20 June 2009

Puja Function

Sri Nannagaru left Tiruvannamalai on Thursday, June 18th. Before his departure some devotees arranged a small puja function at the Ashram. Swami encourages devotees to follow what comes natural and easy for them. He also suggests his followers participate in girivalam and visit holy places such as Arunachaleswarar Temple and Ashrams (particularly Ramana Ashram).

In this context its interesting to familiarize oneself with Sri Nannagaru's words on Religion:

“Religion is a creation of the mind. Hence, it is called ‘Mata’. There are as many religions as there are minds. Religion and creed helps create feuds and dissension. If the welfare of society is not the goal of a religion, such a religion is not worth its name. Religion is used as an opiate and instead of making people wise it makes man a slave.

The Self is there prior to the birth of Religion. The purpose of religion should be to show the path to realization of the Self. One may worship his own God; but his love of religion and his love of God should not make him hate others.

There is no God without the Self. In the name of religion and personal Gods, men fight for their own aggrandizement. Religion creates narrow domestic walls. Our concepts stand in the way of our finding Truth. There is no God higher than Truth. Change of religion does not release one, but on the other hand change of mind does.”
[Sri Nannagaru]

Right-click on all photographs to enlarge

An Afternoon Darshan

Right-click on all photographs to enlarge

"There is only one Iswara, the body bound ‘I’ is not the real ‘I’. When you are attracted to Arunachala, (whether you know it or not, Arunachala comes through an unseen connection) – it is a good attachment and helps one live an egoless life. Those who are attracted by Arunachala shall get liberation through Arunachala. It is by Arunachala’s Grace that we are attracted to Him. It is by the Grace of Arunachala, the ego is shattered and destroyed."
[Sri Nannagaru]

Arunachala from Sri Nannagaru Ashram

A visiting Swami

Sri Nannagaru taking Arunachala darshan

Sri Nannagaru giving darshan to devotees

"There is no parallel to the Grace of the Guru. Although the external Guru is not real in the true sense of the term, yet, He is essential. It is He who turns your mind inwards, and enables you to realize your true nature. He protects you. Publicity does not confer Guruhood nor does external show earmark one as a Guru. He, whose words penetrate into your Heart alone, can be deemed as Guru. You can discharge any kind of debt but the debt you owe to your Guru."
[Sri Nannagaru]

15 June 2009

Sri Nannagaru Visits Arunachala

Sri Nannagaru is currently at residence at his ashram at Tiruvannamalai which is located at Rajiv Gandhi Nagar, approximately a kilometre west of Ramana Ashram, just off Chengam Road. While at his ashram he has been giving regular darshan and the below photographs were taken this morning. Sri Nannagaru will remain at Tiruvannamalai until June 18. To learn more about Sri Nannagaru you can visit his website at this link here.

Right-click on all photographs to enlarge

To watch and listen to Sri Nannagaru answering the question posed in a previous interview:

"It appears essential to meet a guru and stay with that guru. Who is the guru? What is the guru's role? How to recognise a true guru?"

Please go to this link here

where he starts his reply, "It is better to see enlightened souls. You will get inspiration from them . . . "

11 June 2009

Arunachala Grace News, June 2009

Arunachala Grace Newsletter, June 2009 will be sent out direct to subscribers email inbox by the end of this week. This month there are articles on Self Help Groups (SHGs) at Tiruvannamalai, Arunachala Reforestation, Arunachala Tidbits, review of a new book on Spiritual Masters (many connected with this area), sayings and fables. The ecology section features the bird; the Golden Oriole and describes the medicinal and ayurvedic properties of the Wood Apple tree and fruit.

If you are not yet a subscriber, please go to the subscribe facility on the left column of this page.

Remembering A.P. Santhanaraj

In Chennai on May 25, 2009 the eminent artist A.P. Santhanaraj passed away at his home near Tambaram after suffering from health problems for some time. Although suffering from consistent ill health in the last years, he continued to paint until his death. He was 77 years old and is survived by four sons.

