Swami Ramanananda worked for a total of 14 years in the world before renouncing and moving permanently to Arunachala in 1969

Swami took Sannyasin in 1982 at Tiruvannamalai where he was initiated by a Swami from North India. He has never married and lives as a Brahmachari.

Adi Annamalai Temple

The name of this Temple, Adi Annamalai means 'first' or 'ancient' Annamalai (Arunachaleshwarar). Its size is small and it occupies only 1/2 acre in size – compared with the 25-26 acre size of Arunachaleswarar Temple on the Tiruvannamalai side of the Hill. The legend of Adi Annamalai recounts that Brahma, after His dispute with Vishnu about the fiery column, made a lingam and went to the other side of the Hill to worship Shiva. Thus, this lingam is supposed to be the first, ancient and original lingam of Annamalai and hence the name Adi Annamalai.

It is reported that the vision of Arunachala from this Temple is known as Siva Yoga Muka Darshan and the great Siddha Thirumoolar saw this aspect. Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi who used to camp at Adi Annamalai for up to 2-3 nights while performing Giri Valam was reported to have said that while at the Temple he heard the celestial recital of 'Sama Veda'.

In spite of its illustrious history and position as one of the foremost Temples at Arunachala, the Adi Annamalai Temple was sadly neglected in the 20th Century. The last time Adi Annamalai Temple was renovated was during the years 1903-1918 when work was financed by a group of Chettiar devotees. A subsequent Kumbabhishekam was celebrated in 1967; but the puja was neither proper nor performed in the correct way. Since that time no substantial renovation or maintenance work has occurred at this Temple.

Swami Ramanananda (well known in this area) would meditate at Adi Annamalai Temple from between 1988-1992 for up to 4 hours a day. While at the Temple he couldn't fail but notice the whole of it was in a bad condition; there was only meagre lighting as the entire electrical wiring was in a damaged condition and the Temple was full of bats and had a very bad smell. Even though, the Adi Annamalai Temple falls under the aegis of The Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments, at that time, it was not properly maintained. As a result of a near electrocution of an innocent visitor, our Swami became inspired to take action. He found out that the necessary electrical work for the Temple would cost Rs.75,000/-, so went about utilising contacts to raise the amount. Within 6 months money was raised and the work of installing new electrical wiring throughout the Temple completed.

At the electrical inauguration, The Temple Board Deputy Commissioner coincidentally visited Adi Annamalai and while there spoke to Swami saying, "Swami you should now do the full renovation of this Temple and also arrange the subsequent Maha Kumbabhishekam". Swami was perplexed as he had raised Rs.115,000/- for the electrical work and ceremonies but found that the estimate for a full Temple renovation and lavish Maha Kumbabhishekam would come to 30 Lakhs – and there was only Rs.25,000 remaining from the electrical work collection. However after prayful meditation, Swami became convinced that he had the Grace and Blessings of Sri Ramana Maharshi to undertake the work, so went about raising funds and overseeing all renovation and rebuilding work at Adi Annamalai Temple. Ganesha Puja was performed on January 26th, 1993 and in February 7th, 1994 Temple work officially started. The work to be undertaken: wiring, rebuilding crumbling stucco idols at all Towers, new flooring, roof tiled with brick tiles, rooms renovated including all doors and all palanquins (for procession of idols) to be repaired and painted. The entire work took 2½ years to complete and cost approximately the 30 Lakhs that was originally estimated (i.e. U.S.$75,500).

Previously few pilgrims visited Adi Annamalai Temple, however nowadays during Poornima (when about 5 Lakhs visit Tiruvannamalai) about 50,000 pilgrims come to take darshan at Adi Annamalai Temple