Chairperson of the Debts Appellate Tribunal recently said (at a Chennai meeting), that Banks should be required to take steps to register mortgaged properties. At present equitable mortgage is not reflected in encumbrance certificates issued by registration offices. Thus, people buying mortgaged properties come to know of an encumbrance only when the property is put up for sale.
If such a regulation was put into effect, it would go some way in ensuring potential property purchasers (throughout Tamil Nadu, and in particular Tiruvannamalai District) would know right at the beginning of negotiations the extent of all existing mortgage encumbrances on the property they wished to purchase.
Below another water feature in the quiet section of the Mountain of Medicine.
So, I have talked alot about Samudram Lake, and here is a spectacular view of the lake from the embankment with its magnificent view of Arunachala.
These photographs are also taken from the Lake embankment and show the proximity of Arunachala and gives one an idea of what a blessing it would be to maintain and ensure a pristine area dedicated to the joyful simplicity of the welfare of birds, both migratory and local.
While I was visiting at the Animal Shelter this afternoon, a young lady brought in a bag filled of 'dead' endangered migratory waterbirds that she had taken from some hunters who where loitering near her home. Wishing to bring the extent of the hunting of endangered birds to the notice of officials, she brought the bag filled with the 'dead' birds to the Animal Shelter for their advice and support. It was very brave of her to face down several hunters in order to confiscate the evidence of the dead birds. Hopefully the protection of birds and wildlife in this area can now start on an 'official level'.
What was particularly distressing to learn is that it is the fisherman and local agriculturalists who are calling in hunters in order to destroy the competition to the food chain.
Samudram Lake is about 550 acres and gets fully flooded and filled during the rainy season. For about 3 months the lake is filled to overflowing and then after the rainy season is over, increasingly the hot, sunny days and demands on the Muncipal water table, slowly lower the Lake. Eventually it dries out to just a watery puddle.
The Collector (the person in charge of the Local Municipality and its major decision maker) was recently approached regarding turning Samudram Lake into a protected bird sanctuary. He is currently considering proposals, but seems to be quite interested. Eventually all the farms around the lake will be sold to developers and adjacent lands will get built up with houses and flats; at that time having the Samudram Lake, well maintained and protected for migratory and local water-birds will be like New York with its park right in the middle. [Central Park in New York is 843 acres, and Hyde Park in London 608 acres].
However as Indians are generally not as 'health conscious' as Westerners, Samudram Lake won't need bicycle or jogging tracks around the perimeter! That's a relief!
The below picture is taken last year from high up, when the water of the Lake had receded from the trees skirting the perimeter of Municipal land. As Samudram Lake is a natural water catchment for water during the rainy season, it cannot be developed; or at least not in our life-time, maybe later when land will be HUGELY EXPENSIVE, all of a sudden like Bangalore, things will change and some bright spark will decide to try converting some of the lake land into building tracts!
The below is of a nice sunny day at the lakeside.
So, I was walking home on my way back from my appointment at the dental clinic at Rangammal Hospital and was enchanted by the sight of this friendly mechanic working on his auto with Arunachala in the background and his adoring puppy at his feet.
But will that adoring pooch leave his master alone for long enough for him to do his work? Well pooch didn't give Dad a chance during the time I was chatting. But after all its a long day!
Some new arrangements designed to make giripradakshina easier for devotees were unveiled for the first time this month. These arrangements include the opening of a newly laid tiled pathway on part of the girivalam roadway from Anna Arch to Abhaya Mandapam. Also fire service personnel took measures inside Arunachaleswarar Temple to mitigate the distress of bare footed devotees walking on the scorching stone flooring inside the Temple premises.
The three major spiritual Festivals which form a high point in the annual cycle: Festival of Easter (at the Aries full moon) Festival of Wesak (at the Taurus full moon) Festival of Goodwill (at the Gemini full moon)
Its never going to look this good again!