Santhanaraj was born on March 13, 1932, at Tiruvannamalai and exhibited a fascination for drawing at the early age of 4 years old. His distraction with pictures absorbed him so completely that he considered going to the Tiruvannamalai Danish Mission School a major hindrance and considered school teaching and learning “artificial”.

Having heard of the Madras School of Arts and Crafts, Santhanaraj wanted to begin his artistic journey from that institution and attempted to gain admittance to the school at the age of 10. He was refused entry because of his young age, but eventually joined in 1948 at the age of 16.

He later became a teacher at the Institute and then Principal and also exhibited his work both in India and the U.K. However, Santhanaraj never liked to exhibit his works for the simple reason that he was never satisfied with them despite the admiration and awards that they won.

He is believed to be one of the pioneers and forerunners of the modern art movement in the country and favourite artist to many of his peers including M.F. Hussain. Santhanaraj has said of his work:

“My art is abstract, very abstract. Abstraction according to me is giving importance to the most important aspect of the object and eliminating the unimportant though it might exist.”

9 June 2009

Mind and Self Enquiry

“It is the mind that is responsible for bondage or liberation. The negative mind takes you to negative actions. Negative actions bear negative results. The mind, when positive, will prompt you to take positive actions. And positive actions will give you positive results. Therefore, never entertain any negative thoughts.

Mind has no form. As is the thought, so is the mind. When the thoughts are good, there constitutes a good mind. When thoughts are bad, they make a bad mind. Mind is nothing but a bundle of thoughts . . when the thoughts are negative; so you are suffering. Once you know the thoughts are negative and make you suffer, come on! Give them up - throw them away! Don't entertain such thoughts, as negative thoughts will make you suffer. Why should you suffer? Brush them aside.

Similarly, once you know that the negative thought is making you suffer, drop it immediately!

All agitation will cease the moment one enters on the enquiry, “Who Am I?” This was the sadhana that Ramana Maharshi achieved and taught to his disciples. This is also the easiest of all disciplines.”

[Sri Sathya Sai Baba]

Ashoka Apartments, Ramana Nagar

Construction is scheduled to start this September on Ashoka Apartments which will take 10 months to complete. The apartment compound consists of 15 apartments, of which 9 are available on 3 year long leases and 6 for purchase. The apartment compound is located in Ramana Nagar, at the end of the Post Office Road opposite the side entrance to Sadhu Om Colony.

The apartments have 24 hour security and many nice features like a lift running from the garage floor up to the roof. The lift and stairwell are located at the centre of the compound and is surrounded by a small garden, upon which the backs of each apartment overlooks.

The apartments are available to both resident Indians and visitors from overseas. To view more diagrams of the apartments go to this link here, and to look at the plans for each of the three floors check this link.

Right Click on the each of the below to view enlarged size.

7 June 2009

Guru Poornima Camp 2009

Swami Suddhananda will conduct his annual Guru Poornima Camp for 2009 at his Ashram at Adi Annamalai, Tiruvannamalai from July 3rd to July 7th. To find out more please check this link here.

In the following interview Swami Suddhananda is asked:

“Sri Ramana Maharshi said that Self-enquiry is the most direct route to realising the Self. What do you say about Self-enquiry? How to conduct Self-enquiry?”

His reply starts: “First thing when you say Self-Enquiry . . . this is the tradition from the generations – so this enquiry has already been there for thousands of years.”

Click on this link to watch and listen to his response on Self-Enquiry.

6 June 2009

Samudram Evening

Most days diggers are at Samudram taking sand and earth from the bottom of the almost dried-up lake, which they load onto lorries to be transported to various local building sites. The snap below is of an excavated hole filled in with water from earlier rain. The pool is replete with tiny, flying fingerlings and Egrets, Herons and Crows hang around the side of the pond waiting for their chance to catch dinner.

Unfortunately the advent of my six action-packed doggies sends most of the birds away, so thus far haven't been able to take any great photographs of the pond surrounded by flocks of Egrets and Pond Herons - its looks lovely though.

Sadly this particular evening my six doggies in their eagerness chasing a local dog around the pond, ran into an Indian Pond Heron and totally flattened him to the ground.

The poor thing was in a state of shock. Below the Indian Pond Heron, who I picked up and after climbing the embankment, attached to a high branch, to give him time to recover in safety.

I stayed with him for about 20 minutes and after he was well enough to try and give my fingers a peck, knew he was recovering nicely and it was safe to leave him on his own.

So my naughty doggies and I continued our evening Samudram walk.

And watched the sun go down.

If you want to learn out more about the Indian Pond Heron and Grey Heron, both found at Tiruvannamalai, check out Arunachala Birds for some brilliant snaps and good information.

God’s Fool

Once there came from the desert to the great city a man who was a dreamer, and he had naught but his garment and a staff. And as he walked through the streets he gazed with awe and wonder at the temples and towers and palaces, for the city was of surpassing beauty. And he spoke often to the passers-by, questioning them about their city – but they understood not his language, nor he theirs.

At the noon hour he stopped before a vast inn. It was built of yellow marble, and people were going in and coming out unhindered. “This must be a shrine”, he said to himself, and he too went in. But what was his surprise to find himself in a hall of great splendour and a large company of men and women seated about many tables. They were eating and drinking and listening to the musicians. “Nay”, said the dreamer. “This is no worshipping. It must be a feast given by the prince for the people, in celebration of a great event.”

At that moment a man, whom he took to be the slave of the prince, approached him, and bade him to be seated. And he was served with food and wine and most excellent sweets. When he was satisfied, the dreamer rose to depart. At the door he was stopped by a large man magnificently arrayed. “Surely this is the prince himself,” said the dreamer in his heart, and he bowed to him and thanked him. Then the large man said in the language of the city. “Sir you have not paid for your dinner.” And the dreamer did not understand, and again thanked him heartily. Then the large man bethought him, and he looked more closely upon the dreamer. And he saw that he was a stranger, clad in but a poor garment, and that indeed he had not the wherewithal to pay for his meal.

Then the large man clapped his hands and called – and there came four watchmen of the city. And they listened to the large man. Then they took the dreamer between them, and there were two on each side of him. And the dreamer noted the ceremoniousness of their dress and of their manner and he looked upon them with delight. “These,” said he, “are men of distinction.” And they walked all together until they came to the House of Judgment and they entered.

The dreamer saw before him, seated upon a throne, a venerable man with flowing beard, robed majestically. And he thought he was the king. And he rejoiced to be brought before him. Now the watchmen related to the judge, who was the venerable man, the charge against the dreamer; and the judge appointed two advocates, one to present the charge and the other to defend the stranger. And the advocates rose, the one after other, and delivered each his argument. And the dreamer thought himself to be listening to addresses of welcome, and his heart filled with gratitude to the king and the prince for all that was done for him.

Then sentence was passed upon the dreamer, that upon a tablet hung about his neck his crime should be written, and that he should ride through the city on a naked horse, with a trumpeter and a drummer before him. And the sentence was carried out forthwith. Now as the dreamer rode through the city upon the naked horse, with the trumpeter and the drummer before him, the inhabitants of the city came running forth at the sound of the noise, and when they saw him they laughed one and all, and the children ran after him in companies from street to street. And the dreamer’s heart filled with ecstasy, and his eyes shone upon them. For to him the tablet was a sign of the king’s blessings and the procession was in his honour.

Now as he rode, his heart swelled with joy, and he cried out to the crowd with a shout. “Where are we? What city of the heart’s desires is this? What race of lavish hosts? – who feast the chance guest in their palaces, whose princes companion him, whose king hangs a token upon his breast and opens to him the hospitality of a city descended from heaven?” And the procession passed on. And the dreamer’s face uplifted and his eyes were overflowing with light.

[by Kahlil Gibran – Abridged]

The Importance of Peace

Sri Nannagaru is expected to visit Arunachala this coming week. He will be staying at his Ashram in Rajiv Gandhi Nagar, a mile west of Ramana Ashram. You can find out more about him by visiting his website at this link.

Sri Nannagaru who hails from Jinnuru, West Godvari District, Andhra Pradesh, attributes his realisation to the grace of Arunachala-Ramana when many years ago whilst staying at Arunachala he attained realisation.

Nowadays, Swamiji visits Arunachala about four times a year and is generally accompanied by many of his devotees from Andhra. This visit he is expected on the 11th and will stay approximately 7 days.

During his visits, he invariably spends time at Ramana Ashram and the below photograph is of a previous visit and depicts Swamiji with devotees in the Ramana Ashram meditation room (which is the room that Ramana lived in for many years).

The Importance of Peace

"Peace is essential. Peace is above power, peace is above money – peace is above anything related to the world. All the luxuries and advantages that can be acquired in the world are not equal to the grace of peace.

It is essential, not only to everybody, to every religion, to every part of the world – but to all humanity. Without peace one is not able to progress in any aspect of life. For the ease of the body, one requires comfort, but the mind’s requirement for ease – is peace. If an individual doesn’t have peace, he will experience unrest and disturbance.

Peace and happiness of the individual also contributes to a peaceful society. Without peace there is waste of money and energy. If you wish to progress in any field whether; spiritual, educational, or commercial you must have peace as the basis. Without peace one is not able to grow in one’s spiritual life – peace is above all that can be acquired in the material world.

If you want peace you have to come out of ignorance. If you want peace you have to come out of wrong identification. If you want peace you have to come out of wrong thinking. If you want peace you have to come out of wrong habits. If you want peace you have to come out of wrong behaviour. One cannot buy peace in the market, one has to grow peace in the heart and to experience it in the mind."

[Sri Nannagaru]

4 June 2009


Surrender, is to surrender your concept of
separateness, your ego.
Surrender is to discharge your river of separateness
into the Ocean of Being, losing your limitations,
and allowing to happen what happens.

Surrender the addiction to your senses.
You don't need to stop them,
but you need to have perfect control over them.
Ego is a poor driver of these five horses,
but the Atman charioteer will not make a mistake.
Surrender the reigns of your senses to the Atman.

As the river surrenders to the Ocean,
surrender yourself to the Self, the Source.
And if you find you are still swimming
on the surface of the Ocean, stop swimming
and you will sink into Depths of Love.

HWL Poonja

Swami Abhishiktananda

Swami Abhishiktananda was born Henri Le Saux 30th August, 1910, at St. Briac in Brittany in France. At an early age he felt a vocation to the priesthood and in 1929 he decided to become a monk and entered a Benedictine Monastery. In 1949 he visited Tiruvannamalai and Sri Ramana Maharshi, and his life took a decisive turn. His initial encounter with Ramana was enhanced by several retreats that he later took in caves on Arunachala. For an earlier post on Swami Abhishiktananda, click on Arunachala Secret.

"I regard this stay at Tiruvannamalai as being at one a real retreat and an initiation into Indian monastic life."

Swami Abhishiktananda spent periods both at the foot of Arunachala and in its various caves between 1949 and 1955, however, during those years his permanent residence was at the ashram of Shantivanam which he had co-founded in: "an attempt to integrate into Christianity the monastic tradition of India."

Later, Le Saux encountered other teachers in the tradition of non-dualism that included Gnanananda Giri of Tapovanam Ashram (not far from Shantivanam) and Poonja-ji. Le Saux considered Giri to be his guru and took the name of Abhishiktananda (Bliss of the anointed). In 1968 Swami Abhishiktananda left Shantivanam, to live the life of a hermit in the Himalayas near Uttarkashi. (Shantivanam was then taken over by Bede Griffiths (1906-1993), who focused on the complementarities of religions and through whose presence the ashram gained world-wide renown).

Swami Abhishiktananda left Shantivanam, to live the life of a hermit in the Himalayas near Uttarkashi. (Shantivanam was then taken over by Bede Griffiths (1906-1993), who focused on the complementarities of religions and through whose presence the ashram gained world-wide renown).

Of Arunachala; Swami Abhishiktananda was to say:

' . . . the South (Arunachala) is my "birth-place".'

And of his own spiritual experience at the sacred Hill, he was to write:

"Anyone who is the recipient of this overwhelming Light is at once petrified and shattered; he can say nothing, he cannot think anymore; he just remains there, outside space and time, alone in the very aloneness of the Alone; it is an unbelievable experience, this sudden revelation of Arunachala's infinite pillar of light and fire."

“Everything has become clear. There is only the Awakening. All that is notional – myths and concepts – is only its expression. There is neither heaven nor earth, there is only Purusha, which I am… ”

His Sayings:

"God is too close to us. That is why we constantly fail to find him. We turn God into an object — and God escapes our grasp. We turn him into an idea — but ideas pass him by."

"The present moment is all that matters; tomorrow is God's business."

The Universe

“The surface of the Earth is the shore of the cosmic ocean. On this shore we’ve learned most of what we know. Recently, we’ve waded a little way out, maybe ankle-deep, and the water seems inviting. Some part of our being knows this is where we came from. We long to return. And we can’t, because the cosmos is also within us. We’re "made" of star stuff. We are a way that the cosmos can know itself. The journey for each of us begins here.”

[Carl Sagan]

"A human being is part of a whole, called by us the "Universe," a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest - a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circles of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty."

[Albert Einstein]

31 May 2009

Who is the Guru - interview with V.Ganesan

V. Ganesan grew up till the age of fourteen in the presence of his great uncle, Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi. After the mahanirvana of Bhagavan in 1950, Ganesan went on to get a Master’s Degree in Philosophy. After his return to Arunachala, he was able to absorb reminiscences of Bhagavan that had never been recorded before. In addition to this, his close contacts with saints, sages and seers like Yogi Ramsuratkumar, Nisargadatta Maharaj and J. Krishnamurti, helped him to deepen and widen his understanding of the essence of Bhagavan’s Teachings.

In the following interview V. Ganesan is asked:

“It appears essential to meet a guru and stay with that guru. Who is the guru? What is the guru's role? How to recognise a true guru?”

His reply starts: “I am is the Guru, only Guru, because he is the only permanent Truth. All other Gurus are imaginations.”

Click on this link to watch and listen to his response to: 'Who is the Guru?'

29 May 2009

The Pilgrim

Remember that with every step,
You are nearing God.
And when you take one step towards Him
God takes ten steps towards you.

There is no halting place in the pilgrimage!

It is one continuous journey,
Through day and night,
Through tears and smiles,
Through death and birth,
Through tomb and womb.
When the road ends and the goal is gained,

The pilgrim finds
That he has travelled
From himself to himself,
That was long and lonesome;
But God that led him unto,
Was all the while in him
Around him, with him and beside him.
He himself was always Divine.

[By Sri Sathya Sai Baba]

True Pradakshina

Adi Sankara has said, “Real pradakshina is the meditation that thousands of Universes are revolving around the Great Lord, the unmoving centre of all forms.”

The same idea is expressed in the Ribhu Gita:

"Oh Lord! I went all round the world to do pradakshina to you but you are in fullness everywhere. How then could I complete a round? I shall worship you as the immovable entire form of the world."

"The contemplation that I am the perfectly full, blissful Self
Is the scattering of the flowers I worship.
The contemplation that the Universe with its
myriad activities revolves round me
Constitutes the prescribed circumambulation.
The contemplation that all will ever bow to me,
And I shall never bow to anyone,
Ever constitutes the bow
To the great Linga of the Self."

[Ribhu Gita]

Full Moon Pradakshina

. . . It is not an ordinary hill. It is spirituality Itself. It has a powerful, magnetic pull to the Self. Seekers who come to this place with the intention of realizing the Self will have untold benefits to do pradakshina on a full moon.

In the proximity of this holy hill the presence of the Self is more powerful and more self-evident than anywhere else. Indian mythology speaks of a wish-fulfilling tree. If you find this tree and tell it what you want, your wish will be granted. Arunachala also has this reputation. This is why so many people come here on a full moon night and walk around it. But very few people come here and ask for their complete freedom, for undisturbed peace.

Arunachala is a light. It shines whether or not you believe in it. It is the light of the Self, and the light of the Self will continue to shine on you whether you believe it or not.

Arunachala is greater than all other religious places. There are other holy, powerful places in the world, but none have the power of Arunachala . . . There is a huge amount of shakti, or spiritual energy, here.

[Annamalai Swami]

27 May 2009

What is Arunachala?

"Can you possibly understand how someone can love this Mountain? It is Shiva Himself embodied here. This is a holy spot – not all the town and its people and temples – but Arunachala itself. I am bound to the mountain. I don't think you understand how potent this energy is. I don't think you understand that my faith is not in a guru or a teacher or a path, but in Arunachala Himself. It is He my heart communes with, it is He who takes all my burdens. He is alive and all powerful; His Presence imbues the whole earth and air of this place. You can hold it in your hand like honey. He breathes you in and breathes Himself back into you. It is tangible, concrete, solid. I tell you, forget philosophy – He lifts my heart and bestows such peace and beauty, my soul is imprinted with His grace. This is not a mountain of mere, inanimate rock. You would have to come and taste for yourself. But who could describe this, you have to feel for yourself.

Transformation occurs, but it is hidden. It is a mystery. You wake up one day, and that which tormented you your whole life has softened, that which obsessed you your whole life is a whisper, a shadow. The mind can't touch it, and there is not even any interest in calculating, comparing, labelling. It is like camphor, you can see wisps of smoke and smell the wonderful odour, but you cannot grab it and put it into a box. Grace is free and flows as a mystery. I know nothing. I know nothing about any 'process'. All I know is what rises up from the depth of my being – and that no words or thought can define……...

Such a mystery this Silence of the Hill, such a mystery."

[An American lady]

The Frog Prince

For the first hundred years at the bottom of the well, the frog prince rehearsed his memoir. It went like this: He was born into a sweet life of silks and pastries. The one day this humpbacked hag of a peasant came to plead her case before the king. What did she want? Something trivial. When the hag didn't get what she wanted, she cursed the king's eldest son. Him. The hero of the story. The poor prince had done nothing to deserve this wretched fate, cast down into the lowest, dampest, darkest place in the kingdom, with the kiss from a princess his only hope of becoming human again.

Waiting for the princess to transform him, he had plenty of time to think. And just to be. His days went back like this. Breathe in. Breathe out. Day after year after decade, no princess came to the well.

In time he ceased to repeat his story and only sat with his eyes at the waterline. Breathe in. Breathe out. It was enough to be a frog, to eat what crawled at the bottom of the well. To breathe in. To breathe out. To think of youth, and old age and suffering.

But when the golden ball splashed into the water in front of him and the princess began to weep at the lip of the well, her sobbing touched his heart. He knew that returning her treasure would be a small gesture. She would lose many more things in life, and seldom any as easy to recover as a golden ball. He knew, too, that even if she did kiss him, he would be only a prince. When he emerged from the well, she would be repulsed by him at first, then adore him, and perhaps be repulsed by him again years from now. And he by her, perhaps.

Breathe in. Breathe out. He was content, and he might have remained a frog forever. But the story is still told to this day because he took the golden ball in his mouth and climbed toward the light and the weeping.

[Bruce Rogers]